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Dog Food Research Paper

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In order to make the best dog food and build a list of dog food recipes we must first know which are the best ingredients to use. There are many dog food brands on the market today that offer high quality nutritional foods to maintain a dog’s good health. By reading labels one can see which are the best ingredients to choose. Here are the top dog food ingredients that should be included in any dog food recipe.
For Meat Protein – Chicken And Fish
In order to stay healthy, alert and strong a dog must have a good amount of protein. Chicken and fish are the best sources of protein for dogs. That protein should come from the meat itself not from a “chicken or fish meal” type product. When checking the ingredients on a label of dog food the amount of protein listed does …show more content…
Carbohydrates provide the energy your dog needs to be active. Brown rice is preferred over white rice because it contains an extra fiber which makes it easier to consume and digest.
Fatty Acids – Omega-3 And Omega-6
Fatty acids are an essential part of dog food nutrition. Adding omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to a dog’s diet will help him develop strong muscles, bright eyes and a healthy coat. These acids can best be found in oils derived from chicken or fish, other sources such as vegetable or canola oils are also good.
Fillers – Gluten
Products like corn and corncobs, feathers, soy, cottonseed hulls, peanut hulls, citrus pulp and cereal by-products are often included by some pet food manufacturers as inexpensive filler ingredients. Gluten is a composite protein conjoined with starch and is found in some grass related grains such as wheat, rye, barley and corn. Corn gluten if used in small amounts acts as a calming base for forming the stool in the colon, and helps develop fecal consistency. It also provides the energy needed for a dog to be

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