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Dominating Relationships Case Study

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Almost 60% of women report being abused at some point in their lives. (Chiles) Abuse could potentially be the most damaging aspect about being in a dominating relationship. Thus, termination of the relationship is the only solution in particular cases, however others could be salvageable. Furthermore, others outside of the relationship might be able to offer assistance; the only way to overcome this problem is for the subordinate partner to take action on the problem. Consequently, if domination becomes a problem in your relationship, it can be resolved by evaluating your morals, communicating with your partner that you see an issue in the equality of values, taking action, and finally revisiting the state of the relationship.
The first step …show more content…
After sometime the effects should be noticeable. After a few days, weeks, and or months it is important to look back on the relationship. Are you happier now than you were then? Did your partner make empty promises to change? If considerable efforts made by your partner to successfully change themselves, you have overcome this obstacle in your relationship. With that said, it is important to revisit your morals on a regular basis. On the other hand, if your partner is still dominating the relationship and making you unhappy it is time to consider termination of this relationship. In some instances, relationships between two people aren’t meant to work, therefore if you have put in effort without any rewards this relationship might not be worth saving. Ending the relationship could be a difficult task, but in addressing the problem and putting a solution into action has given the submissive partner self-empowerment. With this newfound empowerment it is possible to leave this person and refuse to be submissive in a …show more content…
Friends and family might claim that if a dominating parter doesn’t treat their partner perfectly then they aren’t worthy of the relationship. Granted, this is partially true, prolonged or extreme physical and emotional abuse is never acceptable, therefore should immediately experience termination. However, if the domination is brief and non-threatening it is possible that a relationship worthy of saving is at risk. In addition, humans are not perfect, therefore, make mistakes, for those reasons second chances are applicable for offenses that are not numerous or over grievous. In contrast temptation to save an abusive relationship might cause an unending number of second chances, which also adds to the problem. A relationship should be an equal partnership, because of this making excuses for your partner is one sign that a relationship isn’t as fulfilling as one originally thought. Finding a balance between giving second chances and making excuses is important, and the solution proposed gives a satisfying balance between those

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