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Donald Trump's Illegal Immigrants

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You asked why I would vote for him after you made such statements.
Question: HIS parents were German and Swedish illegal immigrants.
Answer: Donald Trump’s Grandfather Friedrich Trump arrived in New York City on Oct. 17, 1885. Around the 1900’s Friedrich Trump returned to Germany, but the authorities determined that he had become an American and had to leave Germany. (Grier, 2015)
Question: He disrespected women in the most humane way possible.
Answer: Donald Trump has two daughters, Ivanka Trump and Tiffany Trump If he was so disrespectful towards women’s rights why would his eldest daughter have such a key role in his business.
Question: he disrespect our troops.
Answer: “The feuding between Mr. Trump and Senator McCain has nothing …show more content…
Answer: This statement like the rest were taken out of context. It was directed toward illegal immigration and how in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, are the ones to come into this country. Trump even went onto write that "Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally," (Walker, …show more content…
Question: he went bankrupt 4 times!
Answer: Donald Trump net worth is 4 billion (US) in order to achieve this sum you must take risks. Sometimes the risks pay sometimes they don’t.
Question: More then 19 Business have cut ties with Donald Trump.
Answer: it is my opinion that this is a good thing. In Congress you have lobbyists. A lobbyist is someone hired by a business or a cause to persuade legislators to support that business or cause. Lobbyists get paid to win favor from politicians ( example: Wal-Mart wants to tear down a local animal habitat and place a store there. The American citizen vote’s no. a lobbyist from Wal-Mart talks to the Senator and now there is a Wal-Mart. (this was a fictitious example and in no way based on true events)
Question: he had more wife then a Muslim
Answer : I will use Afghanistan as an example since I have been there and wouldn’t want this to be taken out of context The Republic of Afghanistan, which is an Islamic Republic under Sharia Law, allows for polygyny. Afghan men may take up to four wives, as Islam allows for such. Unless Trump Practices Polygyny which he doesn’t this argument is invalid.

Voting for Donald Trumps means

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