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Milk Crates Research Paper

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As you begin to build your record collection, it is important not only to maintain your records but to also decide what you will use to store your records. Properly cleaning your records will not only increase the longevity of your records, but it will help avoid or troubleshoot any playback issues you may be experiencing. Frequently, a person may be having issues playing a brand new record which sounds good and free of pops and clicks. This may not be due to a pressing issue or scratch, instead may be easily fixed by cleaning a record. Both new and used records are commonly in need of cleaning in order to achieve the best sound possible. Not to mention, developing GOOD cleaning skills will allow you to pick up used records which …show more content…
This is taken extremely serious to the point where a website, has been established as a service of the International Dairy Foods Association to help deter the unauthorized use of milk crates! The intention of milk crates are to allow the dairy industry to transport and deliver milk to convenience stores, which happens on a daily occurrence more often that most other products, in a way that is environmentally friendly. Often convenience stores leave their milk crates outside, allowing the milk delivery person to easily access them. According to Got Milk Crates, the crates are not primarily stolen for personal home use, but are often stolen by other businesses for use within the restaurant and catering industry. A plastic milk crate can also yield up to $4 a crate when sold to scrap recyclers which definitely aids in the milk crate theft issue. Due to the degree of which crates are stolen, many states have imposed laws that make not only the theft of milk crates illegal, but improperly using them, damaging them and being in possession of them can get you in

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