Premium Essay

Double Standards


Submitted By ShaVonnewebb
Words 250
Pages 1
ShaVonne D. Webb
Eng 1020 CRN# 10408
SP 2015
March 3, 2015
Do you ever feel unbalanced in your relationship? You’re unsure why, but you have a strong feeling that you’re being treated unfairly? Don’t worry, you’re not being delusional, you are simply a victim of the double standard. What are double standards in a relationship? These are guidelines or rules that apply to you, but conveniently don’t apply to your boyfriend/ girlfriend.
All over the world both women and men have an imaginary line around them called standards. This line shows a level of prohibition that one can do with his or her actions. Although these standards have an equal toll on both females and males there is one standard in which both genders play against each other; this is called the Double Standard. One of the most popular double standards is sexual behavior. This standard gives different level of acceptance due to different situation in which men are allowed to do things that women cannot and women are allowed to do things that men cannot. This double standard is an unfair and society gives both genders power over one another.
This standard makes people believe that if a man has sex with a lot of women then he is considered “the man,” and is praised for his behavior, but if a woman were to have sex with a lot of men then she would be considered a “slut” and is judged for her behavior.

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