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Down with the People


Submitted By sabing01
Words 1136
Pages 5
Down With the People Who’s to blame for the political mess? You. By: Jacob Weisberg America wants everything to just fix itself or be fixed by the government but without the government growing. In fact most Americans would rather lessen government as a whole, though this is more of a republican view then a democratic one. (I guess everyone is bias based on his or her own wants, opinions, and favorable party.) Weisberg continues by stating in the article that one year ago 59% of Americans liked the economic stimulus plan but after a few months almost the same majority said Barack Obama was spending too much money on it. Though I don’t really agree with Barack Obama on really anything, I do see the conflicts and compromises that go into making such a big plan with a lot of pressure on it. Unfortunately Americans tend to change their mind a lot, due to freedom of speech and all that. This can make pleasing the majority of people even more difficult than it had been before. Personally I don’t think Weisberg did that great of a job explaining this subject, it just sounds like he’s complaining about everything and everybody with a very narrow minded attitude. As a current teenager I know that the outcome of this plan will likely affect my generation the most in the coming years if not the generations after ours. In my opinion the plan is a good idea but the way they want it to be executed is not. To me government programs are just made for lazy, and most of the time uneducated people who did not apply themselves to the extent of their abilities. Yes there are exceptions but very few. Unemployment should be more limited, Welfare should be more selective to who they give money to or we will have more OctoMoms who have several children just to get more welfare. It was actually appealing when he made the joke about people spending more time “watching American

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