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Dr. Stephanie White, the Chief Administrator of Uptown Clinic, a Community Mental Health Agency, Is Concerned About the Dilemma of Coping with Reduced Budgets Next Year and Into the Foreseeable Future but Increasing


Submitted By jazzytif25
Words 905
Pages 4
Unit 2 – Cost Management
AIU Online – ACCT310
February 24, 2013

This is a paper that will explain the difference between cost accounting and managerial accounting. It will describe the aspects of the philosophy of lean production. Also, those principles will be compared to those principles of a typical production. Lastly, recommendations for the reductions needed for Dr. White’s clinic will be given.

Cost accounting systems are useful for managers to use when trying to figure out the best ways to determine the cost of producing and manufacturing their products. They help in ways to manage each activity done such as machine hours for particular business production tasks. The information obtained can also help to determine and evaluate the performance of employees as well as reward performance. The information provided by cost accounting tools can be divided into external and internal; which may make cost determination much easier. There are, also, different types of accounting for businesses. Specifically, managerial accounting differs from that of cost accounting. (Wild and Shaw, 2012).
Managerial Accounting
This type of accounting has more to do with the actual recording of a business’ financial endeavors. It is the recording of fiscal sales within the business as well as reporting them in the monetary statements. It involves the generation of advice from certain accounting tools that help in making financial decisions and plans and maintaining them. It is a help aid for managers to be able to look at a company’s money status and make plans accordingly. It usually consists of financial information within a particular time frame. For example, weekly reports and monthly reports would be seen in managerial accounting data. (Wild and Shaw, 2012).
Cost Accounting
Cost accounting

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