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Dr Tree Short Story

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Dr. Tree and Dr. Cones, our heroes for this journey, are fresh out of medical school and are prepping for their first surgery: a heart transplant. Since these two heroes desired to be doctors, but didn’t want to actually attend school or do any of the work, they twaddled their way to the top. Miraculously, Dell Children's Hospital in Austin, TX has hired Tree and Cones to perform an operation that could determine their future in the medical field forever. Therefore, having little to no experience with anything related to medicine, this surgery is set up to be a complete failure. On their first day, the intercom of the hospital announces, “Dr. Tree and Dr. Cones to the ER. Dr. Tree and Dr. Cones to the ER,” telling our heroic doctors that they …show more content…
Anyway, we gotta bust this guy open, rip his heart out, and slap in a new one.”
“Oh that’s a lot…” Dr. Tree states as he chuckles.
Dr. Cones nodded. “Million-dollar man style, except it’s more like a billion now, though.”
Dr. Tree picks up a pair of scissors off the medical supply tray and accidentally drops them into the patient’s rib cage. He has an ambivalent attitude to his most recent action. “AAP! Well, there go the scissors!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, there they go. We didn’t need those anyway,” Dr. Cones retorts in an upset and sarcastic manner.
Dr. Tree grabs the surgical draping and swoops it across the table containing the new heart and other medical supplies. This results in the new heart disappearing because he swept it out of the box it was being held in. They soon realized it was gone, but they had no idea where it went.
Dr. Cones was very angry and confused as he painfully cried out, “Where’s the heart?! It’s …show more content…
Tree is a very lighthearted person, he started to laugh nervously as he said, “And for my next trick, I will pull out his ribs!”
Both Dr. Tree and Dr. Cones start to look for the heart because they desperately need it in order to complete this surgery and keep their jobs. Cones is crawling on the floor searching for the heart. “I think it’s on the floor and I’m pretty sure the 5 second rule doesn’t apply here, dude. We can’t just blow dirt off of it. How are we gonna find it??”
Dr. Tree started a sentence with, “It might be over…,” but got distracted by the buzz saw on the medical supply tray. He got excited and wailed, “Oh look! It’s a pizza cutter!” He clumsily knocks over the radio next to the operating table while trying to pick up buzz saw. “AAP! I dropped the radio! The music’s gone!” he shouted.
Dr. Cone continues to search for the heart and eventually finds it on the floor. “Okay we got the heart,” he declared. Feeling victorious about the fact that he found it, he tosses it into the air. Dr. Tree picks up the pizza cutter and throws it at the heart while it is still mid-air, due to Dr. Cones’ triumphant throw, driving it into the heart and into the wall. This causes the buzz saw and heart to get stuck and splatter on the

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