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Border Hedge Research Paper

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A PHYSICAL BARRIER ALONG THE BORDER For the last 16 years, illegal immigrants are trying to enter the United States’ region and this situation are ending up with six thousand dead bodies over the Mexico – the US border. Trying to get into the country, there are so many victims. They are dying because it is very dangerous to try passing borderline illegally. Also, elections are coming soon. This will be a chance to bring up building a hedge along the border. Presidential candidate Donald Trump said he will build a great wall provided that he will be chosen whatever it does cost. On the other hand, the opponents of building a wall over the border assert that it will be a waste of money and it makes so much money. Building a barrier along the …show more content…
There are many people who passed illegally over the border and they work for lower money than a US citizen. This situation makes it harder for legal immigrants. Citizens are getting angry for immigrants, therefore they also want to build a fence between the US and the Mexico boundary. The US government can prevent illegal immigrations because they have a power which should be used to drop illegal immigrations. A wall’s cost is defined that it would cost about $25 million to construct (Drew, 2015). But if America build a wall across the border, it will save more money than $25 million because it affects the whole country. American people will understand how important to stop illegal immigrations. Donald Trump, who is the presidential candidate, also mentioned that he will construct a big fence along the border whatever cost it is. Illegal immigrants can easily walk into the US’ region without a big wall. Illegal immigrants also influence the US’ economy because they are working less money due to the fact that citizens do not find jobs and unemployment is increasing. A big wall can be saver for those who suffer from illegal

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