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Driving In Golf Research Paper

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Learning how to drive in golf is an art form, and it is essential that your swing is proper in order for you to make consistently solid shots every time you tee off. A solid drive will set the pace for each hole. You can improve your golf score by adopting a few of the following tips and tricks in learning how to drive in golf.

Position Of Your Feet & Golf Ball

When you are taking a regular shot on the fairway with your wood, generally the ball will be midway between both your front and back feet, with your toes pointed in front of you. However, when you are learning how to drive in golf, you want the ball to be a little closer to your front foot. In addition, your front foot should be cocked slightly so that the toes of your front foot are attempting to point …show more content…
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being very soft and 10 being a very strong golf grip), you want your hand grip pressure to be about a 3. You want your grip to be gentle, yet allow you to still maintain control over your club.

Hand Placement

Rest the club grip at the base of your left hand's fingers (for right-handers). Wrap the fingers around, and rest your thumb on top of the grip so your thumb is facing directly down the shaft of the club. Your right hand's thumb should align below your left thumb. As you wrap your right hand's fingers around the club, place your right pinky finger in between your index and middle fingers of your left hand.

Angle Of Your Hips, Spine & Knees

The golf angle of your body's joints plays a big part in a good solid drive. Try not to lean into your ball too much. You almost want to be reaching for the ball.

Your spine, hips and knees should be bent so that your shoulders are directly over your knees in a lateral line. Be conscious that you are not bending too much, especially at the knees, because this will make it much harder for you to post your left leg during your

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