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Intelligence Community's Analytic Standards

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1. To what extent are the Intelligence Community’s Analytic Standards, contained in Intelligence Community Directive 203 (ICD 203), an effective framework and set of core principles for improving the quality of intelligence analysis? What, in your view, are the two most important standards, and why? Comprised of the intelligence community’s (IC) core principles, the Analytic Standards clearly convey expectations, guidelines, ethics, and responsibilities for effective analysts to follow. 1 The five analytic standards, along with the nine Analytic Tradecraft Standards, detail the desirable attributes that increase the probability of successful analysis. Objective, independent of political consideration, timely, based on all available sources …show more content…
Consciously retaining an objective posture minimizes the opportunities of biases injecting themselves, thus permitting superior analysis. Analysts must strive to look at alternative outcomes and all of the information presented in each problem set, which permits a more robust analysis. Additionally, allowing biases to shape analysis increase the possibility of intelligence failures, as seen in several of the largest analytical failures in United States history. Finally, complacency often clouds objectivity, driving the analyst to base conclusions on previous assessments. Impartial analysts see the solution clearly, allowing logical and critical thinking to drive the analysis, making it an indispensable Analytic Standard. Understanding the importance of timeliness in analysis is crucial in meeting analytical needs. Time serves as one of the most important parameters to analysts. Accordingly, analysis loses significant value if it is no longer actionable by the customer. Therefore, providing the best product possible, within the allocated time constraint, is the goal of all …show more content…
Utilizing attributes from the other methods and incorporating key elements the other systems lack assists in developing a self-correcting system. Scientific inquiry entails the following essential elements: use of the hypothesis, objective methods, transparency, replicability, peer review, and provisional results, which proponents believe improve reliability.9 However, critics cite that scientific method does not maximize intelligence analysis and needs an incorporation of reasoning and intuition. Overall, historical records indicate that the scientific method best mitigates error and improves overall reliability in comparison to the other four

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