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Fish Persuasive Essay

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Have you every wondered why that bird is blue, why that dog has short legs, Or why that fish has such long fins? If you answered yes to any of those questions I would continue reading if I were you...
Animals evolve and adapt to their surroundings constantly. One reason is climate change. As pollution fills the air because of factories and other ozone damaging instruments it changes the climate and environment in many different ways. As the ozone deteriorates it allows more harmful rays from the sun to reach the surface of the earth and raise the climate. As the climate climbs, penguins and other snow dwelling animals. Ice and snow begin to perish as water floods the area, the creatures have no where to retreat to and are trapped in the small …show more content…
Before humans came to certain countries animals thrived and flourished in every way, they had ample amounts of food and water, and plenty of living space. As humans began to discover these spaces they took the animals land and used it for anything they wanted including growing crops, collecting water, and cutting down the trees to make space for their houses and other buildings. As the human population grows the animal population is slowly declining. Some way the animals have evolved is through hibernation. Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms. Hibernation is when an animal finds a place to sleep and searches for food, once they have found food they eat as much as possible and begin the process of hibernation. Once hibernation begins they slow their breathing, heart rate, and lower their metabolic rate and sleep. The reason for hibernation is the lack of food and things to explore during the frigid winter. Another adaptation is developing a large layer of fat. The animals of the subartic, tundra, and ice cap climate zones grow this large layer of fat to stay warm year round in the extreme weather. Another reason for this adaptation is if they cannot find a source of food for an

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