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Driving Under The Influence On Drunk Driving

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Driving Under the Influence What if there were no laws? Imagine a world with no rules the freedom to do whatever we please. Sounds good right? Now imagine having to bury your daughter who was killed by a drunk driver to find out his blood alcohol content was way above the legal blood alcohol content limit of 0.8 and he thought it was okay to drive home. According to Statics reported in 2003 for every half hour at least one death occurs relating to drunk driving. A new law proposed by the National Transpiration Safety Board Lowering the legal limit from 0.08% to 0.05% in hopes to reducing drivers getting behind the wheel intoxicated and impaired. I believe reducing the blood alcohol content to 0.05% would reduce the number of fatalities or even people getting behind the wheel. This would equal two drinks for an average man that weighs about …show more content…
The National Transportation Safety Board can only impose what they think and voice their opinion, it is all up to the states and federal government to pass this law to lower the blood alcohol content.
Drunk Driving affects every American everyday whether you’re the one behind the wheel that had been drinking or the person being hit by a drunk driver. Drunk driving is still the number one cause of deaths on our streets and freeways. Two out of three people will be affected by a drunk driving crash in their lifetime. As a matter of a fact I am a part of that Statics. I was hit by drunk driver three days before my high school graduation in 2013. A group of friends and I were on our way home like we were supposed to do from eating and hanging out with another group of friends. We were on the freeway when it came to a sudden halt. About a minute passed after we stopped then all I remember it turning pitch black and I felt my body being thrown around in the backseat of the car. After the car stopped moving I looked around and saw the door had been blown off but what really got to me and confused

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