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Fate And Sophocles Oedipus The King

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Fate and Sophocles The story of Oedipus the King tells an unfortunate and disgusting story; a story with twisted fates and tragic destiny, but fate and destiny are presented differently than some might think. In the story, Oedipus’ fate is told to kill his father and lay with his mother, soon wife. In an attempt to avoid his fate Oedipus leaves his “parents”, but in doing so he encounters his real father and kills him without knowing who he just killed. He then travels to his real home and marries his father’s wife, his mom, and later lays with her.
Oedipus, in all his efforts, could not escape his so laid out ahead of him by dread gods. This is what Sophocles determined of fate, “Fate has terrible power, you cannot escape it by wealth or

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