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Personal Narrative: My Failure In College

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I want to start this by thanking you all for taking the time to read this and considering my position. I am going to get right to the point. I failed two out of three classes, there are no excuses I can make to cover this up. I failed due to my own setbacks, I skipped far too many classes, stayed up late, didn’t ask for help when I needed it, I chose silly things over studying, I began to struggle emotionally with myself and I didn’t ask for help. I set myself up for failure. I easily could have chose to study instead of nap, or to go to class instead of the movie, or when I knew that I was suffering emotionally I should have went and got help from an RA or counselor.
But when I knew I needed the help the most I didn’t ask for it. There are lots of excuses I could pull;I had my first roommate leave after the first few days of being moved in on campus, she was then replaced by someone who I didn’t get along very well with and made living in the dorms stressful, but none of those really added to my failure. …show more content…
I was overwhelmed by the freedom of college. I came from a home where my parents constantly had all eyes, ears, and control on me. They constantly pushed me to perform to their standards, and to try and pick up their ideals; I just want to clarify that I am not in anyway complaining about, or blaming my parents. I love them beyond words. I am saying that I did have a lot more trouble adjusting to suddenly being completely independent and almost alone in college. I had so much freedom, so many choices and opportunities to finally explore who I was and who I wanted to be and I abused it. I abused it, but I also grew from it. I began to learn more and more things about myself, and I finally seemed to settle one of my biggest inner issues… my

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