...vi gjorde det meget i butterbeans. Så fandt han en anden, en rødhåret sangerinde, jeg smed hans dyne ud ad vinduet. Bagefter lå jeg på gulvet i over et døgn, det var sidst i marts. Når den eneste, man vil have ind i sig, ikke længere er der. Det regnede. Jeg skråede over pladsen. Skydedøren sad fast, jeg stod og hev i den. Pigen derinde kom ud og fjernede en klump våde servietter, der blokerede skinnen. Så åbnede hun for mig, gik tilbage til disken. – En fransk hotdog med almindelig dressing, sagde jeg. – Det får du. Hun lagde brød i maskinen. Samlede en cigaret op fra askebægeret og sugede på den. Jeg havde lige penge parat. Hendes hånd var bleg og klejn, håret sat op i en tynd hestehale oven på hovedet. Måske var hun nitten eller tyve, hun smilede med et lidt kantet tandsæt: – Tænk, det er den første franske hotdog på hele aftenen. – Er det rigtigt? Hun nikkede: – Mm. Mærkeligt nok i det her vejr. Så plejer folk ellers at komme ind og stå. Vi kiggede begge ud, hun sugede igen på cigaretten. Jeg ville også ryge og ledte i mit net. Gulvet flød med servietter. Jeg fandt pakken og fik rystet en ud, hun skubbede sin lighter over disken. – Det er virkelig nogle pæne øreringe, sagde hun. – Tak. Jeg er også glad for dem. – Jeg har nikkelallergi, jeg kan ikke tåle noget som helst, sagde hun og pustede røg op i luften, jeg gjorde det samme. Tilfældigvis havde vi begge gemt en mundfuld til en røgring, som vi skød imod hinanden på...
Words: 2636 - Pages: 11
...Northern California Geolo Geology of Northern California Frank DeCourten Department of Earth Science Sierra College Standing more than 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above the surrounding terrain, Mt. Shasta is the largest volcano in northern California and symbolizes the dynamic geologic processes that have shaped a spectacular landscape. 63829_02_insidecover.qxd 11/25/08 12:53 AM Page ii ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction Ⅲ What are northern California’s physiographic provinces? Ⅲ What is the Farallon subduction zone? al Ⅲ What two types of plate boundaries exist in northern California today? th Ⅲ What are terranes, how do they originate, and why are they important in northern California? Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s Geologic alifornia’s Ge Backbone Ⅲ What is the Sierra Nevada batholith? rra batholi Ⅲ What kinds of rocks surround the Sierra Nevada batholith? ra Ⅲ When and how was the modern Sierra Nevada uplifted? e Ⅲ What types of gold deposits occur in the Sierra Nevada? e? Ⅲ What is the Mother Lode? Northern California.3 The Klamath M Mountains t ath an Ne evada Ⅲ In what ways are the Klamath Mountains and the Sierra Nevada similar? ds ro o ath M Ⅲ What kinds of rocks comprise the ophiolites in the Klamath Mountains and what tectonic events do they signify? ineral occu th ntai Ⅲ What mineral resources occur in the Klamath Mountains? Northern California...
Words: 29429 - Pages: 118
...Fold along perforation before detatching cards abridge ˘ (´ BRI J) abstract ˘ (ab STRAKT) acclaim ¯ (´ KLAM) adulation ¯ (a j´ LA sh´n) ˘ adversary ˘ (AD vû(r) se r e ˘ ¯) adversity ¯) (a VÛ(R) s´ te ˘d advocate ˘ ¯ (AD v´ ka t) aesthetic ˘ ˘ (e THE tı k) ˘s affirmation ¯ (a f´ r MA shun) ˘ v. condense or shorten. v. applaud; announce with great approval. also n. adj. theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational. The NBC sportscasters acclaimed every American victory in the Olympics and decried every American defeat. To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he had never missed a meal. Because the publishers felt the public wanted a shorter version of War and Peace, they proceeded to abridge the novel. n. poverty; misfortune. n. opponent. n. flattery; admiration. We must learn to meet adversity gracefully. The young wrestler struggled to defeat his adversary. The rock star thrived on the adulation of his groupies and yes-men. n. positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath. adj. artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful. aesthete, n. v. urge; plead for. Despite Tom’s affirmations of innocence, Aunt Polly still suspected he had eaten the pie. The beauty of Tiffany’s stained glass appealed to Esther’s aesthetic sense. The abolitionists advocated freedom for the slaves. Fold along perforation...
Words: 6076 - Pages: 25
...2012 Doing business in a more transparent world C O M PA R I N G R E G U L AT I O N F O R D O M E S T I C F I R M S I N 1 8 3 E C O N O M I E S © 2012 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 08 07 06 05 A copublication of The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818...
Words: 173471 - Pages: 694