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Dump File


Submitted By kennguyenusa
Words 749
Pages 3
TDC463 –Lab01: IP Static Routing

Learning Objective:
1. 2. 3. Learn the basics of Cisco IOS commands. Configure static routing paths on Cisco router Learn the Linux tools to test route paths

2. Network Diagram
Host1 fa0/1 R1 s0/1/0 s0/1/0 R2 s0/1/1 R3 s0/1/1 Host2 fa0/0

3. Lab Configuration Procedure
Preliminary ‐ IP address Assignment Machine Host1 Host2 R1 R2 R3 You will be shown steps later to configure these addresses. Make sure that you do not change configuration of interfaces other than the ones mentioned above. Step 1: Make a reservation for this lab like you did in the preliminary lab. Step 2: When it’s your reserved time slot, connect to the DL Pod as you did in the preliminary lab. Interface eth1 eth1 fa0/1 s0/1/0 s0/1/0 s0/1/1 fa0/0 s0/1/1 IP Address (Mask)

Summer II 2012

TDC463 – lab01

Page 1 of 4

Step 3: Configure the IP addresses on the routers Remember that you need to enter the following commands to get into the configuration mode: enable conf term R1 int fa0/1 ip address no shutdown int s0/1/0 ip address no shutdown exit Step 4: Configure the Static Routes. R1 ip route ip route exit R2 int s0/1/0 ip address no shutdown int s0/1/1 ip address no shutdown exit R3 Configure R3 with the IP addreses given in the table on page 1. (Follow the examples of R1 and R2)

R2 ip route ip route exit R3 ip route

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Is3440 Linux Security Lab 1

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