...The Case Study Approach Linda P. Williams Liberty University Online Author Note Linda P. Williams, Department of Psychology, Liberty University Online Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Linda P. Williams, Department of Psychology, Liberty University Online, 1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, VA 24515, E-mail: lwilliams91@liberty.edu The Case Study Approach Introduction At some point during the pursuit of a degree psychology, the time comes when a student must learn various research techniques. One of the many approaches is case study, which this paper will focus on. Areas of discussion include reasons for using a case study, advantages/disadvantages to the approach, and ways acquire information to perform a case study. The essence of a case study A case study is used to offer a mental accounting of a person, school, neighborhood, business, or group of individuals over the course of time, way of research. It is sometimes referred to as naturalistic observation, but does not always follow the same protocol. Mental accounting is done by means of observation of various behavior or mind sets operating in their natural environment. This is noteworthy, especially when participants have a distinct disorder worthy of being studied to further the cause of research and development. Depending on the purpose of the investigation, the case study may present the individual’s history, symptoms, characteristic behaviors, reactions to situations...
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...Appendix E Title:Pros and cons of online education for educators and students Author(s):Hadley Leavell , Balasundram Maniam and Sara Lange Nagel Source:International Journal of Business Research. 11.6 (Nov. 2011): p136. From Academic OneFile. Document Type:Report Abstract: Online education offers students an anytime/anywhere method of receiving an advanced knowledge. Proponents point out the increased access will level the playing field for all. This study explores the benefits and issues for those tasked with those who are teaching the students and the students themselves. This study focuses on the higher education faculty and students who enroll in online courses. The pros of online education will be balanced with the possible cons of Internet education versus face-to-face education. Finally, the study also presented the results of student perception of technology use in classroom (traditional as well as online classes). Keywords: Online Education, technology, distance learning, web-based learning 1. INTRODUCTION Higher education started in 1088 in Europe at the University of Bologna and although many changes have occurred, brick and mortar classrooms have been the primary means of education ever since. (Universitas de Bologna). However, the social media changes in the past ten years have altered the landscape more dramatically. The computer has transcended from a data manipulation tool to a means of constant communication between individual and among large groups...
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...University of LaVerne Point Mugu, California COURSE: Management Information Systems – BUS 410 INSTRUCTOR: Eric Weinstein Phone: (805) 208-4533 E-mail: eweinstein@laverne.edu URL: http://www.ericsoftwaresolutions.com CLASS TIME: Wednesdays 5:00-10:00p.m. (10 sessions) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provides an end user an overview of information systems viewed from the needs of management. Covers different aspects of system design and implementation including: data processing, collection, storage, updating and retrieval. “Real world” cases will be used to illustrate concepts described in class. COURSE MATERIALS: TEXT: Information Technology for Management. Advancing Sustainable, Profitable Business Growth. Ninth Edition. Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino, Gregory R. Wood. COURSE EVALUATION: Course Grades: This class uses the + / - grading system. The following breakout depicts how grades will be assigned under this system. Please note that final letter grade assignment is subjective. I will not necessarily assign the grade represented by your weighted score. |Grades |Percentage | |A |93 up to 100 | |A- |90 up to 93 | |B+ |87 up to 90 | |B |83 up to 87 | |B- |80 up to 83 ...
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...belief forms a bed rock of personal responsibility for oneself and all being, and structures that demands personal best behavior in all situations. Personal Responsibility is an obligation to do right to oneself, to family, to friends or to society. By Accepting this obligations, individual will be always aware of feelings, and needs of others a genuine care for other people. By applying it in daily life society can at least minimized behavioral conflicts. In that way, it is easy to understands and adapt each other's opinions, critics, and suggestions. If all students will learn to develop personal responsibility to their study they will become ready to face life's challenges. In order to achieve college success, it is important for a student to stay focus on goal, have self-confidence, and effective behavior is the best weapon to achieve college success. Obstacles will always arising student needs to overcome with it, overcoming barriers is harder. However, it is important to remember that barriers are not really barriers to achieve the goals. Even though emotions and thoughts can be very frightening, unpleasant and uncomfortable, individual is still in that control of all those behaviors. The best ways to overcome barriers are to use individuals' best skills. Effectiveness of using talents, a willingness to take responsibility for own behavior, acknowledging mistakes accepting the facts that...
Words: 916 - Pages: 4
...e Abstract Returning back to school has been a challenge to me. Numerous questions have formed in my brain. Can I do it? Will I be able to finish…etc? My main aspiration in life is to plan special events and to own my own company. I realized that the University of Phoenix could instill in me the tools that I need to reach my life’s goal. My goal to develop a Professional Special Event Consulting Company will be accessible with the skills that I will learn from the University of Phoenix. One day I had an epiphany. I realized what I wanted to do with my life. After four years of wandering, I finally hit the spot. I wanted to become a professional special events consultant. Why, you might ask. Well, I love weddings, the process, the emotions, the beauty and sacredness of it. I believe that I will make a good coordinator because I love to please people and my patience very seldom will run thin. When I realized the career path I wanted to travel, my friend encouraged me to get some training. So I searched the World Wide Web for schools that teach people how to become professional special events consultants. Eventually, I found a wonderful program at Education Direct. After I applied, my mother and I had a very interesting conversation. She led me to see the disadvantages of working for someone and not being your own boss. She pleaded with me to go back to school to learn the skills as well as the tools of owning a business. A mentor of mine gave me some information about...
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...Student Name: Tracey Thixton Course #: COMM 101 Topic: Sarah Palin General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose Statement: To inform the audience of the life and style of Sarah Palin and her career as a politician. INTRODUCTION Attention Getter: How did Sarah get as popular as she is today? Central Idea: Sarah Palin has become a successful Politician, Mother, Grandmother, and Wife by staying true to herself and her beliefs. Credibility: Have read biographies, watched TV series, and speeches about Sarah Palin. Preview Statement: Sarah Palin made a breakthrough in 2006 when she became the youngest and first ever female governor of Alaska. Connective: Quote by Sarah Palin “Some of life’s greatest opportunities come unexpectedly, and this is certainly the case today” BODY I. Throughout her young life, Sarah Palin was a strong willed, popular, and driven woman. A. She was the runner-up in the contest for Miss Alaska B. She picked up the name “Sarah Barracuda” for her intense style of playing high school basketball Connective: She was an avid outdoors enthusiast. II. Sarah felt strongly about being outdoors and living where you could hunt. C. Sarah grew up in small town Wasilla, Alaska D. Sarah was an avid hunter, an enthusiastic fisherman, and rides snowmobiles E. She also supported the families’ commercial fishing business. Connective: Sarah had thoughts of a political career. III....
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...CASE STUDY 123 SYNTHESIS 130 LIFE'S WORK 136 The first step in a testy negotiation The rise of women and the silence of men Former Irish president Maiy Robinson on wielding influence »(ähoiit authority Managing Your Professional Growth hbr.org MANAGING YOURSELF Know what really motivates you. by Heidi Grant Halvorson and E. Tory Higgins n n what kinds of situations are you most effective? What factors strengthen—or U undermine—your motivation? People answer these questions in very different ways, and that's the challenge at the heart of good management—whether you're managing your own performsince or someone else's. One-size-fits-all principles don't work. The strategies that help you excel may not help your colleagues or your direct reports; what works for your boss or your mentor doesn't always work for you. Personality matters. In business the most common tool for identifying one's personality type is the Myers-Bdggs Type Indicator. But the problem with this and many other assessment tools is that they don't actually predict performance. (In fairness to Myers-Briggs, it doesn't claim to.) These tests will tell you about attributes—such as your degree of introversion or extroversion, or your reliance on thinking versus feeling—that indicate what you like to do, but they tell you very little about whether you are good at it, or how to improve if you're not. Fortunately, there is a way of grouping people into types on...
Words: 2727 - Pages: 11
...What Brings about Happiness? Rodney Sanders Mrs. Bledsoe Arkansas Baptist College Fall, 2013 Abstract There are numerous ways to define the word happiness; however, according to Webster dictionary, the word happiness in best defined as enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People generally associate happiness with simply having a good feeling inside whether it is from monetary or financial gain, finding a potential soul mate, getting a promotion at work, self employed, the birth of children, and so on. These are all different ways in which people generally associate the happy feeling with. Many people express their happiness in different ways; therefore, it can be said that happiness is something that you can't just buy or gain because it comes form deep within. It is also known that happiness changes as circumstances change around each individual's everyday life. This paper will discuss happiness based on scientific studies, how Aristotle relates happiness, and occasions associated with a happy person. Happiness related to Studies and Psychologist There are many scholars, specialist, neurologist, and more who study the brain. They often relate happiness to different levels of dopamine and and serotonin levels in the brain, which is a known transmitter in the brain that controls the nervous system causing the feelings of happiness and sadness (Inglehart, & Klingemann, 2000). According to other researchers...
Words: 1768 - Pages: 8
...Personal responsibility is doing what is meant to be done and fulfill the commitments that are already made. Personal responsibility makes an individual to be responsible for an individual’s own deeds and actions. It is a virtue and should apply to a person's thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is important to have personal responsibility because it helps you grow as a person. In learning to be more responsible, it is important to know life’s limitations. Kenneth Boulding (1972) describes in his journal article that everyone views responsibilities in their own way. That it is based on their behavior as to how one interprets what responsibilities are and what they are not. Boulding’s article states many different theories on responsibilities such as what morals they possess, what culture they have come from and what a person views as wrong and right. It does not matter how smart we are, there is only so much responsibility that a person can handle (p. 329). The relationship between personal responsibility and college success is tough when someone is new to the process. College success determines how personal responsibility plays out. There are factors, which includes determination and dedication that a person must exercise to achieve reachable goals. Applying these factors in one’s personal life will lead to a successful college education. The relationship of personal responsibility and college success closely mirrors one another. It is trying to find the balance between...
Words: 1094 - Pages: 5
...GraduateSchool of Business http://www.mba.itb.ac.id INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG MBA Programme GraduateSchool of Business http://www.mba.itb.ac.id MM5002 People in Organization CHEVRON PACIFIC INDONESIA CLASS (X48) FEBRUARY 2013 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG http://www.sbm.itb.ac.id/mba MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG http://www.sbm.itb.ac.id/mba Contents 1. Vision and Mission of MBA-ITB 2 2. Learning Goals of MBA-ITB 2 3. Learning Outcomes of This Course 3 4. The Course Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 5. The Course Plan 5 6. Lecturer Profile 13 7. Grading 14 8. Students Guidance 15 9. References 15 1. Vision and Mission of MBA-ITB Vision: “To be A World Class Program of Master and Business Administration that Creates Ethical and Entrepreneurial Leaders” Mission: * To educate and develop future leaders in business * To develop sustainable education program for building human resource capacity needed for enhancing industry competitiveness in Indonesia 2. Learning Goals of MBA-ITB In General, The MBA-ITB’s learning goal is to develop students to have the following characteristics : * A Strong competence in business and technology-based management as well as decision making capabilities as demonstrated by business leaders in the world...
Words: 2522 - Pages: 11
...when, what, where, why and how life's unexpectancies are dealt with in accordance to maintaining a common working ground that is suitable for the two to be successful. A balance between work and family responsibilities are essential for an employee's job success in the ever changing business world of today. Not knowing the unknown is where the ultimate preparation rest for employees as they implement measures in their daily lives to accommodate and handle such adversity that they may face to balance their time and maintain their employment. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was established in 1963 by congress to provide certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year and requires that their group health benefits be maintained during the leave (U.S. Department of Labor). The U.S. Department of Labor (n,d.) stated, "FMLA is designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities by allowing them to take reasonable unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons and it also seeks to accommodate the legitimate interests of employers and promote equal employment opportunity for men and women." This paper will explain if it matters that a parent literally had nothing to do with a biological child in order for the child to take advantage of the FMLA to care for that parent. Next, we look at a case to explain whether the size of the business can have any effect on whether...
Words: 1677 - Pages: 7
...Report on Summer Training BRAND AWARENESS OF HCL LEARNING - CDC (Career Development Centre) -A Study in Chandigarh- Submitted to Lovely Professional University In partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted by: Gaurav Sharma University Registration No. 3450070065 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY JALANDHAR-NEW DELHI GT ROAD PHAGWARA PUNJAB Acknowledgment This project was result of my life’s best efforts till now and ultimate industry and corporate world experience. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my Training Coordinator, Mr. Ashwani Panesar and my Mentor and project guide for Summer Training, Ms. Mandakini, Lecturer in Management Department of Lovely Professional University, for providing me an opportunity to do my Six week Summer Training Project on “BRAND AWARENESS OF HCL LEARNING-CDC” in “HCL Infosystems Ltd., PHASE-8, MOHALI.” I am highly indebted to my project guide in HCL Infosystems Ltd, Mr.Tarun Kumar, Business manager-North, HCL Infosystems Ltd. for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project. I would like to express my gratitude towards my...
Words: 3212 - Pages: 13
...What Brings about Happiness? Rodney Sanders Mrs. Bledsoe Arkansas Baptist College Fall, 2013 Abstract There are numerous ways to define the word happiness; however, according to Webster dictionary, the word happiness in best defined as enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People generally associate happiness with simply having a good feeling inside whether it is from monetary or financial gain, finding a potential soul mate, getting a promotion at work, self employed, the birth of children, and so on. These are all different ways in which people generally associate the happy feeling with. Many people express their happiness in different ways; therefore, it can be said that happiness is something that you can't just buy or gain because it comes form deep within. It is also known that happiness changes as circumstances change around each individual's everyday life. This paper will discuss happiness based on scientific studies, how Aristotle relates happiness, and occasions associated with a happy person. Happiness related to Studies and Psychologist There are many scholars, specialist, neurologist, and more who study the brain. They often relate happiness to different levels of dopamine and and serotonin levels in the brain, which is a known transmitter in the brain that controls the nervous system causing the feelings of happiness and sadness (Inglehart, & Klingemann, 2000). According to other researchers...
Words: 1768 - Pages: 8
...Geico Total Rewards Program Francena Hicks Dr. David Fountaine,SPHR Talent Management HRM53201016 10/27/13 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss the Geico employees’ Total Rewards Program and its alignment to the advantages of total rewards programs in general that are noted in the literature. According to the Geico website, there are five benefits to their Total Rewards Program: Health & Well-Being, Education & Training, Finance & Retirement, Time off & Leave, and Family & Life. The first part of this paper will look at these five programs in-depth and explain how Geico intends to benefit its employees. This analysis will include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the communication of Geico’s total rewards program based on the website’s descriptions of the benefits and include two recommendations for improvement to the program and/or its communication practices. By assuming that there are two weaknesses to the current plan, this paper will provide two improvements for these weaknesses to make employees happier. The final half of the paper will match Geico’s program with data from the literature on the effectiveness and benefits of these types of programs and discuss any implications there may be for the Geico program. Determine which facets of the Geico total rewards program align with the five (5) top advantages of a total rewards program outlined in Chapter 2 of the textbook and discuss your reasoning. Geico’s total rewards program...
Words: 1641 - Pages: 7
...have a better understanding and a wider perspective of this investigation. Adversity Quotient (AQ) and its nature Resilience refers to the ability to cope or to give a successful response to high risk or adversity as measured by the four CO2RE scales of the adversity quotient. It is an outcome of both individual characteristics and environmental causes. Resilience is viewed by the individual from the inside as he or she responds to the outside or external influences and events, viz. Adversity. Richard Davidson, director of the Laboratory for Effective Neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin, conducted a landmark series of brain imaging studies that tested two groups of people: one identified as highly resilient to life’s ups and downs, the other easily upset by them. Davidson tracked their brain function as they performed stressful tasks, such as writing about the most upsetting experience in their lives or performing difficult math problems under time pressure (Goleman, 1997). Resilient people have a remarkably rapid recovery from stress. A study of store managers at a large American retail chain store found that the managers who were most tense, beleaguered, or overwhelmed by job pressures ran stores with the worst performance, as measured four ways: by net profits, sales per square foot, sales per employee, and per dollar of inventory investment. And those who stayed most composed under the same pressures had the best per store sales records...
Words: 12182 - Pages: 49