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E. Lockhart: A Literary Analysis

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In 2014, E. Lockhart has written the award winning novel that has gotten fabulous reviews from prestigious newspapers and magazines like The New York Times, which has been delivering significant events in life since 1851.
As I said in my earlier article, Does fiction matter?, “It’s not real. It’s all made up… ‘total BS.’”
Again, then why did we ban books?
Fiction is just fake, right? Its nonsense. Completely made up.
But we ban books because books are powerful. Novels are powerful. They send messages. They are salad bowls with ideas and thoughts and reactions mixed altogether.
The protagonist, Cadence Sinclair Eastman, was the one who taught us about the dangers in your own household. Where greed and arguments and selfishness take over. The Sinclairs have taken use to a new universe and a new perspective and a new imagination. …show more content…
Cadence’s story hits home with teaching readers the dangers of underage drinking. The spine twisting chill of the reality of death. And, “Silence being the protective coating over pain (Lockhart, 29).”
Because stories change us. We ban books because people are scared of change. On the perfect island of the Sinclairs, people thought they were getting a story about a snobby and stuck-up rich girl. Instead, E. Lockhart gave them a tragedy. A bullet through the heart. An uncompromising match of greed and inequality. As stated in my previous articles, “People thought they were getting a book.” And similarly, E. Lockhart knew that if you really want to teach people something, you need to tell them a story.
This is nothing new. Fables have been teaching morality since the first story from the very first

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