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Personal Safety Research Paper

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Millions of people in the developing world do not have access to affordable or easily accessible transportation and must walk virtually everywhere they need to go. Especially in rural communities, people must travel on foot, often for several kilometers, to get water, attend school, go to work, and to carry out many other activities that are vital to their livelihood. To further understand what someone in the developing world may experience, I walked everywhere I needed to go for an entire week. Being someone who constantly relies on automobiles to get around, I found this exercise to be more difficult and uncomfortable than I had originally expected. Each day presented a new struggle, and to imagine that there are real people in the world …show more content…
This project brought to my attention the fact that walking can expose an individual to a variety of dangers. Two nights during this project, my classes ended after the sun set, leaving me to walk home alone and in the dark. Geneseo is a relatively safe area, and walking alone in the dark was not extremely unsettling; however, there are many places around the world where this would not be a safe thing to do. In a country or area with high crime, little policing, or civil unrest, it could be highly unsafe for a woman to walk alone at night. Additionally, walking everywhere exposes you to the elements, and it can be dangerous to walk in storms or in severe hot or cold temperatures. Traffic can also pose a threat to safety, especially if there are not sidewalks available where a pedestrian must go. Luckily, I live in a community in which there are designated sidewalks and crosswalks for pedestrians, making it relatively safe to conduct this project. However, in a developing community, the infrastructure may not be as pedestrian-friendly, increasing the possibility of road traffic crashes and pedestrian mortality. About 273,000 pedestrians were killed in road traffic crashes in 2010, and the proportion of pedestrians killed in relation to other road users was the highest in the African Region at 38% (World Health Organization,

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