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What Is Alcohol Advertising: Helpful Or Successful?

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Every year, the US spends over $2 million on alcohol advertisement (……). With this amount of money, it is no surprise that alcohol is part of our daily culture. It is almost impossible to go through a day and not see a poster, a commercial, or some form of advertisement that directly relates to alcohol. Of the advertisements that we see daily, alcohol is portrayed as a positive, stimulating, and enhancing substance. Children, which are still in the process of growing, developing, and trying to figure out who they are, can easily become victims to such ideas. This is why it is important to properly introduce the topic of alcohol early on. If alcohol was to be taught in elementary, children can be factually introduced into this topic and learn how to make rational choices in the future.
In 2008, a study in television, revealed that alcohol “advertising reached 89% of youth under the legal drinking age (i.e., ages 12 to 20) an average of 436 times” (Jernigan 2010). This indicates how easily and frequently the youth can be …show more content…
Drug use affects children’s academic success by affecting their school grades, attendance, and motivation level in school. To decrease the risks of young adolescents turning to drugs and alcohol it is important that drug awareness programs be taught in schools. Drug awareness programs are vital in educating students about the negative consequences that are associated with drinking. Programs that offer the necessary tools for decision making and education to assist them when put in situations where alcohol is involved. Programs for example, The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program DARE are programs that have assisted adolescents with the skills to resist the pressures from their peers by providing them education on “self esteem, communication skills, decision making skills, and positive alternatives to drug use.” (Sigler,

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