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Adolescent Drug and Alcohol


Submitted By bhicks2
Words 1907
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Analysis Paper 3: Adolescent Drug and Alcohol

Belinda D. Hicks

Liberty University


This paper offers a perspective on adolescent alcohol and drug abuse by focusing on identifying common predictors of adolescent drug, and alcohol. Alcohol and other drug use among adolescents has been a public problem for decades. However, it seems that the problem is increasing more every year. Although, some adolescents make it through these years with, on balance, more positive experiences, but as the writer indicated more negative experiences of alcohol and drugs are on the rise. Substance abuse can lead to serious problems such as poor schoolwork, loss of friends, problems at home, and lasting legal problems. Alcohol and drug abuse is a leading cause of teen death or injury related to car crashes, suicides, violence, and drowning. Adolescences experience tragic consequences and others develop chronic problems of abuse and dependence. The broad developmental themes during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood, heavy drinking and drug use increases during the transition from junior high to high school and has to potential to extend to college. The majority of young people make it through. There will also be a discussion on how the family- peers and individual characteristics/variables are correlated with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence. There will also be review connections between each system risk factor and information regarding at-risk youth. There are family correlations of substance abuse connected to parenting. However, there will be a focus on transitions of identity; changes in affiliations with the family of origin and peers. These transitions offer important vantage points for examining increasing (and decreasing) substance use.


Alcohol and drug use

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