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Submitted By Lance081906
Words 2675
Pages 11

Strategic HR Management

December 7, 2013

Abstract From the Recruiters to the applicants view, this paper brings light the process of the internet recruitment method and how it is the best method in bringing in applicants to a business. Whether it is the essential cost effective nature of the method itself or the ease of information access, strategically, internet recruitment is continuing to technologically motivate people to seek jobs.

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

From the Recruiters View 4

The Applicant 8

An E-Recruitment Company 10

Conclusion 11

References 13

Intro: In the past three decades, the technological explosion has taken society to places we never dreamed would be possible. In today’s world, with one click of mouse one can do so much! Whether it is purchasing a vacation, buying and trading stocks or chatting with friends around the globe, we are able to do all of this from the comforts of our own homes. The Internet has provided a life that is a significantly improved version of what was available in the past. The Internet has touched almost all aspects of daily living including the area of employment. Whether one is looking for a new position or one is looking to find a new employee the Internet has made the search much more exact and far reaching than ever before. With the ability to post jobs online and the ability to search for employment throughout the world without ever leaving home has made the Internet one of the most popular recruiting tools in world history.
From The Recruiters View: For many years recruiters and employers relied solely on the actions of the people. You would find most companies putting

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