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E-Sonic Case Study


Submitted By tcmoore15
Words 917
Pages 4
MGMT 4030
March 2, 2011
E-sonic – Part 2

Benchmark jobs:

Job | Benchmark Job | Marketing Director | Marketing 4 | Creative Director | Marketing 3 | Director of Market Research | Marketing 4 | Copy Writer | Marketing 2 | Market Research Analyst | Marketing 1 |

COLA Calculation: * Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA – CPI All Urban Consumers, All Items (Jan. 2010 – Jan. 2011)

228.652 – 224.610 | X 100% = 1.8% | 224.610 | |

Explanation of COLA:
Since E-sonic is located in Los Angeles, California, and is looking to recruit the most music savvy and most experienced software development personnel to live and work there, the Consumer Price Index for the area including Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange County made the most sense to use for calculating the Cost of Living Adjustment. A 1.8% COLA indicates that from January 2010 to January 2011 the average cost of goods and service in the greater Los Angeles area increased by 1.8%. E-sonic will have to take this percentage into consideration when determining how much employees will be paid. Once compensation surveys are conducted to figure out what competitors are paying their similar marketing positions, the average will have to be increased by 1.8%.

Pay Grades:
For E-sonic’s marketing department, I have decided to use three pay grades. There are a couple reasons behind this. First of all, when looking at the different jobs within the family, I noticed that the jobs do not have a large difference in evaluation points assigned to them. I still want to have some sort of structure differentiating several of the jobs; however, I believe that based on the somewhat similar skills and requirements of the various jobs, there shouldn’t be much social distance between the employees that fill them. Also, because there is less of a hierarchy among the employees, their salaries will be

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