...ARAB OPEN UNIVERSITY – FACULTY OF BUSINESS Harvard Style - References / bibliography How -to guide Please review the attached document and refer to it when working on your TMA, failure to do so can lead to failing the course. Note: It is a requirement that all students include a header/footer of the following information on every single page of the TMA: Name, ID, Course Code, TMA #, Tutor name, section, and semester. * You have to use the Times New Roman Font Size 12 (except for the cover page). * Line spacing should be 1.5 * All pages should be numbered * Keep wide margins for your instructors' comments * Align your text to the left. Don’t justify leaving spaces between words Harvard Style Referencing: * There are various ways of setting out references / bibliographies for an assignment. * “Harvard Style” is a generic term for any referencing style which uses in-text references such as (Smith, 1999), and a reference list at the end of the document organized by author name and year of publication. In this guide, we are using a “Harvard Style” which is based on the author-date system for books, articles and “non-books”. NOTE: When you write your list of references/bibliography, please keep in mind the following points: * Your bibliography should identify an item (e.g. book, journal article, cassette tape, film, or internet site) in sufficient detail so that others may identify it and consult it...
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...ELCM353: Course Schedule Week 1 – 14 July | Introduction | Internet of Things and InnovationBefore class read: * Hill, L. A., Brandeau, G., Sal, E. T., & Lineback, K. (2014). Collective genius. Harvard Business Review, 92(6), 94-102.http://helicon.vuw.ac.nz/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=96090677&site=ehost-live * Wasik, B. (2013, 06). Welcome to the programmable world. Wired, 21, 140.http://helicon.vuw.ac.nz/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=iih&AN=89374642&site=ehost-live | Week 2 – 21 July | Social Media StrategyBefore class read: * Wilson, H. J., Guinan, P. J., Parise, S., & Weinberg, B. D. (2011). What’s your social media strategy? Harvard Business Review, 89(7/8), 23-25. http://helicon.vuw.ac.nz/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=61870888&site=ehost-live * Social Media Marketing Report 2015 Available: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/report/ | Week 3 – 28 July | Cyber Security | PrivacyBefore class read: * Ferguson, A. (2014). Future tech. Acuity, 1(4), 36-38.http://helicon.vuw.ac.nz/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=101950726&site=ehost-live | Week 4 – 4 August | Online Infrastructure | The Social, Business and Government Cloud (Jay Gattuso)Before class read: * Durkee, D. (2010). Why cloud computing will never be free. Queue, 8(4), 20.http://helicon...
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...List of Works Consulted MLA STYLE “How-to” guide • There are many ways of setting out lists of works consulted (bibliographies). • The following are examples of MLA style, which is recommended by the Modern Language Association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers. • Visit the Modern Language Association web site on the MLA Style.. This site includes Frequently Asked Questions about MLA Style which includes basic information on citing internet sources. • For further information, see both: Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1995. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 2nd ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1998. NOTE: • • Before you compile your list of works consulted (bibliography) check with your lecturer/tutor for the bibliographic style preferred by the academic department to whom you are submitting your work. The MLA style requires all titles to be italicised or underlined. In this publication we have used the underline option. Check with your Department for the preferred option. • MLA requires that the start of each new entry must be flagged. You can use any of the following: 1. Hanging indents (ie 1st line set flush left with 2nd and subsequent lines indented) 2. Indent the first line only 3. A clear line space between each new entry (In this publication we have used hanging indents – option no.1...
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...Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the City Manila) College of Liberal Arts ________________________________ _________________________________ “Study on How Video Games Enhance the Mental Skills of a high school student” In partial fulfillment in English Proficiency Instruction II Submitted to: Prof. Maria Antonette Lofamia Submitted by: Gregorio, Fernan Joseph Panerio, Jose Mariel Date submitted: March 16, 2015 Chapter I Introduction For years video games have been criticized for making people more antisocial, overweight or depressed . But now researchers are finding that games can actually change us for the better and improve both our body and mind. Games can help to develop physical skills. Pre-school children who played interactive games such as the ones available on Wii have been shown to have improved motor skills, for example they can kick, catch and throw a ball better that children who don’t play video games. A study of surgeons who do microsurgery in Boston found that those who played video games were twenty-seven percent faster and made thirty-seven percent fewer errors than those who didn’t. Vision is also improved, particularly telling the difference between shades of grey. This is useful for driving at night, piloting a plane or reading x-rays. Games also benefit a variety of brain functions, including decision-making. People who play action-based games...
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...6.867 Final Project: Comparing Machine Learning Methods for Detecting Facial Expressions Vickie Ye and Alexandr Wang Abstract is used in this project uses the approach described in [3]. Kazemi et. al. uses localized histograms of gradient orienIn this project, we compared di↵erent methods for facial ex- tation in a cascade of regressors that minimize squared error, pression recognition using images from a Kaggle dataset re- in which each regressor is learned through gradient boostleased as a part of an ICML-2013 workshop on representation ing. This approach is robust to geometric and photometric learning. We found that classification using features extracted transformations, and showed less than 5% error on the LFPW manually from facial images using principal component anal- dataset. ysis yielded on average 40% classification accuracy. Using fea- The facial landmarks (eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth) are intutures extracted by facial landmark detection, we received on itively the most expressive features in a face, and could also average 52% classification accuracy. However, when we used serve as good features for emotion classification. a convolutional neural network, we received 65% classification accuracy. 1.3 1 Support vector machines are widely used in classification problems, and is an optimization problem that can be solved in its dual form, Introduction Detecting facial expressions is an area of research within computer vision that has been studied...
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...A Literature Review of Gaming in Education Research Report Katie Larsen McClarty Aline Orr Peter M. Frey Robert P. Dolan Victoria Vassileva Aaron McVay June 2012 GAMING IN EDUCATION 1 About Pearson Pearson, the global leader in education and education technology, provides innovative print and digital education materials for preK through college, student information systems and learning management systems, teacher licensure testing, teacher professional development, career certification programs, and testing and assessment products that set the standard for the industry. Pearson’s other primary businesses include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group. For more information about the Assessment & Information group of Pearson, visit http://www.pearsonassessments.com/. About Pearson’s Research Reports Pearson’s research report series provides preliminary dissemination of reports and articles prepared by TMRS staff, usually prior to formal publication. Pearson’s publications in .pdf format may be obtained at: http://www.pearsonassessments.com/research. GAMING IN EDUCATION Abstract 2 The use of simulations and digital games in learning and assessment is expected to increase over the next several years. Although there is much theoretical support for the benefits of digital games in learning and education, there is mixed empirical support. This research report provides an overview of the theoretical and empirical evidence behind five key claims about...
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...IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 25, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2013 2257 iLike: Bridging the Semantic Gap in Vertical Image Search by Integrating Text and Visual Features Yuxin Chen, Student Member, IEEE, Hariprasad Sampathkumar, Student Member, IEEE, Bo Luo, Member, IEEE Computer Society, and Xue-wen Chen, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—With the development of Internet and Web 2.0, large-volume multimedia contents have been made available online. It is highly desired to provide easy accessibility to such contents, i.e., efficient and precise retrieval of images that satisfies users’ needs. Toward this goal, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has been intensively studied in the research community, while text-based search is better adopted in the industry. Both approaches have inherent disadvantages and limitations. Therefore, unlike the great success of text search, web image search engines are still premature. In this paper, we present iLike, a vertical image search engine that integrates both textual and visual features to improve retrieval performance. We bridge the semantic gap by capturing the meaning of each text term in the visual feature space, and reweight visual features according to their significance to the query terms. We also bridge the user intention gap because we are able to infer the “visual meanings” behind the textual queries. Last but not least, we provide a visual thesaurus, which is generated from the statistical similarity...
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...NILAI KARBON HUTAN ALAM DAN TANAMAN MENURUT STRUKTUR TEGAKANNYA (Kasus di PT Berau Coal, Kabupaten Berau, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur) SKRIPSI Oleh : AL FURQANY WIDHA WARDHANA 05/185000/KT/5640 JURUSAN MANAJEMEN HUTAN FAKULTAS KEHUTANAN UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA 2010 NILAI KARBON HUTAN ALAM DAN TANAMAN MENURUT STRUKTUR TEGAKANNYA (Kasus di PT Berau Coal, Kabupaten Berau, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur) SKRIPSI Diajukan Kepada Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk Memenuhi sebagian dari Syarat-Syarat Guna memperoleh Derajat Sarjana Kehutanan Oleh : AL FURQANY WIDHA WARDHANA 05/185000/KT/5640 JURUSAN MANAJEMEN HUTAN FAKULTAS KEHUTANAN UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA 2010 HALAMAN PERSEMBAHAN Ucapan terimakasihku untuk ... [Syukur alhamdulillah] kupanjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang menguasai langit dan bumi beserta seluruh isinya, tanpa kurang sedikit pun, yang mengatur hidup dan matiku, yang membuatku berdiri dan tetap bernafas dari perjalanan panjang 22 tahun sejak aku keluar dari rahim ibuku ... izinkan aku untuk membahagiakannya bersama ayahku yaa Rabb ... [Shalawat serta salam] untuk junjunganku, nabiku, yang membawakan cahaya islam kepada dunia yang gelap di dalam bola bernama bumi ini ... Rasulullah Muhammad SAW ... semoga kelak aku dapat menjadi golongan dari umat yang engkau berikan syafaat wahai nabi.. Bapak Ibu , kalian adalah tujuanku untuk hidup di muka bumi ini , tanpa kalian hidupku hampa , disaat ada masalah hanya...
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...IGOROTS * Home * IGOROT SONGS * IGOROT DANCE * IGOROT TRADITIONS * MONEY ON THE MOUNTAIN IGOROT TRADITIONS IGOROT TRADITIONS When we talk about Igorot identity and culture, we also have to consider the time. My point is that: what I am going to share in this article concerning the Igorot culture might not be the same practiced by the Igorots of today. It has made variations by the passing of time, which is also normally happening to many other cultures, but the main core of respect and reverence to ancestors and to those who had just passed is still there. The Igorot culture that I like to share is about our practices and beliefs during the "time of Death". Death is part of the cycle of life. Igorots practice this part of life cycle with a great meaning and importance. Before the advent of Christianity in the Igorotlandia, the Igorots or the people of the Cordilleran region in the Philippines were animist or pagans. Our reverence or the importance of giving honor to our ancestors is a part of our daily activities. We consider our ancestors still to be with us, only that they exist in another world or dimension. Whenever we have some special feasts (e.g., occasions during death, wedding, family gathering, etc.), when we undertake something special (like going somewhere to look for a job or during thanksgiving), we perform some special offer. We call this "Menpalti/ Menkanyaw", an act of butchering and offering animals. During these times we call them...
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