|Q. No.1 |The establishment of panchayats, block samiti and zila parishad fulfils the need of the following principle |
| |(a) |The principle of leadership |(b) |The principle of grass-root |
| |(c) |The principle of democratic approach |(d) |The principle of whole family approach |
|Q. No. 2 |Method Demonstration as an extension teaching method is classified under |
| |(a) |Individual contact |(b) |Group contact |
| |(c) |Mass contact |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 3 |Large group when divided into smaller groups (units) for a short period of discussion is called |
| |(a) |Brain storming |(b) |Buzz session |
| |(c) |Conference |(d) |Workshop |
|Q. No. 4 |The modified version of a panel discussion in which three or more resource persons discuss a specific topic is called |
| |(a) |Symposium |(b) |Workshop |
| |(c) |Colloquim |(d) |Buzz session |
|Q. No. 5 |Main objective of NARP is : |
| |(a) |Research |
| |(b) |Extension |
| |(c) |Area and region specific research and extension in the state |
| |(d) |None of above |
|Q. No. 6 |Under the agricultural extension system. Krishak Mandal has been formed |
| |(a) |In every block |
| |(b) |In every Chak |
| |(c) |At the headquarters of Agriculture supervisor |
| |(d) |At panchayat headquarters |
|Q. No. 7 |Indian Council of Agricultural Research was made a fully autonomous organization in the year |
| |(a) |1947 |(b) |1965 |
| |(c) |1970 |(d) |1979 |
|Q. No. 8 |Which of the following is not a dimension of social change? |
| |(a) |Structural change |(b) |Cultural change |
| |(c) |Interactional change |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 9 |The book “Diffusion of innovations” is written by |
| |(a) |A.A. Reddy |(b) |Discovery |
| |(c) |E.M. Rogers |(d) |J.P. Leagans |
|Q. No. 10 |Destination is an important component of the communication model given by |
| |(a) |Leagans |(b) |Berlo |
| |(c) |Schramm |(d) |Laswel |
|Q. No. 11 |Which one of the following is not an element of diffusion process? |
| |(a) |Innovation |(b) |Social system |
| |(c) |Over time |(d) |Persuasion |
|Q. No. 12 |For awareness which of the following communication media is not used? |
| |(a) |Radio |(b) |Television |
| |(c) |Method demonstration |(d) |Poster |
|Q. No. 13 |ICAR came into existence in |
| |(a) |1905 |(b) |1929 |
| |(c) |1934 |(d) |1947 |
|Q. No. 14 |Crop demonstrations were first laid in1903 by |
| |(a) |G.H. Axinn |(b) |J.P. Leagans |
| |(c) |Seaman A. Knapp |(d) |A.T. Mosher |
|Q. No. 15 |The concept of Farmer First was extensively promoted by : |
| |(a) |Neils Rolling |(b) |Robert Chambers |
| |(c) |R.S. Paroda |(d) |Anil Gupta |
|Q. No. 16 |In social research, the measurement is concerned with |
| |(a) |Measurement of objects |
| |(b) |Indicators of the properties of objects |
| |(c) |Measurement of phenomenon |
| |(d) |Measurement of responses |
|Q. No. 17 |Stability in measurement is an indicator of the scale’s |
| |(a) |Reliability |(b) |Validity |
| |(c) |Consistency |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 18 |The art and science of teaching adults is known as |
| |(a) |Pedagogy |(b) |Andragogy |
| |(c) |Agogology |(d) |Adultology |
|Q. No. 19 |ABC of Journalism |
| |(a) |Accurate, Brevity, clear |(b) |Accuracy, Brief, complete |
| |(c) |Accuracy, brevity, clarity |(d) |Actual, balance, complete |
|Q. No. 20 |Farmers co-operatives and agricultural extension services are well integrated in the extension system of |
| |(a) |Taiwan |(b) |Australia |
| |(c) |Japan |(d) |USA |
|Q. No. 21 |The T&V system of extension was first introduced in |
| |(a) |India |(b) |Iraq |
| |(c) |Israel |(d) |Turkey |
|Q. No. 22 |Nilokheri project was also called |
| |(a) |Mazdoor manzil |(b) |Kishan manzil |
| |(c) |Mazdoor Madad |(d) |Mazdor-Kishan manzil |
|Q. No. 23 |Community Development project was started as a result of |
| |(a) |Royal Commission report |(b) |GMF Enquiry Committee Report |
| |(c) |Educational Commission Report |(d) |Nalargarh Committee Report |
|Q. No. 24 |The idea behind the National Extension Service (NES) was cover the entire country with in the period of |
| |(a) |5 Years |(b) |7 Years |
| |(c) |10 Years |(d) |15 Years |
|Q. No. 25 |“The Journal of Cooperative Extension Service” is published from |
| |(a) |USA |(b) |UK |
| |(c) |India |(d) |China |
|Q. No. 26 |The norms or standards of conduct in a society, the violation of which does not follow punishment is called |
| |(a) |Tradition |(b) |Mores |
| |(c) |Taboos |(d) |Folkways |
|Q. No. 27 |Phillip 66 Format is also known as |
| |(a) |Brain storming |(b) |Forum |
| |(c) |Buzz session |(d) |Psychodrama |
|Q. No. 28 |The dominant value of an innovator is |
| |(a) |Respect |(b) |Venturesomeness |
| |(c) |Traditional |(d) |Complex |
|Q. No. 29 |The early adopters are found in the society in the proportion |
| |(a) |2.5% |(b) |13.5% |
| |(c) |34% |(d) |16% |
|Q. No. 30 |The Abbreviation POSDCORB has been denoted by |
| |(a) |M.P. Sharma |(b) |Luther Gullick |
| |(c) |J. William |(d) |Milward |
|Q. No. 31 |The level of measurement in which arbitrary zero is used is |
| |(a) |Ratio |(b) |Nominal |
| |(c) |Interval |(d) |Ordinal |
|Q. No. 32 |Cross-section of population is represented less in |
| |(a) |Simple random sample |(b) |Multistage sample |
| |(c) |Cluster sample |(d) |Stratified random sample |
|Q. No. 33 |The distance in any given direction, one expects to go during a given period of time is |
| |(a) |Objectives |(b) |Goals |
| |(c) |Aims |(d) |Target |
|Q. No. 34 |The difference between classical research and participatory research lies in their |
| |(a) |Content |(b) |Control |
| |(c) |Power |(d) |Substance |
|Q. No. 35 |The ICAR established a section of Extension Education at its headquarters in |
| |(a) |1961 |(b) |1967 |
| |(c) |1971 |(d) |1977 |
|Q. No. 36 |For testing the significance of correlation, we use |
| |(a) |X2 test |(b) |F-test |
| |(c) |Z-test |(d) |T-test |
|Q. No. 37 |Which of the following is not a perceived attribute of an innovation? |
| |(a) |Complexity |(b) |Attainability |
| |(c) |Observability |(d) |Trialability |
|Q. No. 38 |The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with the existing values, past experiences and needs of |
| |the potential adopters is |
| |(a) |Consistency |(b) |Containability |
| |(c) |Compatibility |(d) |Adjuctability |
|Q. No. 39 |Who among the following are more concerned about trialability of the annovation? |
| |(a) |Early adopters |(b) |Early majority |
| |(c) |Late majority |(d) |Laggards |
|Q. No. 40 |The individual becomes more psychologically involved with innovation at |
| |(a) |Knowledge stage |(b) |Persuasion stage |
| |(c) |Decision stage |(d) |Confirmation stage |
|Q. No. 41 |Reinforcement of “innovation decision,” is made at |
| |(a) |Implementation stage |(b) |Confirmation stage |
| |(c) |Decision stage |(d) |Persuasion stage |
|Q. No. 42 |The adoption of an innovation rather vigorously when experts feel that it should be stopped is called |
| |(a) |Excessive adoption |(b) |Over adoption |
| |(c) |Vigorous adoption |(d) |Overt adoption |
|Q. No. 43 |Early majority lies between |
| |(a) |[pic]-2 σ to [pic]- σ |(b) |[pic]- σ to [pic] |
| |(c) |[pic] to [pic]+ σ |(d) |[pic]-2 σ to [pic]- σ |
|Q. No. 44 |Non-photographic reconstruction of reality is/are |
| |(a) |IIІustrations |(b) |Pictures |
| |(c) |Models |(d) |Diagrams |
|Q. No. 45 |A sequence of progressive steps undertaken to create situations that are conducive to effective learning are called |
| |(a) |Progressive learning |(b) |Extension promotion techniques |
| |(c) |Extension teaching methods |(d) |Audio-visual aids |
|Q. No. 46 |The effective rate of delivering a radio talk for extension purpose is |
| |(a) |80-100 words/minute |(b) |120-140 words/minute |
| |(c) |160-180 words/minute |(d) |200-220 words/minute |
|Q. No. 47 |The type of demonstration used to show how to carry out a practice is |
| |(a) |Result demonstration |(b) |Method demonstration |
| |(c) |Focused demonstration |(d) |Front line demonstration |
|Q. No. 48 |A method of teaching designed to show by example the practical application of an established fact or a group of related |
| |facts is |
| |(a) |Result demonstration |(b) |Method demonstration |
| |(c) |Economic demonstration |(d) |Feasibility demonstration |
|Q. No. 49 |A special type of working conference, usually of a week or more in duration with lectures, individual conference giving |
| |emphasis on small working groups is |
| |(a) |Conference |(b) |Panel discussion |
| |(c) |Symposium |(d) |Workshop |
|Q. No. 50 |In which of the following country, extension work is carried out by farmers associations with financial and technical |
| |assistance from the government? |
| |(a) |Germany |(b) |Norway |
| |(c) |Taiwan |(d) |Bangla Desh |
|Q. No. 51 |The process through which we arrive at expectations and anticipations of internal psychological state of man is |
| |(a) |Psychological observation |(b) |Empathy |
| |(c) |Exploration |(d) |Empowerment |
|Q. No. 52 |Which of the following attribute of the innovation has inverse relation with the adoption? |
| |(a) |Observability |(b) |Trialability |
| |(c) |Compatibility |(d) |Complexity |
|Q. No. 53 |An innovation has relatively high degree of complexity, its adoption will be |
| |(a) |Quick |(b) |Fast |
| |(c) |Slow |(d) |Can’t be said anything |
|Q. No. 54 |Consider the following functions of innovation-decision process |
| |1. |Persuasion function |2. |Decision function |
| |3. |Knowledge function |4. |Confirmation function |
| |The correct sequence of these processes is |
| |(a) |2-1-4-3 |(b) |1-4-3-2 |
| |(c) |3-2-4-1 |(d) |3-1-2-4 |
|Q. No. 55 |The reinforcement of innovation decision made occurs at |
| |(a) |Persuasion function |(b) |Knowledge function |
| |(c) |Confirmation function |(d) |Decision function |
|Q. No. 56 |The concept of “Intelligence Quotient” was given by |
| |(a) |William Stung |(b) |James Priston |
| |(c) |Leagans |(d) |Thayer |
|Q. No. 57 |Letters for communication in extension should follow the “4’S Formula”. 4’S include |
| |(a) |Shortness, Simplicity, Strength, Sincerity |
| |(b) |Swiftness, Shortness, Strength, Sincerity |
| |(c) |Steadfast, Swiftness, Strength, Shortness |
| |(d) |Severity, Shortness, Swiftness, Simplicity |
|Q. No. 58 |Who among the following was/were the first to recognize that adoption occur in stage? |
| |(a) |Wilkening |(b) |Ryan and Gross |
| |(c) |Rahim |(d) |Wilson and Gallup |
|Q. No. 59 |The process of transforming the experiences into knowledge as a basis for action is called |
| |(a) |Continued learning |(b) |Experimental learning |
| |(c) |Topical learning |(d) |Experiential learning |
|Q. No. 60 |The phase of learning process in which the learner prepares his/herself to seek changes in behaviour is |
| |(a) |Unfreezing |(b) |Refreezing |
| |(c) |Defreezing |(d) |All of these |
|Q. No. 61 |Which of the following is not an empirical method of assessing training needs? |
| |(a) |Job analysis |(b) |Buzz group technique |
| |(c) |Performance evaluation |(d) |Questionnaire method |
|Q. No. 62 |Consider the following phases of experiential learning |
| |1. |Application |2. |Experience |
| |3. |Generalization |4. |Process |
| |The correct sequence of this process is |
| |(a) |2-3-1-4 |(b) |3-2-4-1 |
| |(c) |3-4-2-1 |(d) |2-4-3-1 |
|Q. No. 63 |The optimum duration for conducting microlab is |
| |(a) |30-45 Minutes |(b) |1-1.5 Hour |
| |(c) |2-2.5 Hours |(d) |2.5-3.5 Hours |
|Q. No. 64 |The first line extension system mainly comprises of |
| |(a) |ICAR and SAUs |(b) |NGO |
| |(c) |Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation |(d) |Ministry of Rural Development |
|Q. No. 65 |___________is the modified version of panel discussion |
| |(a) |Seminar |(b) |Syndicate method |
| |(c) |Colloquim |(d) |Buzz session |
|Q. No. 66 |A meeting in which a small group of resource persons present short prepared papers on a given topic is |
| |(a) |Workshop |(b) |Symposium |
| |(c) |Syndicate method |(d) |Case study |
|Q. No. 67 |A cooperative gathering of individuals who discuss, learn and apply practical skills under expert supervision is |
| |(a) |Symposium |(b) |Collequim |
| |(c) |Workshop |(d) |Seminar |
|Q. No. 68 |Which of the following training technique gives an insight into the complex behavioural pattern of the individuals? |
| |(a) |Case study |(b) |Role-playing |
| |(c) |Brain storming |(d) |Buzz session |
|Q. No. 69 |Single line of command is one of the important features of |
| |(a) |T&V system |(b) |National Demonstration |
| |(c) |Krishi Vigyan Kendra |(d) |Community Development |
|Q. No. 70 |Which of the following programme was developed on the basis of “10-point programme”? |
| |(a) |CDP |(b) |NES |
| |(c) |IAAP |(d) |IADP |
|Q. No. 71 |National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) was set in |
| |(a) |1984 |(b) |1988 |
| |(c) |1986 |(d) |1982 |
|Q. No. 72 |The concept of feedback in communication is generally used to reflect |
| |(a) |Resource orientation |(b) |Receiver orientation |
| |(c) |Process |(d) |All |
|Q. No. 73 |Which of the following research method you will select when the area of research will be large? |
| |(a) |Participant observation method |
| |(b) |Sample survey method |
| |(c) |Questionnaire method |
| |(d) |Interview method |
|Q. No. 74 |“Journal of Extension Education” is published from |
| |(a) |MPUAT Udaipur |(b) |GBPUAT Pantnagar |
| |(c) |IARI New Delhi |(d) |TNAU Coimbatore |
|Q. No. 75 |“ Indian Research Journal of Extension Education” is published from |
| |(a) |New Delhi |(b) |Agra |
| |(c) |Udaipur |(d) |Anand |
|Q. No. 76 |The journal published from NIRD Hyderabad is |
| |(a) |Extension Digest |
| |(b) |Training and Development |
| |(c) |Journal of Rural Development |
| |(d) |Journal of Extension |
|Q. No. 77 |For identification of Rural Leader “Socio-metric technique” was given by |
| |(a) |K.C. Pratt |(b) |J.L. Moreno |
| |(c) |H.P. Edwin |(d) |M. Karlson |
|Q. No. 78 |“Semential differential scale” has been given by |
| |(a) |Thurstone |(b) |Likert |
| |(c) |Osgood |(d) |Chauve |
|Q. No. 79 |The spiral model o training has been given by |
| |(a) |Mishra |(b) |Lynton and Pareek |
| |(c) |Swanson and Brown |(d) |Kingson and Davis |
|Q. No. 80 |Who is called the father of method demonstration? |
| |(a) |J.P. Leagans |(b) |Seaman A. Knapp |
| |(c) |August Comte |(d) |L.D. Kelsey |
|Q. No. 81 |The highest level of measurement is |
| |(a) |Ordinal |(b) |Ratio |
| |(c) |Nominal |(d) |Interval |
|Q. No. 82 |The accuracy or precision of a measuring instrument is |
| |(a) |Validity |(b) |Measurement |
| |(c) |Reliability |(d) |Readability |
|Q. No. 83 |Who among the following provided the first basic persuasive communication model? |
| |(a) |Laswell |(b) |Aristotle |
| |(c) |Leagan |(d) |Festinger |
|Q. No. 84 |Which of the following equation signifies the “communication effectiveness”? |
| |(a) |Comprehension +Validity + Reliability |
| |(b) |Comprehension +Utility + Reliability |
| |(c) |Comprehension +Validity + Utility |
| |(d) |Utility +Validity + Reliability |
|Q. No. 85 |The session of brainstorming in which the participants are expected to express their ideas without thinking about their |
| |reaction is |
| |(a) |Red session |(b) |Yellow session |
| |(c) |Blue session |(d) |Green session |
|Q. No. 86 |EMT-lab is associated with |
| |(a) |Rural development |(b) |Entrepreneurship development |
| |(c) |Agricultural development |(d) |Extension management |
|Q. No. 87 |Programme Evaluation and Reviewing Technique (PERT) was developed in the year |
| |(a) |1950-51 |(b) |1954-55 |
| |(c) |1958-59 |(d) |1962-63 |
|Q. No. 88 |PERT was primarily developed to facilitate |
| |(a) |Planning and scheduling of missile project |
| |(b) |Planning and scheduling of construction of underground projects |
| |(c) |Planning and scheduling of shipping projects |
| |(d) |Planning and scheduling of construction projects |
|Q. No. 89 |Providing subsidy to a farmer on introduction of farm machinery is an example of increasing |
| |(a) |Complexity |(b) |Trialability |
| |(c) |Observability |(d) |Relative advantage |
|Q. No. 90 |The degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than other members of the social system is |
| |called |
| |(a) |Rate of adoption |(b) |Innovativeness |
| |(c) |Adopter categories |(d) |Initiation |
|Q. No. 91 |The basic orientation of Programme Evaluation and Reviewing Technique (PERT) is |
| |(a) |Opportunistic |(b) |Probabilistic |
| |(c) |Deterministic |(d) |All of above |
|Q. No. 92 |The networking technique used for projects involving activities of non-repetitive nature is |
| |(a) |WBS |(b) |CPM |
| |(c) |POP |(d) |PERT |
|Q. No. 93 |The networking technique applied to the projects that employ a fairly and risk free technology is |
| |(a) |CPM |(b) |PERT |
| |(c) |PROMPT |(d) |PERMIT |
|Q. No. 94 |The shortest possible time to perform an activity, assuming that everything goes well as |
| |(a) |Optimistic time |(b) |Pessimistic time |
| |(c) |Dummy activity |(d) |Nominal activity |
|Q. No. 95 |The person considered as father of extension: |
| |(a) |James Stewatt |(b) |Seaman A Knapp |
| |(c) |Edgar Dale |(d) |Paul Leagans |
|Q. No. 96 |The motivational type most important for extension is : |
| |(a) |Extrinsic motivation |(b) |Intrinsic motivation |
| |(c) |Situational motivation |(d) |Classical motivation |
|Q. No. 97 |The concept of extension education process was given by : |
| |(a) |J.Paul Leagans |(b) |Curt Lewin |
| |(c) |Ensminger |(d) |Wilson and Gallup |
|Q. No. 98 |The learning curve in teaching follows a: |
| |(a) |S-shape |(b) |U-shape |
| |(c) |V-shape |(d) |O-shape |
|Q. No. 99 |The most effective learning experience is provided through : |
| |(a) |Result demonstration |(b) |Television |
| |(c) |Contrived experience |(d) |Field trips |
|Q. No. 100 |Classification of extension methods into individual, group and mass is based of : |
| |(a) |Foam |(b) |Use |
| |(c) |Number of people contacted |(d) |Periodicity |
|Q. No. 101 |Result demonstration works on the principle of : |
| |(a) |Learning is believing |(b) |Learning by teaching |
| |(c) |Seeing is believing |(d) |Learning by doing |
|Q. No. 102 |The method used when the farmer is not there in the field while the extension worker make a visit: |
| |(a) |Farm and Home visit |(b) |Method demonstration |
| |(c) |Result demonstration |(d) |Flag method |
|Q. No. 103 |“Never do anything that you get some one to do for you” relates to : |
| |(a) |Principle of cooperation |(b) |Principle of leadership |
| |(c) |Principle of participation |(d) |Principle of democracy |
|Q. No. 104 |The extension approaches wherein the success is measured in terms of production increases of the particular crops covered by|
| |the programme |
| |(a) |Training and visit approach |(b) |Commodity specialized approach |
| |(c) |Cost sharing approach |(d) |General agricultural extension approach |
|Q. No. 105 |The general programs of action and deployment of resources to attain comprehensive objectives : |
| |(a) |Aim |(b) |Strategy |
| |(c) |Objective |(d) |Principle |
|Q. No. 106 |The collection of data in RRA is based on : |
| |(a) |Extension workers |(b) |Multi disciplinary team |
| |(c) |Research scientists |(d) |Progressive farmers |
|Q. No. 107 |The latest development in participatory methodology among the following is : |
| |(a) |Rapid Rural Appraisal |
| |(b) |Participatory Rural Appraisal |
| |(c) |Participatory Learning and Action |
| |(d) |Community Oriented Need Assessment |
|Q. No. 108 |IVLP uses the concept of : |
| |(a) |Agro-system analysis |(b) |Agro-ecosystem analysis |
| |(c) |Eco-system analysis |(d) |Socio-ecosystem analysis |
|Q. No. 109 |ATMA is an important component under: |
| |(a) |NARS |(b) |NATP |
| |(c) |NAEP |(d) |KVK |
|Q. No. 110 |The KVK was established as a result of : |
| |(a) |B R Mehta committee |(b) |Korhari committee |
| |(c) |M S Swaminathan |(d) |M S Mehta committee |
| | |Committee | | |
|Q. No. 111 |Where is Indian Institute of Mass Communication located : |
| |(a) |Jodhpur |(b) |Chandigarh |
| |(c) |Mumbai |(d) |New Delhi |
|Q. No. 112 |The communication model best described to have applicable for field extension work : |
| |(a) |J. Paul Leagans |(b) |Shannon and Weaver |
| |(c) |Lasswell |(d) |Berlo |
|Q. No. 113 |LCD expands to : |
| |(a) |Lazier Crystal Digital |(b) |Lazier Crystal Display |
| |(c) |Liquid Crystal Display |(d) |Liquid Crystal Digital |
|Q. No. 114 |The principle made used in slide-cum-film projector : |
| |(a) |Direct projection |(b) |Indirect projection |
| |(c) |Reflected projection |(d) |Diffused projection |
|Q. No. 115 |The first farm magazine in India is : |
| |(a) |Kethi |(b) |Phool Phul |
| |(c) |Krishi Chayanika |(d) |Yojana |
|Q. No. 116 |The name of the journal published from IIMC: |
| |(a) |Interaction |(b) |Communicator |
| |(c) |Vidura |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 117 |The technology flow in the farmer first model is basically from |
| |(a) |Agent to farmer |(b) |Researcher to agent |
| |(c) |Farmer to farmer |(d) |Researcher to farmer |
|Q. No. 118 |A person who actually initiates the action in the community is : |
| |(a) |Professional leader |(b) |Assured leader |
| |(c) |Operational leader |(d) |Popular leader |
|Q. No. 119 |CDP differs from IADP as the former have : |
| |(a) |Area based approach |(b) |Decentralized administration |
| |(c) |Degree of investment |(d) |Multi purpose approach |
|Q. No. 120 |T&V system of extension can be characterized as : |
| |(a) |Management system |(b) |Supervisory system |
| |(c) |Integrated system |(d) |Broad based system |
|Q. No. 121 |Psychology was first defined as : |
| |(a) |Science of soul |(b) |Science of mind |
| |(c) |Science of consciousness |(d) |Science of unconsciousness |
|Q. No. 122 |The reaction we experience when our sensory channels are stimulated : |
| |(a) |Feeling |(b) |Sensation |
| |(c) |Perception |(d) |Emotion |
|Q. No. 123 |A 10 year old child with a mental age of 12 has an IQ of : |
| |(a) |100 |(b) |120 |
| |(c) |12 |(d) |10 |
|Q. No. 124 |The acronym “POSCORB’ symbolizes : |
| |(a) |The activities of government |(b) |The principles of administration |
| |(c) |The activities of an administrator |(d) |The objectives of organization |
|Q. No. 125 |The management skill most needed for people working at top position : |
| |(a) |Technical skills |(b) |Conceptual skills |
| |(c) |Clerical skills |(d) |Leadership skills |
|Q. No. 126 |A modern tool for analysis of the situation : |
| |(a) |Management by objective |(b) |Win-loose game |
| |(c) |‘TOWS’ matrix |(d) |Brainstorming |
|Q. No. 127 |Which among the following is a quantitative tool used for decision making: |
| |(a) |Break even analysis |(b) |Finite element analysis |
| |(c) |Factor analysis |(d) |None of the above |
|Q. No. 128 |In which of the following cases span of control is smaller : |
| |(a) |Well planned work schedule |
| |(b) |Utilizing the staff assistance |
| |(c) |Effective communication system |
| |(d) |Heterogeneous work environment |
|Q. No. 129 |Each individual in an organization must receive his or her instructions for a particular operation from only one person is |
| |known as : |
| |(a) |Span of control |(b) |Unity of command |
| |(c) |Hierarchy |(d) |Power |
|Q. No. 130 |The term “entrepreneur” is coined by : |
| |(a) |Richard Cantinlon |(b) |Tony Pears |
| |(c) |Curt Lewin |(d) |Gilford Pinchot |
|Q. No. 131 |Take the odd man out from the following: |
| |(a) |County club leadership |(b) |Middle road leadership |
| |(c) |Lassez-faire leadership |(d) |Team leadership |
|Q. No. 132 |The focus of training and learning are respectively on : |
| |(a) |Events and self |(b) |Events and outcome |
| |(c) |Outcome and self |(d) |Outcome and process |
|Q. No. 133 |The behaviour domain that gets the highest emphasis in training and education are: |
| |(a) |Cognitive and Connotative |(b) |Cognitive and Effective |
| |(c) |Affective and Cognitive |(d) |Affective and Psycho motive |
|Q. No. 134 |The purpose of microlab exercise in a training programme is : |
| |(a) |Concept building |(b) |Rapport building |
| |(c) |Strategy building |(d) |Experience building |
|Q. No. 135 |The stage of brainstorming in which free flow of ideas takes place: |
| |(a) |Red stage |(b) |Green stage |
| |(c) |Yellow stage |(d) |Orange stage |
|Q. No. 136 |The training method that emphasis on problem diagnosis : |
| |(a) |Case method |(b) |Role play |
| |(c) |Group discussion |(d) |Project method |
|Q. No. 137 |Trainer-trainee ratio is minimum in: |
| |(a) |Lecture |(b) |Brainstorming |
| |(c) |Syndicate |(d) |Role play |
|Q. No. 138 |The training setup under Training and Visit system can be considered as : |
| |(a) |Short arm long finger |(b) |Long arm short finger |
| |(c) |Short arm short finger |(d) |Long arm long finger |
|Q. No. 139 |To remove the afternoon sleep from the participants, we use : |
| |(a) |Ice breaks |(b) |Microlab |
| |(c) |Climate setting |(d) |All of the above |
|Q. No. 140 |Pooling of experience and opinions among group of people who have special qualifications in the area is called: |
| |(a) |Symposium |(b) |Conference |
| |(c) |Workshop |(d) |Brainstorming |
|Q. No. 141 |Discussion papers based on in –dept study and research is presented and discussed under the guidance of experts: |
| |(a) |Colloquium |(b) |Seminar |
| |(c) |Buzz session |(d) |Workshop |
|Q. No. 142 |Pure research differs from applied research in the sense the former: |
| |(a) |IIIuminates theory |(b) |Uses highly technical language |
| |(c) |Shares multipurpose view |(d) |Concentrate on the “Why” aspect |
|Q. No. 143 |Variables are essentially a : |
| |(a) |Property |(b) |Symbol |
| |(c) |Constructs |(d) |All of the above |
|Q. No. 144 |The condition under investigation that act as potential cause of some change in behavior : |
| |(a) |Dependent variable |(b) |Independent variable |
| |(c) |Intervening variable |(d) |None of the above |
|Q. No. 145 |Survey method would most typically used in: |
| |(a) |Clinical assessment |(b) |Opinion poll |
| |(c) |Laboratory experiment |(d) |Psychoanalysis |
|Q. No. 146 |Interview is the widely used technique in : |
| |(a) |Local studies |(b) |Public studies |
| |(c) |Empirical studies |(d) |Non-scientific studies |
|Q. No. 147 |Rating scales are used to measure : |
| |(a) |Actual behaviour |(b) |Perceived behaviour |
| |(c) |Both a and b |(d) |Opinion |
|Q. No. 148 |Attitude scale giving emphasis for intensity of attitude expression : |
| |(a) |Cumulative scale |(b) |Equal appearing interval scale |
| |(c) |Summated rating scale |(d) |None of the above |
|Q. No. 149 |The first step in summarizing the data is : |
| |(a) |Tabulation |(b) |Classification |
| |(c) |Interpretation |(d) |Observation |
|Q. No. 150 |The units within and between each stratum in stratified random sampling are respectively : |
| |(a) |Homogenous and homogenous |
| |(b) |Homogenous and Heterogeneous |
| |(c) |Heterogeneous and heterogeneous |
| |(d) |Heterogeneous and Heterogeneous |
|Q. No. 151 |Hypothesis that the population variance has a specified value can be tested by : |
| |(a) |F test |(b) |Z test |
| |(c) |χ2 test |(d) |T test |
|Q. No. 152 |A student has Intelligent Quotient (IQ) score 14.5. The category to which he belongs is |
| |(a) |Normal |(b) |Superior |
| |(c) |Very superior |(d) |Near genius |
|Q. No. 153 |Agricultural Extension was formally established in USA with the formulation of Smith-Lever cooperative Extension act in the |
| |year |
| |(a) |1895 |(b) |1905 |
| |(c) |1920 |(d) |1935 |
|Q. No. 154 |A bulletin should contain |
| |(a) |4-12 pages |(b) |12-24 pages |
| |(c) |24-48 pages |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 155 |A codified system of mores is generally called : |
| |(a) |Norms |(b) |Laws |
| |(c) |Customs |(d) |Values |
|Q. No. 156 |A matte white projection screen should be used when the projection room is |
| |(a) |Wide |(b) |Long narrow |
| |(c) |Oblong shaped |(d) |None of above |
|Q. No. 157 |When frequency of adaptors is plotted over time follows which curve? |
| |(a) |Normal curve |(b) |Skewed curve |
| |(c) |Linear shape |(d) |Curvilinear shape |
|Q. No. 158 |A true dicotominous variable among the following is : |
| |(a) |Male-Female |(b) |Literate-illiterate |
| |(c) |Intelligent-unintelligent |(d) |Introvert-extrovert |
|Q. No. 159 |Win loose game is staged to demonstrate : |
| |(a) |Intra-team collaboration |(b) |Inter-team collaboration |
| |(c) |Inter-personal collaboration |(d) |Intra-personal collaboration |
|Q. No. 160 |Which of the following is the characteristic of the culture? |
| |(a) |Culture is learnt |(b) |Culture is divine creation |
| |(c) |Culture makes man’s life materially |(d) |Culture is a religious and ethical system |
| | |comfortable | | |
|Q. No. 161 |At which of following level farmers information and advisory centers under ATMA operates? |
| |(a) |District level |(b) |Block level |
| |(c) |Tehsil level |(d) |Village level |
|Q. No. 162 |ATMA Management Committee is headed by |
| |(a) |District Collector |(b) |Project Director |
| |(c) |Agricultural Production Commissioner |(d) |Agriculture Minister of the state |
|Q. No. 163 |Betting on the strong horse is a slogan associated with which of following? |
| |(a) |IRDP |(b) |HYVP |
| |(c) |IADP |(d) |SFMA |
|Q. No. 164 |By whom is NATP funded? |
| |(a) |ICAR |(b) |FAO |
| |(c) |World Bank |(d) |ICAR |
|Q. No. 165 |Chronological order of activities is otherwise known as : |
| |(a) |Plan of work |(b) |Content of Plan |
| |(c) |Calendar of activity |(d) |Programme of activities |
|Q. No. 166 |Communication channels are the physical bridges between sender and receiver of the message are the words of |
| |(a) |Miller |(b) |Hovland |
| |(c) |Leagans |(d) |Berlo |
|Q. No. 167 |Cone of experience was given by : |
| |(a) |Rogers |(b) |OP Bhatnagar |
| |(c) |AA Reddy |(d) |Edgar Dale |
|Q. No. 168 |Cross-section of population is represented less in |
| |(a) |Simple random sample |(b) |Multistage sample |
| |(c) |Cluster sample |(d) |Stratified random sample |
|Q. No. 169 |Daniel Benor is associated with |
| |(a) |TV Programmes |(b) |T&V System |
| |(c) |IRDP |(d) |CDP |
|Q. No. 170 |Daniel Benor was from |
| |(a) |India |(b) |USA |
| |(c) |England |(d) |Israel |
|Q. No. 171 |Extension Education is |
| |(a) |A discipline |(b) |A profession |
| |(c) |Discipline and profession both |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 172 |Farmer-First (FF) Model was developed in late eighties by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, in |
| |(a) |UK |(b) |USA |
| |(c) |Germany |(d) |France |
|Q. No. 173 |Feelings of farmers about an Extension service can be measured by |
| |(a) |Value scale |(b) |Attitude scale |
| |(c) |Aspiration scale |(d) |Knowledge test |
|Q. No. 174 |Flag method is classified under: |
| |(a) |Written |(b) |Spoken |
| |(c) |Visual |(d) |Audiovisual |
|Q. No. 175 |Folkways have: |
| |(a) |Moral validity |(b) |Conventional validity |
| |(c) |Legal validity |(d) |All of the above |
|Q. No. 176 |From where is the Indian Journal of Extension Education Published? |
| |(a) |GBPUAT, Pantnagar |(b) |IARI, New Delhi |
| |(c) |TNAU, Coimbatore |(d) |Directorate of Extension |
|Q. No. 177 |Goal seeking behaviour or activity is called |
| |(a) |Perception |(b) |Motivation |
| |(c) |Aspiration |(d) |Attitude |
|Q. No. 178 |Here and Now situation is the characteristic feature of which of following? |
| |(a) |Androgogy |(b) |Pedogogy |
| |(c) |Edagogy |(d) |Pedogogy |
|Q. No. 179 |How was NES considered basically as a ? |
| |(a) |Method |(b) |Agency |
| |(c) |Project |(d) |Programme |
|Q. No. 180 |If results from a test are not influenced by differences in people who administer or interpret it the test is said to be |
| |(a) |Reliable |(b) |Valid |
| |(c) |Practical |(d) |Objective |
|Q. No. 181 |In which of the following social calendar is a tool most commonly used? |
| |(a) |PRA |(b) |RRA |
| |(c) |LFA |(d) |FSR |
|Q. No. 182 |In which the ratio of takes to acceptance is the highest? |
| |(a) |Farm and Home visit |(b) |Method demonstration |
| |(c) |Result demonstration |(d) |Campaign |
|Q. No. 183 |In which year did the integration of all TOT programmes of ICAR with KVK happened? |
| |(a) |1992 |(b) |1996 |
| |(c) |2001 |(d) |2006 |
|Q. No. 184 |Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) follows |
| |(a) |Individual approach |(b) |Group approach |
| |(c) |Family approach |(d) |None |
|Q. No. 185 |Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) was launched in |
| |(a) |1977 |(b) |1978 |
| |(c) |1976 |(d) |1974 |
|Q. No. 186 |Learning is which of the following internal process mainly controlled by? |
| |(a) |Teacher |(b) |Learner |
| |(c) |Subject matter |(d) |Teaching materials |
|Q. No. 187 |Linear model of communication was given by : |
| |(a) |Barlo |(b) |Weaver |
| |(c) |Sanane |(d) |Leagons |
|Q. No. 188 |Mention the Extension method which build the confidence of the researcher, Extension worker and the farmer? |
| |(a) |Minikit trial |(b) |Result demonstration |
| |(c) |Method demonstration |(d) |All of the above |
|Q. No. 189 |Mention the skill of communication which speaking and wirting involve? |
| |(a) |Encoding |(b) |Decoding |
| |(c) |Feedback |(d) |Knowledge |
|Q. No. 190 |Mention which one of the following is not the basic element of a community? |
| |(a) |Relationship with environment |
| |(b) |Legal binding |
| |(c) |Relationship with territory |
| |(d) |Psychological feeling |
|Q. No. 191 |Which of the following adopter category has a greater degree of opinion leadership in the system? |
| |(a) |Early adopters |(b) |Early majority |
| |(c) |Late Majority |(d) |Innovators |
|Q. No. 192 |Microlab can be carried out when the trainees are |
| |(a) |Less than 10 |(b) |Less than 25 |
| |(c) |Less than 50 |(d) |Any number of trainees |
|Q. No. 193 |Needs is classified as felt and unfelt from |
| |(a) |Physical point of view |(b) |Social point of view |
| |(c) |Psychological point of view |(d) |All |
|Q. No. 194 |PRA was introduced in India by |
| |(a) |Government departments |(b) |ICAR |
| |(c) |NGOs |(d) |Ford Foundation |
|Q. No. 195 |Which of the following is the major PRA technique? |
| |(a) |Verbal discussion |(b) |Visual sharing |
| |(c) |Direct interview |(d) |Focussed discussion |
|Q. No. 196 |The PRA technique, which shows cause-effect relationship among the different factors, is |
| |(a) |Venn diagrams |(b) |Daily routine diagrams |
| |(c) |Livelihood analysis |(d) |Flows diagrams |
|Q. No. 197 |S-M-C-R-E model of communication is given by |
| |(a) |Berlo |(b) |Laswell |
| |(c) |Rogers |(d) |Leagans |
|Q. No. 198 |Strategic Research Extension Plan (SREP) is prepared by |
| |(a) |ATMA Governing Board |(b) |National Development Council |
| |(c) |National Steering Committee |(d) |ATMA management Committee |
|Q. No. 199 |Symbolic adoption is the example of |
| |(a) |Covert behaviour |(b) |Overt behaviour |
| |(c) |Affection |(d) |None of these |
|Q. No. 200 |Tape and wire recording are made by |
| |(a) |Magnetic |(b) |Mechanical |
| |(c) |Optical |(d) |None of these |
Model Answer
1 |(B) | |41 |(B ) | |81 |( B ) | |121 |( A ) | |161 |( B ) | |2 |(B) | |42 |( B ) | |82 |( C) | |122 |( B) | |162 |( B) | |3 |( B) | |43 |( B) | |83 |( B) | |123 |( B) | |163 |( C) | |4 |(C) | |44 |( A) | |84 |( C) | |124 |( A) | |164 |( C) | |5 |(C) | |45 |( C) | |85 |( D) | |125 |( B) | |165 |( A) | |6 |(A) | |46 |( B) | |86 |( B) | |126 |( C) | |166 |( C) | |7 |(B) | |47 |( B) | |87 |( C) | |127 |( A) | |167 |( D) | |8 |(C) | |48 |( A) | |88 |( A) | |128 |( D) | |168 |( C) | |9 |(C) | |49 |( D) | |89 |( B) | |129 |( B) | |169 |( B) | |10 |(C) | |50 |( C) | |90 |( B) | |130 |( A) | |170 |( A) | |11 |( D) | |51 |( B) | |91 |( B) | |131 |( C) | |171 |( C) | |12 |( C) | |52 |( D) | |92 |( D) | |132 |( A) | |172 |( A) | |13 |( B) | |53 |( C) | |93 |( A) | |133 |( C ) | |173 |( B) | |14 |( C ) | |54 |( D) | |94 |( A) | |134 |( B) | |174 |( B) | |15 |( B) | |55 |( C) | |95 |( A) | |135 |( A) | |175 |( B) | |16 |( B) | |56 |( A) | |96 |( B) | |136 |( A) | |176 |( B) | |17 |( A ) | |57 |( A) | |97 |( A) | |137 |( B) | |177 |( B) | |18 |( B) | |58 |( B) | |98 |( A) | |138 |( B) | |178 |( A) | |19 |( A) | |59 |( D) | |99 |( C) | |139 |( A) | |179 |( B) | |20 |( A) | |60 |( A) | |100 |( B) | |140 |( B) | |180 |( D) | |21 |( D) | |61 |( B) | |101 |( C) | |141 |( B) | |181 |( A) | |22 |( A) | |62 |( D) | |102 |( D) | |142 |( A) | |182 |( A) | |23 |( B) | |63 |( B) | |103 |( B) | |143 |( D) | |183 |( A) | |24 |( C) | |64 |( A) | |104 |( A) | |144 |( B) | |184 |( C) | |25 |( A) | |65 |( C) | |105 |( B) | |145 |( B) | |185 |( B) | |26 |( D) | |66 |( B) | |106 |( B) | |146 |( C) | |186 |( B) | |27 |( C) | |67 |( C) | |107 |( C) | |147 |( B ) | |187 |( D) | |28 |( B) | |68 |( B) | |108 |( B) | |148 |( C) | |188 |( A) | |29 |( B) | |69 |( A) | |109 |( B) | |149 |( B) | |189 |( A) | |30 |( B) | |70 |( D) | |110 |( D) | |150 |( B) | |190 |( C) | |31 |( C) | |71 |( C) | |111 |( A) | |151 |( C) | |191 |( A) | |32 |( C) | |72 |( A) | |112 |( A) | |152 |( B) | |192 |( D) | |33 |( B) | |73 |( B) | |113 |( C) | |153 |( D) | |193 |( C) | |34 |( B) | |74 |( D) | |114 |( A) | |154 |( C) | |194 |( C) | |35 |( D) | |75 |( B) | |115 |( A) | |155 |( B) | |195 |( B) | |36 |( C) | |76 |( C) | |116 |( B) | |156 |( A) | |196 |( D) | |37 |( B) | |77 |( B) | |117 |( C) | |157 |( A) | |197 |( C) | |38 |( C) | |78 |( C) | |118 |( C) | |158 |( A) | |198 |( D) | |39 |( A) | |79 |( B) | |119 |( D) | |159 |( B) | |199 |( A) | |40 |( B) | |80 |( B) | |120 |( A) | |160 |( A) | |200 |( A) | |