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Early American Women Essay

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Throughout history women of all different ethnicities, races and religious beliefs have been excluded from many different decisions revolving around men. Women differing in all aspects of life have come together to share the similarities and differences regarding hardships they have faced. Some of the hardships the women faced between the settlement through the civil war was race, class, ethnicity, religion, and region. Race today is still a very relevant topic in society today. In the past, race was one of the largest controversial topics amongst the United States. For example, according to the document in the book titled, Early American Women: A Documentary History, 1600-1900 written by Nancy Woloch, skilled slaved were considered much …show more content…
This is commonly seen between the Southern women and how they perceive slavery. In the document titled “The Cruel Mistress” written by Angelina Grimké Weld (Woloch 224-227), Weld and her husband put together a testimonial of 1,000 people who has experienced being a slave or has seen any type of cruelty regarding slavery. She continues to talk about a cruel mistress and how she treats her slaves so horribly that all of her slaves were petrified of setting her off and being beaten. The mistress was so awful to her slaves that she would beat them for anything and everything that she saw they did wrong. She went to the extent to have cowhides and paddles in each room of her home just incase she wanted to abuse them. If one of her slaves would mess up on washing a dinner plate or while they were cooking, they would just get slapped, if they slave showed sorrow and said sorry, then the mistress would have them beaten so badly that many times the slaves would be stripped and flogged to the point where the slashes were so bad that a finger could fit into the wound. The mistress never actually beat any of the slaves, she would have either the slaves own family beat them or she would force her brother to do the dirty work for her. Some women in the south would go to church and claim that they were devout Christians but would go back to their plantation and treat the slaves like they were little to

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