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Sore Muscle Research Paper

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Cheap and Effective Ways to Manage Sore Muscles

With all the things that you have to deal with everyday like driving through traffic, finishing piles of report, and training for hours at the gym, suffering from sore muscles sometimes become a common struggle.

Sore muscles cause a certain degree of pain and discomfort. Also, soreness limits your productivity so you would want to get rid of them right away. Before we discuss the ways on how you can manage your sore muscles, let’s try to understand first what’s causing it.

What’s Causing Your Sore Muscles?
Sore muscles are usually experienced after you do your workout routines, play sports games, or finish daily household chores. Sometimes, you could even get sore muscles even if you’re just sitting at your desk for a whole day while typing out reports. It usually happens due to prolonged use …show more content…
Put ice on it
It has been shown that applying ice immediately after exercise could significantly reduce the pain that you’d be suffering afterwards. Putting ice on your sore muscle could help in reducing inflammation. Inflammation is your body’s natural defense to heal itself. Unfortunately, too much inflammation could make your muscle swell, leading to pain and limited movement. Ice packs for neck pain is an easy remedy for your sore neck after hours of typing away in your computer.

4. Indulge in a massage
A body massage has lots of benefits including better blood circulation and lymph drainage. Research shows that a massage could also warm your body and ease the tension and tightness in your muscles. Doing so could ease muscle soreness and improve your body’s mobility.

5. Soak in a warm bath
After putting ice as an immediate measure to relieve pain and soreness, you would be free to immerse yourself in a warm, relaxing bath. Warm water would facilitate blood circulation, speeding up the healing process in your muscles. The heat would also penetrate your body and help relieve the tension in your muscles.

6. Drink

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