...RESEAR CH AR TICLE Psychosocial Distress and Alcohol Use as Factors in Adolescent Sexual Behavior Among Sub-Saharan African Adolescents RANDY M. PAGE, PhDa COUGAR P. HALL, PhDb ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: This study examines the relationship between sexual behavior, alcohol use, and indicators of psychosocial distress (mental health) of adolescents in 6 sub-Saharan African countries using the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS). METHODS: The sample consisted of 22,949 adolescents from Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe who participated in 2003 or 2004 GSHS surveys. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine whether sexual behaviors increased with levels of psychosocial distress and alcohol use. RESULTS: Sexual behaviors (having sex or having sex with 2 or more people) were associated with both psychosocial distress and alcohol use. Odds ratios showed that both boys and girls reporting psychosocial distress and alcohol use were at higher risk for having sex. Results also indicated that the likelihood of sexual behaviors increased when there was an increase in the number of psychosocial indicators and frequency of alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: The results of this study are consistent with those conducted in the United States suggesting that sexual behavior, psychosocial distress, and substance use are interconnected. These findings highlight the need for school health education and health services in sub-Saharan Africa...
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...Introduction Gender identity disorders in children and adolescents are rare and complex conditions. They are often associated with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Intense distress is often experienced, particularly in adolescence. Gender identity disorders can be seen as states in which, in the course of the young person’s psychosexual development, there is an atypical gender identity organisation. The young person experiences their phenotypic sex as incongruous with his or her own sense of gender identity. This predicament, which is commoner in boys, is characterised by: • A desire to be of the other sex • Cross-dressing • Play with games, toys and objects usually associated with the other sex and avoidance of play normally associated with their sex • Preference for playmates or friends of the sex with which the child identifies • Dislike of bodily sexual characteristics and functions It is important to consider these states as different from those seen in adults because: (a) A developmental process is involved (physical, psychological and sexual). (b) There is greater fluidity and variability in the outcome, with only a small proportion becoming transsexuals or transvestites, the majority of affected children eventually developing a homosexual orientation and some a heterosexual orientation without transvestism or transsexualism. Similarly, pre-pubertal and post-pubertal groups need to be differentiated. There is greater fluidity and likelihood...
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...The long shadow cast by childhood physical and mental problems on adult life Alissa Goodmana, Robert Joycea, and James P. Smithb,1 + Author Affiliations aInstitute for Fiscal Studies, London WC1E 7AE, United Kingdom; and bRAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 Edited by Kenneth Wachter, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved February 8, 2011 (received for review November 11, 2010) Next Section Abstract In this article we assess and compare long-term adult socioeconomic status impacts from having experienced psychological and physical health problems in childhood. To do so, we use unique prospective data from the British National Child Development Study, a continuing panel study of a cohort of 17,634 children born in Great Britain during a single week in March 1958. To date there have been nine waves for this birth cohort to monitor their physical, educational, and social development, during childhood (at birth and 7, 11, and 16 y) and adulthood (age 23, 33, 42, 46, and 50 y). Excellent contemporaneous information exists throughout childhood on physical and psychological health, captured by doctor and nurse-led medical examinations and detailed parental and teacher questionnaires. This information is combined with a wealth of contemporaneous information on adult health and economic experiences collected from cohort members. Information includes their economic circumstances (earnings, labor supply, and other sources...
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...Child Abuse and Its Effects on the Child’s Ability to Form Attachments The moment that a child is conceived begins a lifelong journey of attachment. Studies have shown that embryos begin bonding in the womb when they feel movement, hear voices, and through the stimulation of smell and taste. This attachment with a caregiver grows even stronger when the child is born and as they move into childhood develops further into other relationships. The intensity associated with the importance of this development is best described by Perry (2001), “The most important property of humankind is the capacity to form and maintain relationships. These relationships are absolutely necessary for any of us to survive, learn, work, love and procreate” (p. 1). That is, as long as the proper environment and development is exposed to the child. Exposure to constant distress or inflicted abuse and/or neglect to a child can result in reactive attachment disorder, along with many other socioemotional problems and disorders. This will affect all relationships, as well as their ability to accomplish goals and lead a directed, goal-oriented life. When and if others intervene within the abusive situation, will determine how the child will deal with an attachment disorder. If intervention does not occur, attachment disorders associated with abuse and/or neglect can lead to violence in children and adults. There are ways to help children cope with this disorder, but it will become a struggle they will have...
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...Child Sexual Abuse – Past, Present and Future Donna Hurst University of the Cumberlands HSOL 331 April 13, 2013 ABSTRACT This paper explores the issue of child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse of a child has become a major social issue in not only the United States but the entire world. It is imperative that society learns all they can about this issue. As a whole, society needs to discover the indicators of sexual abuse, the appropriate ways to report suspected abuse and how to help those that have been abused so they are not continually victimized by their past. This paper will explore child abuse and child sexual abuse in six parts. The first part will begin with the earliest references of child abuse as a whole. The second part will continue on to the emergence of the issue of child abuse on the social and political scene. The third part of this paper will show when and how sexual abuse first became recognized as part of the child abuse issue. The fourth part of this paper will move into the effects of child sexual abuse. The fifth part will cover child sexual abuse intervention methods and the sixth part will focus on the treatments available to help victims in the present as well as the future. PART ONE: CHILD ABUSE’S PAST In the ancient world, infanticide was common practice in nearly all cultures. Children were killed at birth if they did not seem fit. Fathers were permitted to kill their newborns if they deemed the child was abnormal. Children that showed signs...
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...Span Human Development Lela Lambe 10/25/15 Kristin Scott-Grove Introduction: Attachment is a strong, affectionate bond we have with our mother. Also, with special people in our lives during a lifetime. Attachment leads us to experience pleasure when we interact with time. Besides, to be comforted by nearness in times of stress. Lasting emotional connection that connects people to another within space and time. Attachment is a strong emotional and social bond of trust between the child and parents. That is very important for social and emotional development. In childhood, particular the first couple of years of life, attachment relationships help the immature brain use the mature functions of the parent’s brain to develop important capacities related to interpersonal functioning. The baby’s bond with their attachment caregiver. Offer experience-dependent neural avenue to develop. Particularly in the frontal lobes where the capacities are wire into the developing brain. Attachment Theory devised by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth to account for the impact of early separation and trauma on the child. Has revolutionized our views of development, psychopathology, and clinical work. Is the most prominent theory today regarding early socio-emotional development. The empirically based and support the research. The child is highly motivated beginning birth to form and maintain attachments to a few caregivers. Healthy attachments have successful survival value. Children...
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...develop awareness for each client’s perspective, beliefs, and values. An individual’s perspective may differ from the perspective of his or her therapist. Thus, psychologists and therapists alike must develop an understanding of cultural diversity. Pederson and Locke (1999) stress the need for training in the culture-centered approach to gain, “accurate assessment, meaningful understanding, and appropriate intervention” (p. 11). A variety of factors can affect the understanding of a culturally diverse individual, such as homelessness, sexual harassment, and racism. Through an understanding of those three sociopolitical factors, psychologists and therapists can see the impact of these factors on psychological development, behavior, and distress. As a result, practices may be put in place to help minimize potentially harmful consequences. Homelessness Approximately two and a half million people are homeless and 30-50% of this group consists of families with children (Pedersen & Locke, 1999). According to Pederson and Locke (1999), homeless is defined if an individual meets one of the following criteria: • Inability to secure regular and stable housing • Primary residence is a public or private shelter • Occupying a place not designated for housing (p. 90). The homeless population accounts for 50% African American, 35% White, 12% Hispanic, 2% Native American, and 1% Asian (Almanac of Policy Issues, 2000). Reasons for homelessness can include poverty, unemployment, and the...
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...Pain Assessment and Management G u i d e l i n e f o r Marlene Walden, PhD RNC NNP CCNS Sharyn Gibbins, PhD RN NNP P r a c t i c e , 2 n d E d i t i o n Pain Assessment and Management Guideline for Practice, 2nd Edition This guideline is an outline of the pain assessment and management practices that currently are accepted and documented by experts in the field of neonatal care. In addition, it summarizes and recommends pain assessment and management practices based on the best evidence for the nursing care of infants. This guideline does not preclude the use of manufacturers’ recommendations or other acceptable methods of assessing and managing pain in infants. The use of other practices known to improve the quality of neonatal care is encouraged and not restricted by this document. The National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN) developed this guideline in response to members’ requests. Broad in scope, it can provide a foundation for specific nursing protocols, policies, and procedures developed by individual institutions. Authors Marlene Walden, PhD RNC NNP CCNS Sharyn Gibbins, PhD RN NNP Reviewers Daniel Batton, MD, American Academy of Pediatrics Sandra Sundquist Beauman, MSN RNC Jim Couto, MA, American Academy of Pediatrics Mary Ann Gibbons, BSN RN Melinda Porter, RNC CNS NNP Ann Stark, MD FAAP, Chair of AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn Carol Wallman, RNC NNP MS, NANN/AWHONN Liaison to AAP Committee on Fetus and...
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...the psychology Welcome & Introduction If your reading this your studying for AQA A Psychology Psya3 and the Relationship topic is one of the ones you have chosen. Its a wise move I think as its one of the easier ones to learn. I generally advise picking something you can relate to because you have some grounding for it as opposed to learning whole new concepts or ways of thinking on subject matter thats completely foreign. It tends to save you time in getting your head around things. A bit about me - My name is Sajan Devshi and I self-taught myself AQA A A Level Psychology between 2011-2012 achieving an A* grade and 100% in both Psya3 & Psya4. You can check out my certificate on my website at http://www.loopa.co.uk as well as get my other model answers too for the other topics in Psya3 and Psya4. But enough about me - you can learn about me in more depth on my website - lets get on with the show and onto the the overview of this topic, structuring and the model answers themselves too. S ECTION 1 Memorising Your Model Answers This is going to be pretty much your hardest task and with the help of this book hopefully it becomes more manageable. People have various ways they memorise things and it is entirely up to you. Memorising Essays U SING A CRONYMS + P RACTICE The method of memorising the essays is the same across all my model essay answers. I employ the concept of “chunking” alongside the use of “acronyms”. Combined this helped me memorise ...
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...families. In 1970, the number of single-parent families with children under the age of 18 was 3.8 million. By 1990, the number had more than doubled to 9.7 million. For the first time in history, children are more likely to reside in a single-parent family for reasons other than the death of a parent. One in four children are born to an unmarried mother, many of whom are teenagers. Another 40 percent of children under 18 will experience parental breakup. Ninety percent of single-parent families are headed by females. Not surprisingly, single mothers with dependent children have the highest rate of poverty across all demographic groups (Olson & Banyard, 1993). Approximately 60 percent of U.S. children living in mother-only families are impoverished, compared with only 11 percent of two-parent families. The rate of poverty is even higher in African-American single-parent families, in which two out of every three children are poor. Effects on Children Past research has indicated that children from single-parent families are more likely to experience less healthy lives, on the average, than children from intact families. For instance, children growing up with only one parent are more likely to drop out of school, bear children out of wedlock, and have trouble keeping jobs as young adults. Other consequences include risks to psychological development, social behavior, and sex-role identification. However, recent reviews criticize the methodology of many of these studies which...
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...vacuum. There are so many different forces at play and risk factors that coincide with mental health problems in these environments including: low-income households, unemployment, use of illicit substances, low parental involvement, low educational attainment, and involvement in the criminal justice system. As a therapist, I realize there will be numerous mental health issues that will be challenging. There appears to be a high prevalence of conduct and antisocial personality disorders among the gang membership population. Violence before age 15 that persists into adulthood is one of criteria for the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. It is also known that violence and offending behavior escalate during gang membership and early behavior problems are significant factor for prolonged gang involvement (Hill, Liu, & Hawkins, 2001). When counseling gang members in the past, I was always aware of how much anxiety these...
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...discussed in terms of the role of university staff in providing assistance to students with BPD. The chapter concludes with a summation of considerations in assisting university students with severe symptoms of BPD while on campus. 1.2 Borderline Personality Disorder 1.2.1 The development of the Borderline construct Reliable and valid differentiation of the borderline construct has proved elusive. The phenomena was initially reported in psychodynamic literature in the 1930’s, however was not distinguished as a syndrome until 1953 (Knight, 1953). Indeed, the use of the term ‘borderline’ arguably represents a misnomer due to its association with early difficulty in characterising an indistinct set of symptoms (Zhong& Leung, 2007). Observations of the era indicate patients displayed both classic symptoms of neurosis and concurrent indicators of psychosis, in the absence of polarization toward either (Knight, 1953). Subsequently, the presentation was regarded to represent a diagnostic mid-point or...
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...The sexual abuse of children has been given a lot more recognition in the last few decades. Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) can be defined as any sexual contact with a child through the use of coercion or deceit to secure the child’s participation or any sexual contact with a child incapable of consent. (Finkelhor, 1985) CSA has a long-term impact on several health and social indicators; a study found that survivors of trauma are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and substance abuse. (Felitti and Anda, 2010) The extent of damage to well-being and functioning differs widely among CSA survivors. However, some adult survivors go on to rise above the abuse and shame to live successful lives. They build an affluent career,...
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...UNRESOLVED GRIEF AND CONTINUING BONDS: AN ATTACHMENT PERSPECTIVE Much of the contemporary bereavement literature on the continuing bond to the deceased (CB) has emphasized its adaptiveness and given limited attention to when it may be maladaptive. The attachment literature on disorganized– unresolved attachment classification in relation to loss, or ‘‘unresolved loss,’’ is informative in identifying CB expressions that are indicative of failure to integrate the death of a loved one. In this article, an important linkage is identified between a prominent indicator of unresolved loss that involves a lapse in the monitoring of reasoning implying disbelief that the person is dead and the clinical writings of J. Bowlby (1980) and V. D. Volkan (1981) on maladaptive variants of CB expression. The aim is to highlight the value of the attachment literature on unresolved loss in clarifying the conditions under which CB is likely to be maladaptive. There is increasing agreement among bereavement theorists and practitioners that an ongoing attachment to the deceased can be an integral part of successful adaptation to bereavement (Klass, Silverman, & Nickman, 1996). This position, commonly known as the ‘‘continuing bonds’’ perspective, is counter to that presented by Freud (1917=1957) in his classic work ‘‘Mourning and Melancholia,’’ in which he proposed that successful adaptation to loss required the bereaved to detach his or her psychic investment in the deceased...
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