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East Berlin Wall Research Paper

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In 1945 Germany lost WWI and was split into four zones. The capital city of Germany, Berlin, was controlled by the Soviet Union, France, Britain, and the United States. In 1947 the ideological Cold War began. Tensions had risen between the zones. By 1949, Germany was split in two: the democratic Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in the west and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in the east (Constitutional History of Germany). In 1961, the Berlin Wall was constructed by the GDR to prevent propaganda from spreading and keep their people from leaving Communist East Berlin to go to the Democratic Western Berlin (Pollard, pg. 730- 732). The wall created a physical boundary between Soviet-controlled East Berlin from the capitalistic west and stopped East-Berliners from escaping to the west as it offered improved economic conditions. During the Cold War, East Germany was home to communist ideologies, and West Germany held democratic …show more content…
The entire initial construction of the wall took only one night. Throughout the years after the wall was initially built it was improved to become a virtually impermeable monument to oppression. It had mines, barbed wire, electric fences and guard posts. The belief was that the GDR was being drained of its skilled workers who escaped through Berlin, so this gateway had to be blocked. The wall would prevent a mass exodus from the east to the west. West Germany had the backing of the United States Marshall Plan that would provide aid to rebuild Europe, which only increased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union (Pollard, pg. 732). In the 1950s and 1960s, East Germans fled to West Germany to escape the oppression of communism, find employment, or to be with family. Losing young, educated and talented people weakened the East German economy. The Berlin wall had become an airtight wall of

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