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Eastern Slope Analysis

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The preservation of areas of historical importance is a challenging task because the boundaries between what is deemed to be of historical value, and what is not deemed to be of value, is hard to determine. When the Beacon Hill Historic District was created the 1960s, there was great debate about what areas should be included in it. After heated debate, Lawmakers left out the Eastern Slope from being included in the Historic District because they saw “Bowdoin Street [as] the logical line between the new and the old Boston, between government and city offices and convenient residential district” (Born 12). However, the exclusion the Eastern Slope is a mistake because even though the buildings in the area were not built before the 1880s, it’s still closely connected with the Historic District.
First, past of the Eastern Slope collectively used to be known as Bullfinch’s Pasture, as Charles Bullfinch’s grandfather, once owned it. From Bullfinch’s Pasture, “Several Streets were laid…including Bullfinch Street, extending southward from Bowdoin Square to Somerset Street, and Bullfinch Place, a short lane running off Bullfinch Street to present-day Bowdoin Street.” (Kirker 74) Moreover, given the importance that Bullfinch has had on the area enclosed within the Historic District with his architectural …show more content…
As the old State House was the Commonwealth’s original seat of government, it stands as a symbol of the Brahmin caste’s political power. Since the city’s inception, the Brahmin caste has exerted its ingrained political power on the area that is now included in the Historic District. Furthermore, given that in the old State House men like Harrison Gray Otis and Johnathon Mason served, two important figures who shaped Beacon Hill into what it is today, again shows the connection that the Eastern Slope as to the Historic

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