...Report on ‘eBay Inc.’ Name: Mohammad Russel SID: 1351826/1_IM Faculty: Lord Ashcroft International Business School Module Code: MOD003058 Module Title: Marketing Consultancy Date: 14/11/2013 Academic Year: 2013/14 Semester: 01 London School Of Marketing Marketing Consultancy Report On ‘eBay Inc.’ Reported By: Mohammad Russel Report Date: 14/11/2013 Content Introduction 1. A brief history of eBay Inc. …………………………………… 03 2. Market position of eBay Inc. …………………………………… 03 3. Client Issues …………………………………… 05 4. Implications, if client problem is not treated …………………………………… 06 Situation Analysis of Market Market situation comparison .……………………………….….. 06 Situation Analysis Models ……………...……………………. 07 Internal Analysis: SWOT Analysis …..……………………………...... 07 External Analysis: PEST Analysis ........................................................ 08 Porters Five Force Analysis ........................................................ 08 Recommendations .….………………………………. 08 Appendix …………………………………… 09 References …………………………………… 12 Introduction A brief history of eBay Inc. eBay Inc....
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...Managing Strategy 1 Amazon STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF AMAZON Submitted for: MBA IN MS (MANAGING STRATEGY) TUTOR: PAUL ANDERSON SUBMITTED BY: C0411672 Managing Strategy 2 Amazon CONTENTS Title..................................................................01 Contents....................................................... 02 Introduction.................................................03 Section 1 Current strategic position......................04 Macro environment.................................... 04 Micro environment......................................07 Strategic Capabilities................................10 Section 2 Current and Future strategy..................13 Bowman’s strategy clock.........................13 Section 3 Implementation issues............................... 16 Cultural web................................................16 Kotters 8 step theory................................18 Conclusion....................................................21 Reference list..............................................22 Appendix..........................................................30 Managing Strategy 3 Amazon INTRODUCTION Amazon is an e-commerce platform based organisation established in 1995 by Jeffrey P. Bezos. Amazon.com is based in Washington, United States. Amazon is recognised as customer centric e-commerce organisation giving wide varieties, low price offers and convenience to its customers by offering services virtually. ...
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...Corporate strategy report on the online retail Industry (AMAZON AND ALIBABA) Introduction This report will first analyse the global online retail industry by showing its evolution, characteristics and future outlook. It will also analyse the competitiveness and strategies used by Amazon Inc. and Alibaba Group to dominate the market as well as give an insight of their future challenges and some concrete strategic suggestions for how these firms might deal with them. The industry lifecycle stages is a famous model explored by Michael Porter. According to him, the industry is one of the most important factor of a firm’s environment (Porter, 1980). The global online retail is still at the beginning of its growth cycle. It is also one of the most promising and therefore attractive industry. It has experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.6% between 2010 and 2014. The sector grew by 19.1% in 2014 to reach a total value of $974.5 billion and is expected to grow by 114.5% by 2019 compared to 2014 to reach a value of $2,090.2 billion (MarketLine, 2015). The industry lifecycle stages is a famous model explored by Michael Porter. According to him, the industry is one of the most important factor of a firm’s environment (Porter, 1980). The global online retail is still at the beginning of its growth cycle. It is also one of the most promising and therefore attractive industry. It has experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.6% between 2010 and 2014....
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...THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP HND Business Level 5 21rd June 2012 THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP AC2.1: Leadership Styles Introduction Concisely, leadership refers to the process through which a person manages to influence others in a coherent and cohesive manner so that they can accomplish a certain objective. Leadership practice depends on four factors namely leader, followers, communication, and situation. To a certain extent, leadership practice is closely related to management but there are certain differences that set the two organisational necessities apart. In the traditional thinking present in all organisations, leadership separates the roles of a manager from those of a leader. The rationale behind this is that managers are people who operate under control; they administer through focusing on already existing structures and systems. However, there must be a balance between both management and leadership demands for the optimal survival of any organisation. Both leaders and managers are vital for the positive performance and success of an organisation. Leadership skills model a way forward while management skills enable arriving at a set target. This means that striking a balance between leadership and management demands in an organisation requires an effective leader to carry good management skills and similarly, an effective...
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...About | Contact | Jobs | [pic] • Lesson Store • Buy Video • Exercise Store • Powerpoint [pic][pic] Marketing Teacher: Home / The Marketing Environment The Marketing Environment [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic]The Marketing Environment What is the marketing environment? The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization. There are three key perspectives on the marketing environment, namely the 'macro-environment,' the 'micro-environment' and the 'internal environment'. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] The micro-environment This environment influences the organization directly. It includes suppliers that deal directly or indirectly, consumers and customers, and other local stakeholders. Micro tends to suggest small, but this can be misleading. In this context, micro describes the relationship between firms and the driving forces that control this relationship. It is a more local relationship, and the firm may exercise a degree of influence. The macro-environment This includes all factors that can influence and organization, but that are out of their direct control. A company does not generally influence any laws (although it is accepted that they could lobby or be part of a trade organization). It is continuously changing, and the company needs to be flexible to adapt. There may be aggressive competition and rivalry in a market. Globalization means that there is always the threat of substitute...
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...International Marketing Table of Contents Introduction 3 An analysis of the macro and micro factors impacting on the sports retail market and the market recommendations 3 PEST 3 Micro factors and internal business factors 4 An evaluation of market potential, to include an identified shortlist of markets with potential 5 External Factor Analysis 6 Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis: 6 McKinsey’s 7 S Strategy: 6 Using a clear and identified screening criterion, select two recommended markets with clear justification as to why these markets have been selected 6 Recommended and justified market entry strategy to take Nike Inc. into each of these markets 8 Recommended adaptations to Nike’s marketing mix for the proposed markets, ensuring differences in culture and consumer behaviour are recognised in their marketing mix activity 9 Conclusion 11 References 12 Appendix 15 Introduction International market expansion requires thorough understanding of market and its dynamics for ensuring expected profit and performance. In context to that, the case of Nike Inc. would be analysed. The company wants to increase their brand value and sales through international expansion. Therefore, cities from two developing markets have been selected as prospective destinations. These are Panadura (Sri Lanka) and Agrinio (Greece). These cities would be analysed to check their suitability for being locations of Nike stores. An analysis of the macro and micro factors impacting...
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...gerry JoHnson KeVan sCHoles rICHard WHIttIngton Fundamentals oF strategy ACCESS CODE INSIDE unlock valuable online learning resources Once opened this pack cannot be returned for a refund Welcome to FUNDAMENTALS OF STRATEGY Strategy is a fascinating subject. It’s about the overall direction of all kinds of organisations, from multinationals to entrepreneurial start-ups, from charities to government agencies, and many more. Strategy raises the big questions about these organisations – how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. As a manager of today or of tomorrow, you will be involved in influencing, implementing or communicating these strategies. Our aim in writing Fundamentals of Strategy is to give you a clear understanding of the fundamental issues and techniques of strategy, and to help you get a great final result in your course. Here’s how you might make the most of the text: ● Focus your time and attention on the fundamental areas of strategy in just 10 carefully selected chapters. Read the illustrations and the case examples to clarify your understanding of how the concepts of strategy translate into an easily recognisable, real-world context. Follow up on the recommended readings at the end of each chapter. They’re specially selected as accessible and valuable sources that will enhance your learning and give you an extra edge in your course work. KEY CONCEPT AUDIO SUMMARY ● ● Also, look out for the Key Concepts and Audio Summary icons...
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...A FINAL PROJECT REPORT ON “CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS ONLINE GROCERY STORES” SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES TO UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI BY RAINU TANVEER SINGH SPECIALIZATION: MARKETING ROLL NO. 40 Batch: 2010-2012 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PROF. ANNIE PILLAI Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies and Research MATUNGA, MUMBAI – 400 019 Table of Content Chapter No. 1 2 3.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Topic Executive Summary Literature Review Industry Introduction Models of E-commerce Online Shopping In India Online Grocery Shopping Indian Players in Online Grocery Shopping Company Introduction Hypothesis Research Objectives Scope of the research Limitations Research Design and Methodology Sample Design Sampling Technique Data Collection Tool Used Questionnaire Data Analysis Page No. 03 05 10 12 14 18 20 26 27 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 36 55 57 58 60 7.1 7.2 8.1 9.1 Observations Recommendations Conclusion Biography Page 2 CHAPTER 1 Page 3 1.1 Executive Summary Internet and Information technology have made tremendous contributions for business transformation witnessed nowadays all over the world. This has given birth to E commerce which encompasses several pre purchase and post purchase activities leading to exchange of products or service or information over electronic systems such as the internet and the other Telecommunication networks. Analysing the competitive...
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...Technology Ventures From Idea to Enterprise is p r bite ohi d. se The pre na limi ry p s age are p are rep d fo r s ent tud s of D ho r. T ma Any s. yer sB oth e e r us se The pre na limi ry p s age are p are rep d fo r s ent tud s of D ho r. T ma Any s. yer sB oth e e r us is p r bite ohi d. Technology Ventures From Idea to Enterprise d. Thomas H. Byers Stanford University se The pre na limi ry p s age are p a Richard C. Dorf . Thom f Dr University of California, Davis so t den stu r d fo Andrew J. Nelson are rep University of Oregon Any s. yer sB oth e e r us is p r bite ohi TECHNOLOGY VENTURES: FROM IDEA TO ENTERPRISE, THIRD EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright @ 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2008 and 2005. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the...
Words: 60653 - Pages: 243
...Plan For A Product Of Innocent Drinks Marketing Essay The report describes the marketing plan for the repositioning of the product “This Water” offered by “Innocent Drinks”. Company was founded in 1999 and offers smoothies and flavoured spring water in Super markets, coffee shops, cinemas and other outlets in UK and other countries. Company has decided to re-launch its existing product “This Water” in the cinemas in the UK with the new name “This Water Plus”. This report covers the marketing plan and marketing strategies to reposition the product. The period for the marketing plan is set from 2nd January 2011 to 1st September 2012. All the effecting factors are consider while planning the plan including current world and specifically UK economic position after recession as UK economy is still in process to gain its recovery position. Innocent Drinks has improved the design and packaging of its product to make it more attractive and focused on the corporate social responsibility. They used recycled material for the packaging and also contributes portion of the profit towards charitable work. They have targeted the UK cinemas to offer this product. Innocent Drinks is a UK based company established in 1999 by three Cambridge graduates. Its main business is producing smoothies and flavoured spring water. Company sells its products in supermarkets, cinemas and coffee shops. It has branches in UK, France, Austria, Denmark, Amsterdam, Brussels and Germany. Company enjoys 71% of UK...
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...What is marketing? Definition of marketing Many define marketing as the process of buying and selling in a market. Marketing is defined in many ways; marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumers’ requirements. The essence of marketing is that a business will make what it can sell rather than sell what it can make. Marketing requires an assessment of human needs and the orientation of all the firm’s resources towards the satisfaction of those needs. Marketing is a social and management process by which individuals and groups obtain what they want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. Marketing is concerned with meeting business objectives by providing customer satisfaction. Marketing is a method used by companies to communicate with the consumer and make them knowledgeable about the various features of their products or services. It is an essential part of attracting the target buyers to a product to a particular product and companies use various innovative or different techniques to stay ahead of their competitors and make their place in the market. Another marketing definition is the commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer. We can also define marketing as the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or a service. Businesses undertake marketing activities because they gain several benefits. They use marketing in...
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...Strategic Management Patricia Murtagh The University of Sunderland © 2014 The University of Sunderland First published January 2014, revised February 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of the copyright owner. While every effort has been made to ensure that references to websites are correct at time of going to press, the world wide web is a constantly changing environment and the University of Sunderland cannot accept any responsibility for any changes to addresses. The University of Sunderland acknowledges product, service and company names referred to in this publication, many of which are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks. All materials internally quality assessed by the University of Sunderland and reviewed by academics external to the University. Instructional design and publishing project management by Wordhouse Ltd, Reading, UK Copyright © 2014 University of Sunderland ii Contents vi Introduction Unit 1 1 2 5 7 Concepts, models and theories 20 Introduction 2.1 A comparison of concepts, models and theories relating to competitive advantage 2.2 An evaluation of concepts, models and theories relating to strategic choice Case Study: Ciba Vision 2.3 Concepts, models and theories relating to strategic evaluation Case Study: The University of Exeter...
Words: 89385 - Pages: 358
...Essential of MIS (9th edition) Chapter 1 1) As discussed in the chapter opening case, the Yankees' use of information systems in their new stadium can be seen as an effort to achieve which of the primary business objectives? A) Operational excellence B) Survival C) Customer and supplier intimacy D) Improved decision making 2) Journalist Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" referred to: A) the flattening of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries. B) the use of the Internet and technology for instantaneous communication. C) the reduction in travel times and the ubiquity of global exchange and travel. D) the growth of globalization. 3) The six important business objectives of information technology are: new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; improved decision-making; competitive advantage; operational excellence, and: A) flexibility. B) survival. C) improved business practices. D) improved efficiency. 4) The use of information systems because of necessity describes the business objective of: A) survival. B) improved business practices. C) competitive advantage. D) improved flexibility. 5) Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage (1) new products, services, and business models; (2) charging less for superior products; (3) responding to customers in real-time? A) 1 only B) 1 and 2 C) 2 and 3 D) 1, 2, and 3 6) Verizon's implementation of a Web-based...
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...IIBM Institute of Business Management Marketing Management www.iibmindia.in Subject: MARKETING MANAGEMENT Credits: 4 SYLLABUS Concepts of Marketing Management: Definition and Concepts: Definitions of Marketing, Scope of Marketing; Core Marketing Concepts: Concept of Demand and Supply; Transaction; Major Marketing Management Philosophy; Social Marketing Marketing Environment - Internal & External Marketing Environment Forces; Macro Environment; Micro and Internal Environment; Factors Influencing Consumer Buyer Behavior; Buyer Decision Process; Inputs for Buying Decision Process; Consumer Trends; Market Segmentation Process. Developing Market Strategies and the Offerings Part –I Positioning and Differentiation: Concept, Positioning according to Ries and Trout, Various Tools of Differentiation; Product Decisions and Strategies; Product Mix; Product Life Cycle; Brand Positioning; Brand Identity; Equity and Packaging. Developing Market Strategies and the Offerings - Part II: Introduction to Service Marketing; Differentiating Services; Product and Service Price; Response to Change in Price; Pricing Strategies. Delivering Marketing Programs – Part I Marketing through Channel Partners; Wholesalers and Retailers: Current Trend; Channel Management. Delivering Marketing Programs – Part II Market Communication, Process for Effective Communication; Advertising; Different Advertising Media; Sales Promotion; Public Relations; Direct Marketing; Personal Selling:...
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...P A R T I Discovering Momentum 1 1 The Power of Momentum Where’s the Impetus? Momentum. Most businesses get it at some point: the impression that everything they undertake succeeds effortlessly, as if they’re being carried along by a tailwind that increases their efficiency and propels them on to exceptional growth.1 Some hold on to it. Most don’t. Slowly, imperceptibly, the tailwind turns around and the momentum disappears, without anyone quite realizing what has happened. The company is still growing, but not as strongly as before, not as efficiently. Everyone’s maxing out, but it seems like there’s molasses in the works. Sound familiar? Sooner or later, it hits you in the face. Imagine you are meeting up with a senior analyst whose opinion counts with some of your company’s biggest investors. You think you’re on safe ground—after all, your company is doing better than the competition. But the analyst is in full gimlet-eyed, illusion-killing mode. “That’s nothing to crow about,” she says. “Yeah, you’ve got reasonable growth, but it’s nothing exceptional. You’re a safe bet, nothing more. Okay, I might tell my mom to buy, but 3 The Momentum Effect then she’s happy with inflation plus one. The way we see it, you’re really grinding it out. We reckon the strain’s getting harder, too. There’s no impetus—no momentum.” Words like that can really take the gloss off a day. The next time you gather your team, you don’t congratulate them on beating their targets—you...
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