...elasticity and revenues (With example of ITC paperboard & specialty papers division) BY Indian Paper Industry Structure: * The Indian paper industry accounts for about 2% of the world production of paper & paperboard; currently ranks 15th in the world. * Estimated turnover of Rs. 25,000 crore approximately; contribution of about Rs. 2920 crore to the exchequer. * The industry provides employment to more than 0.12 million people directly and 0.34 million people indirectly. * Over 800 players are currently present in the industry and the total estimated capacity is about 11.1 million Metric Tonnes. * Most mills in India are small; a few mills have integrated manufacturing operations or the facility for manufacturing paper from pulp. This, along with government policies, has resulted in the industry becoming highly fragmented, with a large number of companies having small capacities. * The Indian paper industry had been classified on the basis of size, grades manufacturers and raw materials utilized. The Indian paper industry is chiefly categorised into writing and printing (W and P), paperboard and newsprint, of which paperboard accounts for the largest share of market in volume terms, while W and P is the largest in value terms. This industry is highly fragmented. Wood-based pulp, wastepaper and agri-residues are the main raw materials used to manufacture paper. As domestic wood supply is inadequate compared to demand, and wastepaper...
Words: 2063 - Pages: 9
...rates, interest rates, and budget shortages. Macroeconomics provides a combined outline to report these issues and to examine the effect of different policies, such as fiscal and monetary fiscal policies, on the total behavior of individuals. This paper will define specific terms of macroeconomics and how specific examples of economic activities affect government, households, and businesses. The following terms explains the fundamentals of macroeconomics. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the aggregate of the selling prices, or values, of all finished goods and services made in the economy during a specific time frame and calculates the rate of economic activity inside the country. Real GDP is an evaluation of the value of production the economy creates. Nominal GDP is the current market value of all products and services created in the United States. Unemployment rate is the proportionate rate of the amount of individuals unemployed but are still looking for work. Inflation rate is the percentage of the rise or fall of rates on prices. Interest rate is the yearly amount charged by the lender on a product or service for the borrower to acquire the loan and allow the lender to get a return on the investment. Economic activities such as purchasing groceries, a massive layoff of employees, and the decrease in taxes are associated to distribution, production, exchange, and expenditure of goods and services. Every one of these activities may affect businesses, households...
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...At last, and finally, here is the first accurate and beautiful translation of Richard Cantillon's 1755 masterpiece on economics. This treatise is widely credited with being the first to describe the market process as one driven by entrepreneurship. William Stanley Jevons, in the first blush of discovery, proclaimed Cantillon’s Essai, “the cradle of political economy.” A cradle holds new life; and there can be little doubt that the Essai added new life to the organizing principles of economics. But “political economy” does not accurately describe the subject Cantillon addressed. Indeed, he scrupulously avoided political issues in order to concentrate on the mechanics of eighteenth-century economic life. When confronted by “extraneous” factors, such as politics, Cantillon insisted that such considerations be put aside, “so as not to complicate our subject,” he said, thus invoking a kind of ceteris paribus assumption before it became fashionable in economics to do so. Murray Rothbard, for this reason, called Cantillon the "founding father of modern economics." This book preceded Adam Smith by a generation. Unlike any previous writer, Cantillon explicated the vital role of the entrepreneur with perception and vigor. Hence, he deserves to be called “the father of enterprise economics.” We know little of Cantillon’s life and the circumstances of his authorship. The manuscript that was eventually published in 1755 circulated privately in France for almost two decades before;...
Words: 354 - Pages: 2
...Los Angeles did just that when they decided and took a major step toward building a downtown stadium to lure an NFL team back to the nation's second-most populous city, despite questions about how a 72,000-seat venue in the urban core would impact notorious freeway traffic, nearby housing prices and air quality. Last fall the city council unanimously voted for a new stadium to be constructed in the heart of downtown. The construction of the new stadium comes with its benefits for the debt ridden city. Developers for AEG submitted and won a contract to complete the construction for Farmers Field for 2016. In the past when new stadiums were built much of the renovation and construction were subsidized which in turn leads to a great economic impact. Realistically, employment, visitor spending, public spending and revenue are the benefits that the city wants to bring into play. But one factor that has been overlooked for city great city is that some feel how this new stadium will benefit the community as well. In Hind sight, one city council member has stated, that she hopes that this will give the city back a sense of pride and civic duty in the community. City councilwoman Jan Perry, one of the driving forces behind Friday's vote, called it, "The day we bring football back to L.A.," and "a giant step forward for the city" (Saxon 2012). Farmers Field and the convention...
Words: 1646 - Pages: 7
...Economic Advisement Paper Option 1: Economic Advisement Paper With a nominal GDP estimated at more than 15 trillion it is clearly the United States economy is one of the largest in the world. A person must have lived in a cave underground for the past several years not to know that the current state of the nation’s economy is in desperate need of improvement. There are different schools of thought about how the economy arrived at its current state. Conversely, there are different schools of thought on how to restore the economy. There are some who would advocate that going back to the same economic policies that created the currents conditions of the economy. Their philosophy is that if we stay the current course the economy would somehow miraculously recover itself over a period of an unknown amount of time. These same individuals believe that people are better off left to fend for themselves in this economy. On the other hand there are others that believe government intervention is the key to a faster economic recovery. In the following paragraph of this paper team C will discuss the current state of the United States economic recovery from the prospective of Unemployment, Consumer income, Interest rates, and Expectations respectively. This information will be summarized and recommendations made to the president regarding government spending and taxes based on the aforementioned economic factors. Aggregate supply and demand looks at the economy as a whole. Aggregate...
Words: 1629 - Pages: 7
...Paper continues to be a major commodity and substitutions are limited. Paper finds usefulness in many products that we use daily for things like writing, the walls in our homes, and we have even found opportunities to eat our food on it. It is evident the paper and paper products are considered a necessity for consumers daily usage. Paper is used for personal and professional use. Paper is used to make money, bills, paper to complete class assignments, advertisement, and many other daily activities. There has been a small shift in paper due to some ecological experts. Many companies give consumers the option to have direct deposit, receive bills online and also to pay bills online. (Hubbard, 2010, p. 175) Perhaps we will never see the complete “paperless environment” for business operations which many businesses refer to. The challenge is that there exist very few if any substitutions for paper and all that this commodity is useful for. However, recently we find some substitutions for some of the products that paper has been used for. Where one may have seen commercial paper towels in public restrooms in past years, one often finds such paper products replaced by electric hand dryers. Where many business offices have been accused of killing forests with the amount of paper that has been used for their operations, a revolution towards digital imaging is beginning to reduce paper usage in offices. Yet, even with all these innovative substitutions for paper products, this commodity...
Words: 539 - Pages: 3
...Economic Project Paper Abstract Firms experiencing or anticipating substantial workforce expansion face increasing pressure to accurately project the costs associated with human asset investments and potential future layoff requirements. With that in mind, the decision whether to take on temporary workers in lieu of hiring permanent employees is a decision that involves significant risk. However, real options theory offers managers the ability to consider irreversibility and to make workforce investment decisions under conditions of minimum uncertainty and maximum flexibility. We present real options theory within our organization analyzing both sides temporary and permanent hiring to yield maximum profit considering implicit and explicit factors and economic risks. Introduction The cost of production, inventory and sells means money expenses incurred by a firm on production of a commodity but in economics sum of explicit costs and implicit costs constitutes total cost of production of a commodity. We have seen that human are satisfied by way of goods and services which are sold by firms, respectfully. For selling a commodity, a firm requires factor inputs and non factor inputs. The money spent by the firm on both factor inputs and non factor inputs is called money cost. In economics money expenses alone do not provide a solid result in increased profits. As we examine the cost and benefit of selling our paper products in relation to increase stuff by way of temporary or permanent...
Words: 2654 - Pages: 11
...ECO 100 – Principles of Economics COURSE DESCRIPTION Presents a survey of basic macro- and microeconomic principles and concepts. Reviews the economic dynamics of market forces affecting competition, different economic systems, the role of government in the economy, and economic aspects of international trade. Discusses the labor market, interest rates and the supply of money, and performance of a national economy. Examines the use of economics in business decisions, considering such principles as opportunity costs, diminishing returns, and the marginal principle. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources O'Sullivan, A., Sheffrin, S., & Perez, S. (2012). Survey of economics: Principles, applications, and tools (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall. MyEconLab book key Note: This book key comes with the purchase of a new textbook and is needed in order to access MyEconLab. Supplemental Resources Aaronson, D., Mazumder, B., & Schechter, S. (2010). What is behind the rise in long-term unemployment? Economic Perspectives, 34(3/4), 28-51. Andreyeva, T., Long, M. W., & Brownell, K. D. (2010). The Impact of Food Prices on Consumption: A Systematic Review of Research on the Price Elasticity of Demand for Food. American Journal of Public Health, 100(2), 216-22 Heyne, P., Boettke, P. J., & Prychitko, D. L. (2010). The economic way of thinking. (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson-Prentice Hall. High, J. (2011). Economic Theory and the Rise of Big Business in...
Words: 5350 - Pages: 22
...Economic Forecasting Paper By ECO/ 372 November 18, 2013 Learning Team Reflection Week Two List of resources to gather historical economic data and economic forecast data Some of the resources, which are useful to gather historical data as well as forecasting the new data include Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce and FRED, Economic Time-Series Database, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau, Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Office of Management and budget (OBM), Federal Reserve Releases (FRB), NBER'S Macro-Historical Database, New York's Fed's statistics and data, Statistical abstract of the United States and CIA world fact book. How and why each source is valuable and useful FRED database; allows citizens to see how the country's financial state is. The data includes the national economic and financial date “including interest rates, consumer price indexes, employment and population and trade data. The Bureau of Economic Analysis; includes estimates concerning national, international, and regional economic activity. It also provides statistics decision influenced by the government officials, business people, households and individuals.” (History matters. 2013. Para 3, 5). The Bureau of Labor Statistics gives specific information about employment, unemployment, consumer price index, and producer price index. The Bureau of Labor Statistics updates the...
Words: 855 - Pages: 4
...In this paper I will discuss the history and evolution of healthcare economics and the timing of healthcare funding. In the 21st Century healthcare is proven to be one the largest industries that generates a great deal of money in the world. Therehas been a dramtic change in healthcre the last last hundred years. As changes and progression are examined, it becomes clear that healthcare along with the economy has created an important part of the American life. Healthcare History Health care economics presents information where efficiency and equity goals are pursued. Furthermore, economics establishes a framework by maximizing benefits using resources at hand. Kenneth Arrow, the person responsible for mentioning the idea of health economics as a discipline, wrote an article titled “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economies of Medical Care” in 1963. The article discusses how the medical care industry benefits society compared to the “norm”. Furthermore, Mr. Arrow wrote about the significance of supply and demand. Arrow discussed that the average person has the characteristic of only seeking medical care when they are suffering from a critical injury or illness. Its not common for the average person to receive routine medical services on a regular basis. As Mr. Arrows discussed supply condition, he quoted “Entry to the health care profession is controlled by licensing. Licensing manages the supply which consequently increases the cost of medical care”. Medical care was expensive...
Words: 1118 - Pages: 5
...Current Economic State It is now January 2013 and according to some people, the upper class perhaps, the recession is over and the economy has “bounced back.” However, I have yet to feel the rebound of this bouncy economy. The first quarter of 2013 has no concluded so naturally in order to see what the experts say about the expanding and contracting of the economy we must look to the previous quarter. In first quarter of the year the economy expanded 2 percent and 3 percent at the end of 2011. Towards the spring of 2012, the second quarter, the economy grew only 1.3 percent and come close to a standstill. As of now, I think it is safe to say the economy is constantly contracting and expanding. It is a real give and take type of scenario. The economy sure has not bounced back enough because the unemployment rate was between 8.1 and 8.3 percent all of 2012. There is no way that that is an acceptable unemployment rate for an “expanding” or “growing” economy. Before we get into what the current prime rate is, I think it is imperative that we first explain what a prime rate is. The U.S. Prime Rate is a commonly used, short-term interest rate in the banking system of the United States. All types of American lending institutions (traditional banks, credit unions, thrifts, etc.) use the U.S. Prime Rate as an index or foundation rate for pricing various short- and medium-term loan products. It is important to keep the prime rate consistent and better for business and individual because...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
...Option 1: Economic Advisement Paper With a nominal GDP estimated at more than 15 trillion it is clearly the United States economy is one of the largest in the world. A person must have lived in a cave underground for the past several years not to know that the current state of the nation’s economy is in desperate need of improvement. There are different schools of thought about how the economy arrived at its current state. Conversely, there are different schools of thought on how to restore the economy. There are some who would advocate that going back to the same economic policies that created the currents conditions of the economy. Their philosophy is that if we stay the current course the economy would somehow miraculously recover itself over a period of an unknown amount of time. These same individuals believe that people are better off left to fend for themselves in this economy. On the other hand there are others that believe government intervention is the key to a faster economic recovery. In the following paragraph of this paper team C will discuss the current state of the United States economic recovery from the prospective of Unemployment, Consumer income, Interest rates, and Expectations respectively. This information will be summarized and recommendations made to the president regarding government spending and taxes based on the aforementioned economic factors. Aggregate supply and demand looks at the economy as a whole. Aggregate demand is the sum of...
Words: 1478 - Pages: 6
...Economics Terms and Health Care History Joshua A. Barron HCS/440 May 08, 2012 Larry Gonzales Economics Terms and Heath Care History To understand how Americans came into being with the current health care system in place today, it would behoove society to look where it began, where health care economics had its genesis, and how it evolved into the monster it is today. “The United States spends more on health care, both per capita and as a share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), than any other country in the world. In 2009, spending on health care reached a record high $2.5 trillion, or 17.6 percent of U.S. GDP” (Center for U.S. Health System Reform, 2011, p. 1, Para 2). The health care industry is the dominating industry in the United States and it is currently controlling and dictating the lives of Americans across the nation. Many workers are weighing the facts of switching jobs because they may have to switch health care coverage, and with the high cost of health insurance many people are left out or cannot afford it. Patients complain about the care they receive and are eager to award their physician with a lawsuit. This paper will discuss the history and evolution of health care economics and the timeline of health care funding. History of Health Care Economics “Who will pay for the dramatic changes to health care. In the past it has been our experience, for most individuals to pay their medical bills with private funding...
Words: 1199 - Pages: 5
...Economic Terms and History Paper Vicki Sellers HCS 440 July 10, 2014 David Disciascio Economic Terms and History Paper Health care economics have dramatically evolved throughout generations in this country. And those changes have caused a shift in how health care organizations to adjust their financial methods, strategies, and how they provide overall care. Health care economics has at times put a great burden on the health care industry such as the providers, the ones needing care, and the insurance companies who now help pay for that care. Health care facilities and companies continually have so many demands put on them with all the changes, it is not surprising that something has to suffer because of it and in our current economy, what seems to suffer most is the quality of care provided. Changes to health care and its delivery have also been impacted by technology, advances in medicine as well as different procedures and medicines . People vary in their belief systems in what has caused the changes to health care economics. Some individuals believe that is due to various changes that United States have gone through since her birth. However many others believe that a lot of influence has been due to advances in technology and how those changes have impacted health care. What is most important is having an understanding of these changes and the impacts they have made on the health care industry over all throughout history. Comprehending the history of and how health...
Words: 1035 - Pages: 5
...Current Economic State Paper Jackson Kimberly FP/120 February 26, 2013 Kmiec Stephen Current Economic State Paper Introduction: This current economic state paper will explain if the current economy is expanding or contracting and reasons for that. It will also discuss the current prime rate, current interest rates on credit cards, current unemployment rate, and the current Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The economic factors that had led to a fairly good third quarter were only temporary and there was proof that the economy was slowing down in the last months of 2012 due to the skepticism over the impending fiscal cliff. Also, Hurricane Sandy that hit in late October 2012 was to have somewhat of a negative impact on the economy. There were clues that the economy may have actually slightly contracted instead of expanding. “The United States economy reversed course in the final quarter of 2012 and contracted at a 0.1% rate and was the worst performance since the financial crisis in 2009.” (Mataconis, 2013) . Even with the overall contraction, the economy is not on the brink of a recession or an extended slump. Companies are still spending. The economy we have been living in since 2009 is going to be the new normal. The prime rate is the underlying index for most credit cards, home equity loans and lines of credit, auto loans, and personal loans. The current prime rate is 3.25%, federal discount rate is 0.75%, fed funds rate is 0.25%, and the 11th District cost of funds...
Words: 559 - Pages: 3