...communities, and national economies around the globe. Sustainability addresses economic, environmental, and social issues, but it also incorporates cultural dimensions. In the face of globalisation, societies seek to preserve their cultural values and community identity, while still participating in the global economy. In New Zealand the importance of sustainability issues has been recognised by central and local government policies, environmental and economic development agencies, and business leaders. Two of the active business groups focusing on these issues are the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZBCSD) and the Sustainable Business Network (SBN). Waikato Management School is working in partnership with both of these key business groups on sustainability projects and events. The aim of these initiatives is to develop and share insights on sustainable economic development and sustainable enterprise success. The Waikato Management School is distinctive in its commitment ‘to inspire the world with fresh understandings of sustainable success’. These fresh understandings will be achieved through our high quality research that can influence policy makers, excellent teaching, through the knowledge and values our graduates take into the workforce, through our continued consulting with business and the outstanding experiences offered to everyone who connects with the School. We see education and research as key factors in enabling New Zealand to be...
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...| | |PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE |Credit Program Officer, Millennium Challenge Account-Armenia Program, Foreign Financing Projects Management Center State | | |Institution, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, February 2012 – current | | |Overall management, oversight and evaluation of implementation of the MCA-Armenia | | |Credit Program (total portfolio 8.5 mln USD), preparation of the reports, memos and other papers on the progress of the Project | | |Review reports, other deliverables and implementation documents developed and submitted by the MCA-Armenia Credit Program | | |implementer | | |Monitoring and analysis of rural financial market development trends, study of the policies for the Rural Financial Market | | |development | | |Consultations and coordination with stakeholders and donors working in the area of rural...
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...Investment in Child Care (LINCC) The American Planning Association (APA) has long recognized in its Policy Guide on the Provision of Child Care (1997) that child care is a critical component of livable communities for many families in urban, suburban and rural areas, and that local planning policies can play an important role in ensuring adequate child care. Whether by necessity or choice, the majority of parents work and many depend upon formal, organized out‐of‐home care. Since there is no federal or state universal child care system or guidelines for child care planning, most communities have supply gaps that are especially pronounced for infant/toddler age groups and lower income families. Preschool‐age programs (mostly part‐day) are proliferating nationally due to public awareness of the value of early learning. State spending on preschool increased from $2.4 billion to $4.2 billion nationwide between 2005 and 2007 (Wat, 2007). Similarly, federal and state spending on child care subsidies has more than tripled in the last decade, but most communities still face problems with inadequate supply of quality, affordable child care (Warner 2007). The majority of child care and part‐day preschool centers are run by private or nonprofit entities (rather than school districts or cities) and supported largely by parent fees and the use of low‐cost space in churches or schools. The extent and diversity of local early care and education is usually determined by the availability and/or assertiveness of ...
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...menv i n n o va i n f o r m at i o n vi 2008:23 research on women´s entrepreneurshp A presentation of the ten projects funded by the programme Title: Research on Women´s Entrepreneurship - A presentation of the ten projects funded by the programme Series: VINNOVA Information VI 2008:23 ISSN: 1650-3120 Published: December 2008 Publisher: VINNOVA – Verket för Innovationssystem / Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation System VINNOVA Case No: 2007-02271 About VINNOVA VINNOVA, Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems. VINNOVA´s mission is to promote sustainable growth by funding needs-driven research and developing effective innovation systems. Through its activities in this field, VINNOVA aims to make a significant contribution to Sweden´s development into a leading centre of economic growth. The VINNOVA Information series includes general publications that describe VINNOVA’s activities as well as specific programme descriptions, project catalogues, annual reports, etc. Research and Innovation for Sustainable Growth. VINNOVA´s publications are published at www.VINNOVA.se I VINNOVAs publikationsserier redovisar bland andra forskare, utredare och analytiker sina projekt. Publiceringen innebär inte att VINNOVA tar ställning till framförda åsikter, slutsatser och resultat. Undantag är publikationsserien VINNOVA Policy som återger VINNOVAs synpunkter och ställningstaganden. VINNOVAs publikationer finns att beställa, läsa och ladda ner via www.VINNOVA.se. Tryckta...
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... | | |Economics: The Financing of Health Care | Copyright © 2010, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an overview of the economics of health care. The various payers are examined, including private, state, and federal entities. Issues such as the cost effectiveness of prevention, the management of patients and their diseases, as well as the cost of treatment settings are discussed. Third party reimbursement from various sources, ranging from for-profit insurance carriers to charitable donations, are reviewed. The health care system's use of grant funding and research dollars is described. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials...
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...Head Start began in 1965 to provide childcare and preschool education for low-income families (Administration for Children and Families [ACF], n.d.). Since its inception, the program has served more than 30 million children and their families (ACF, n.d.). Head Start and Early Head Start targets pregnant mothers and children up to age 5 (ACF, n.d.). This program has the characteristics as a family policy because of the intersection between this public service and the impact on the family system. Most Head Start programs include a family intervention to enhance the educational experience. The program also allows low-income families access to childcare, which is a large family cost, so that the parents or guardians may work and use their income for other family needs besides childcare and preschool education. This paper uses the Popple and Leighninger’s policy analysis model to review the Federal Head Start Program (Chapin, 2014). This model was selected because of the historical, social, and political contexts in which the Head Start program was developed as well as for...
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...SPECTOR bspector@andrew.cmu.edu Current Address: SMC 123, 5032 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15289 (412) 511-4422 Permanent Address: 21 School Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111 OBJECTIVE To obtain a summer internship in the field of civil engineering that will utilize my problem solving and leadership skills. EDUCATION Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, May 2013 Overall GPA: 3.20/4.0 Best High School Philadelphia, PA High School Diploma, June 2009 GPA 3.82/4.0 PROJECTS Cardboard Structure, Fall 2009 • Designed and constructed a cardboard bridge meant to support the average adult male. • Prepared scale models for analysis of alternatives, prior to final test. Brick Wall Scheduling, Fall 2009 • Developed a bid proposal for building a brick wall. • Conducted time studies and generated Gantt charts to investigate most economical method of using resources. Traffic Light Timing, Fall 2009 • Conducted studies on the flow of traffic through three intersections on Forbes Avenue. • Designed more efficient traffic light cycles based on collected data. WORK Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences Pittsburgh, PA EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant, Summer 2010 • Graded papers, fielded questions and...
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... Objectives of PAMSCAD 3 a. Projects under PAMSCAD 4 3. Assessment of Success and Failure of PAMSCAD 5 b. Community Initiative Project 5 c. Employment Generation Project 6 d. Redeployment 7 e. Provision of Basic Needs and Services 10 f. Education Infrastructure 11 4. Conclusion 12 5. References 13 ABBREVIATIONS 1. SAP - Structural Adjustment Programme 2. ERP - Economic Recovery Programme 3. IMF - International Monetary Fund 4. GDP - Gross Domestic Product 5. PAMSCAD- Programme of Action to Mitigate the Social Cost of Adjustment 6. CIPs - Community Initiative Projects 7. ADRA - Adventist Development Relief Agency LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 CIPs under PAMSCAD completed and commissioned by 1990 1 TABLE 2 CIPs under PAMSCAD under construction by 1990 BACKGROUND OF PAMSCAD In 1983 the government of Ghana adopted a Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) locally dubbed the Economic Recovery Program (ERP) under the guidance of the World Bank and the IMF. The overriding purpose of the ERP was to reduce Ghana's debts and to improve its trading position in the global economy. The stated objectives of the program focused on restoring economic productivity at minimum cost to the government and included the following policies: lowering inflation through stringent fiscal, monetary, and trade policies; increasing the flow of foreign exchange into...
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...and other corporations alike personae, banks are expected to behave with a conscience as well. Profiting does, rather than diminish welfare of others, promote collective well-being. In the following sections, I will further illustrate how SPDB, the company I serve in, profits economically through promoting the welfare of the society. All data cited can be found in disclosed materials on SPDB’s website. 2. Inclusive Finance The financial mechanism of our country has gone through dramatic changes and innovations to pay more attention and allocate more resources on the underdeveloped and the underprivileged. SPDB, as one of the major banks in China, introduces its inclusive finance policy in order to ensure every enterprise and individual would have equal opportunities to partake in the rapid economic development of our nation. In the past few years, small and medium enterprise (SME) finance, agro-finance and mobile finance have been the spear tips of this banking giant’s inclusive...
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...Section 7: Conclusion Section China and the World: Scenarios to 2025 7 Conclusion Given the importance of China today, there can Wild cards are low probability events which be no doubt that the determination of Chinese would have a significant impact if they were to leadership to maintain the course of reform will occur. In the case of China they could include : be a decisive factor in the global future. It is • A possible Taiwan conflict : equally true that the support of other global How would China react if Taiwan were to players and their preparedness to welcome declare independence ? For many years China in its gradual rise in greatness will have a independence was not an issue as the direct impact on how China emerges. Given the Kuomintang rulers of Taiwan claimed they close connection between China and global were the real government of China and welfare, these scenarios indicate that outsiders had no interest in relinquishing their claim must appreciate the scale of the challenges on sovereignty. But independence has faced by the government in Beijing, and that become an issue with the rise of generations those in China need to comprehend the born and raised on the island. They have sensitivities of outsiders to its rise. successfully established democratic rule and some do not want to be subject to rule Raising awareness of differing sensitivities is an important role that scenarios can play. from a distant capital. The implications of...
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...democratic principles grounded in the existing, rich and diverse cultures in Kenya. The vision 2030 is based on three pillars namely Economic, Social and Political. The economic pillar seeks to ensure prosperity for all Kenyans through economic development programs in key sectors aimed at achieving an average gross domestic product (GDP) of 10% per annum up to 2030. The social pillar aims at building a just and cohesive society with social equity in a clean and secure environment. The political pillar aims at the realization of a democratic political system founded on issue based politics that respects the rule of law and protects rights and freedoms of every individual in the Kenyan society. Kenya envisages the achievement on vision 2030 through a series of successive five year medium term plans covering the span of the Kenya vision 2030 and the first having been implemented from 2008 up to this year 2012. Before the end of this year another 5 year Medium Term Plans will be produced covering the period 2013-2017 while subsequent Medium Term Pans will cover there are periods 2018-2022, 2023-2027 up to 2030. The MediumTermPlans are designed to fast track the flagship projects identified under vision 2030 various programmers and key policies. The medium term plans calls for increased levels of savings and investments to facilitate the economic growth and development envisaged of 10 % per year up to the year 2030. In addition to high growth, the MTP places a premium on faster...
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...strategy, officially known as Kenya Vision 2030. The publication briefly states the main goals of the Economic, Social and Political pillars that underpin the Vision 2030. It also provides a run-down of major, (or flagship) projects to be embarked upon in the Medium Term period of the Vision, i.e from 2008-2012. The final version of Vision 2030 will be completed after this and other consultations. Kenya Vision 2030 THE CONTEXT OF KENYA VISION 2030 Kenya Vision 2030 is the new country’s development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. It aims at making Kenya a newly industrializing, “middle income country providing high quality life for all its citizens by the year 2030”. The Vision has been developed through an all-inclusive stakeholder consultative process, involving Kenyans from all parts of the country. The vision is based on three “pillars” namely; the economic pillar, the social pillar and the political pillar. This vision’s programme plan comes after the successful implementation of the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERS) which has seen the country’s economy back on the path to rapid growth since 2002, when GDP grew at 0.6% rising to 6.1% in 2006. The relationships between the pillars can be seen in Exhibit One below. The economic pillar aims at providing prosperity of all Kenyans through an economic development programme aimed at achieving an average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of 10 % per...
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...PROJECT TOPIC The effect of early school leaving on young people between the ages of 15 or more both physically, mentally, emotionally, economically and socially. DEFINITION For a better understanding of the topic of discourse, a clear definition of what early school leaving means is pertinent. Though there is no clear cut definition, the consideration of definitions of the term by the European Union, EU, in relation to the definitions by other countries like USA, Canada will enhance the understanding of the topic. The USA, Canada and the OECD define early school leaving in similar ways, and all differ from the EU definition. In the USA, early school leavers, "drop outs", are those who have not graduated from High School. This focus has a number of benefits. The single benchmark, attainment of a High School Diploma, covers the whole of the US education system and provides a clear idea of what the outcome of compensatory policy would be: get young people re-enrolled and graduated if and when they drop out. Policy in the US is based on clarity of definition and measurement of the problem. RATIONALE: The importance of this topic can never be overemphasized because it is dealing on a topic that has been a recurrence decimal in the society and has had dire effects on the society. This topic is important to explore because it explains the reasons why young people leave school early without completing their leaving certificate and also explains the different problems and difficulties...
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...Evaluation of St.Lucia Poverty Reduction Strategy [Type the document subtitle] 5/2/2011 808011470 807004688 808010033 807001237 807004522 Table of contents -Profile of Country……………………………………………………….3 ~Economic ~Social - Poverty Profile .........................................................................................9 ~Trends ~Segments most affected - Detail of Strategy ………………………………………………………16 ~Evaluation of Past Strategy ~Sustainability - Recommendations and Findings……………………………………….23 Saint Lucia Country Profile The Caribbean island of St. Lucia is made up of a population of approximately 170,000 with an annual growth rate of 0.74%. The demographics of the population is made up of 90% persons of African descent, 6% mixed, 3% East Indian and 1% Europeans. Their religions include Roman Catholic, Seven Day Adventists and other various Protestant denominations. The official language of St. Lucia is English although French patois is common across the country. The literacy rate among adults is a high percentage of 94.8%. In terms of health, St Lucia has a infant mortality rate of 12/1000 and the life expectancy of men is 73 years and that of women is 76 years. Unemployment rates are approximately 15.7%. Their style of governance is that of Westminster- style parliamentary democracy having gained their independence on February 22nd, 1979. In terms of the economy, St. Lucia has a...
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...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES EXTENSION OF THE PROJECT DOCUMENT TO IMPROVE THE LEVEL OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN DEPRIVED REGIONS YEAR 2008 The overall objective of this project is to support the Ministry of Education and Human Resources to fulfil its commitment to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals 1 and 2, with specific reference to EFA goals by 2015, and accelerate the educational reform through the implementation of the “National Strategic Plan for Education and Training 2008 – 2020”. The existing “Zones d’Education Prioritaires” programme has generated some interesting innovative practices in areas of remedial education, school feeding programme, enabling learning and teaching environment; it has also provided a trial for State/Private Sector partnerships in the sector of education. The actions identified to meet the above will be: • Upgrading the school feeding programme; strengthening best practices generated within the framework of the ZEP programme during period 2003 – 2007 and expanding to other primary schools with low performances; consolidating Key Performance Indicators (KPI) System for continuous assessment. Increasing the efficiency of the existing food programme for ZEP schools, by establishing national policy and strategy framework, operational guidelines as well as promoting experimental community mobilisation initiatives with the objective of improving children and community food habits and ameliorating nutritional...
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