...satisfactory. So a fair manager can mean either one who treats others fairly or one who is only moderately good as a manager. Our goal is the first meaning. Why Is Fairness Good Management? When asked, a group of almost 2200 people reported fairness as the most important trait of a boss for who whom they would want to work. When you treat your employees fairly they spend less time worrying about who else is getting an unfair share. They don't spend a lot of time looking for ways to increase their own share. They spend less time looking for another job. And they spend more time working for you and getting more done. When you treat others fairly two things happen. Your own employees notice and respect you for it. It reinforces their belief that you are treating them fairly and will continue to do so. Second, the other people who you treat fairly will respond in kind. You will get better cooperation from them. That makes your job and the job of your employees easier too. How To Be A Fair Manager A good manager is one who treats everyone fairly. That means his/her employees, but also his superiors, her peers, employees in other departments or companies, everyone. * The golden rule When you are fair, you treat others as you wish they would treat you. * No favorites A manager who is fair does not play favorites. You don't give anyone all the good jobs, or all the bad jobs, just because of how you feel about them. You treat them...
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...size to drool over. 7. He has a well founded reputation for being rugged and strong. Equally at home in either cold or warm climates. If it’s cold, they are in your bed or in their sweater. If hot, they grab the seat in front of the air conditioner and drink out of your ice tea glass. Strong? You betcha just try dragging me outside when it is raining, or picking me up off of the couch so company can sit down. Climate, I don't mind what the climate is as long as I can stay inside. 8. He asks only that he be with you whether you live in a mansion or the most humble abode. He is at you side day and night and he will warn you if any strangers are lurking around. He is willing to share all you have, if you eat dog food, he'll eat dog food. If you have steak, he gets steak! You couldn't get rid of him if you wanted, and anybody stranger than you SHOULD get barked at. 9. He is most affectionate, and delights in riding in your car or sleeping close to you (if you will let him) at night, but he is content with his own bed and a simple cover that he can pull over his head, with just a shiny black nose to show his presence. Just to be near you and show his love for you is all he asks. Riding in the car is a real experience with three of them, two behind your neck on the headrest and one in your lap all looking out the driver side window. Is there nothing interesting on the other side? Contented in his own bed? NEVER! No need for electric blanket here, only wish you could turn the...
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...tiny restaurant by the name of Cakes&Ale. Accompanied by local Chefs and Mixologists, I had no idea what I was in store for. We ordered several small plates to share, beers, and a few desserts. Amongst the desserts was a small plate with 3 cream-filled cookies called “Phatty Cakes”, that to me, resembled little debbie's oatmeal pies. Skeptical, I picked one up and took a bite. Contrary to my preconceived notions, this little delicious treat turned out to be a marscarpone filled gingerbread whoopie pie. Soft gingerbread cookies with a sweet yet savory marscarpone filling, that almost melts in your mouth. After my initial visit, I would visit Cakes&Ale solely for the infamous “Phatty Cakes”. At 3 cakes for $6, I would stock up buying over a dozen little treats. And no, I never bothered to share, nor did I bother to tell anyone where I got them; they were truly my little secret. After years of consuming Phatty Cakes, I had to know who was behind the tiny delicious treat. Pastry Chef, Cynthia Wong was the mastermind behind this decadent little treat. “The 36-year-old Southerner has held a lot of jobs in the Atlanta food industry. She was the production manager for Via Elisa Fresh Pasta, a food stylist for the TBS program “Dinner & a Movie” and even a food reviewer for Creative Loafing. But she has found her metier at Billy Allin’s Cakes & Ale restaurant.”( Kessler 2010) In 2011, the Pastry Chef behind my favorite dessert, took her recipe to a restaurant by the name of Empire...
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...Chapter 1: BUSINESS CONCEPT A) Business Name The mushroom culture is already gaining its popularity in Pangasinan, Philippines, specifically in Urdaneta City. As a vegetable, it is being added as one of the ingredients in some of Pangasinan delicacies. However, due to lack of planting materials and knowledge, the production of mushrooms is still limited. With a lot of suggestions about the name of the business, the researchers have decided as a group to use MousseronFarm. The word mushroom originated from a Late Latin word mussirio which means "of obscure origin"then was later adopted as an Old French word mousseron from the root word mousse which means "moss". From that Old French word, the name of the business was derived. A mushroom is defined as a macrofungus with a distinctive fruiting body. The macrofungi have fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the naked eye and to be picked up by hand (Chang and Miles, 1992). In a narrow sense, the word mushroom also refers only to the fruitbody.Mushrooms used to be classified into the Kingdom Plantae, but now they belong to the Kingdom Fungi due tounique fungal characteristics which draw a clear line from animals or plants. Unlike green plants, mushrooms areheterotrophs. Not having chlorophyll, they cannot generate nutrients by photosynthesis, but take nutrients from outer sources. B) Business Offering 1) Properties “Mushrooms are small living organisms that look like umbrellas. They are not plants...
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...25 Alkaline-Promoting Foods These foods may help neutralize potentially toxic dietary acids, potentially supporting organ health and trimming body mass. Posted on 1/10/2014 | Comments (4) 1K+ PRINT The typical American diet is full of foods like meat and dairy products that tend to increase the acidity of your blood. Recent research suggests that eating too many acid-promoting foods could potentially damage your kidney and your liver and might even raise diabetes risk. But you can help negate acid’s negative effects on the body by balancing your diet with foods that promote an alkaline body environment. Adding more of these 25 foods into your diet could help support organ health and trim your body mass. The foods are ordered from most neutral to most alkaline-promoting. You can also check if your favorite foods could be filling you up with acids with this list of 25 acid-promoting foods. 1. Draft beer (most neutral) 2. Honey 3. Asparagus 4. Margarine 5. White wine 6. Broccoli 7. Marmalade 8. Mineral water 9. Watermelon 10. Apples 11. Red wine 12. Zucchini 13. Hazelnuts 14. Green beans 15. Tomatoes 16. Cherries 17. Radishes 18. Cauliflower 19. Potatoes 20. Apricots 21. Carrots 22. Celery 23. Bananas 24. Spinach 25. Raisins (most alkaline-promoting) 25 Acid-Promoting Foods Check out this list to see if you could be overloading your body with potentially toxic acids...
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...Introduction Mushroom is a large reproductive structure of edible fungi, which is the most popular nutritious, delicious and medicinal vegetable in the world. It is now one of the promising concepts for crop diversification in Bangladesh. The climatic condition of Bangladesh is completely suitable for mushroom cultivation. It does not require any cultivable land. It can grow in room by racking vertically. Therefore, its yield as well as benefit per unit area is higher than any other vegetable in our country. It requires short time, little capital and easy technique for cultivation. This is why all types of people like male and female, youth and old even children and disabled can easily participate in its cultivation. Therefore, it can generate huge scope of employment opportunities for unemployed people. The raw materials for mushroom cultivation like sawdust, paddy straw, wheat straw, sugar can baggage, waste paper, used cotton, dervishes etc are very cheap and available in our country and no materials are required to import from abroad for its cultivation. Moreover, no chemical is necessary for its cultivation, therefore it is completely organic and eco-friendly. Used substrate of mushroom cultivation is one of the best sources of organic matter in the soil. Its cultivation may be “a lifeboat” for survival of the landless people who do not have any source other than their houses and own labor. Its cultivation can transfer as a cottage industry and create a goods opportunity...
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...Acknowledgement All the praises for ALLHA Who is most Gracious, beneficent and beloved. It is only ALLHA who gives us knowledge and wisdom to do this task. All respects for Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Who gives us the recognition our Creator and also leads us to recognize the aim of our creation. We are thankful to the comsats Institute of information technology Lahore for providing us a plat form and base to polish our skills and knowledge through practical experience. We also want to avail this opportunity to express our heart full gratitude and appreciation towards our respected teacher Mr sardar zahid for his interning effort to instill in us spirit of curiosity to gain a firsthand knowledge of the often challenging business word and challenging a business executives often has to come across and how to negotiate and counter such testing time. Executive summery This report provides a brief overview for business person who is interested to making a flour company in market of Lodhran. This report covers all the faces of product development. We have tried our level best to high light all possible factors of a business for example cost benefits, sales, revenue, profit, resources, economic implication, and its future expectation in Pakistan. Some future plans are also discuss briefly under the assumption of smooth flow of economy with political stability. Mission Promote the salt lamps field Objectives • Environment...
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...For some years now everybody has always thought that losing weight meant losing your mind. Some have even thought when you are trying to lose weight, you have to go on boring diet. But that’s not true. You can find different ways to lose weight, without the diet pills or even trying to starve yourself. They are options and choices but you don’t have to lose your mind just to get back in your skinny jeans. By eating correctly and following the food guide, you can lose weight and keep the weight off. Even a super busy person can do this. The food guide contains: “fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, dairy’s, and oils” (Choosemyplate.gov). In the fruit group there are a lot of fruits to choose from. You have your most common fruits such as, “apples, bananas, Grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, plums” and so on (choosemyplate.gov). Make sure when you are picking out your fruits to go on your plant you need enough for half of your plate. Vegetables, are the next thing that needs to have half of you plate. “100% vegetable juice counts as two serving” (V8.com). Your vegetables consist of “dark green vegetables, such as Bok Choy, broccoli, collard greens, and dark green leafy lettuce” (choosemyplate.gov). Starchy vegetables consist of “green bananas, green peas, green lima beans, plantains, and potatoes” (choosemyplate.gov). Red & orange vegetables consist of “acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, hubbard squash, pumpkin, red peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and tomato juice” (choosemyplate...
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...Tata Salt was launched in 1983 by Tata Chemicals as India's first packaged iodised salt brand. The brand is now the biggest packaged salt brand inIndia, with a market share of 17%.The Indian salt market[edit] The market for packaged iodized salt in India is estimated to be worth Rs. 21.7 billion, with Tata Salt commanding a sales share of Rs 3.74 billion or 17.3% of the market. Domestic competitors include Annapurna, Captain Cook, i-shakti, Nirma Shudh and Aashirvaad. Product[edit] Tata Salt is amongst the few vacuum evaporated brands on the market. The brand is currently packaged in 500g, 1 kg and 2 kg sizes with the 1 kg size being the most popular. The 1 kg pack retails for Rs.22 MRP. Produced on the western tip of India in the town of Mithapur, Tata Salt reaches around 3.75 Crore Households in India according to the IMRB Household Panel. Economic Times Brand Equityranked Tata Salt as the "Most Trusted Food Brand" and seventh "Most Trusted Brand" overall in its 2009 "Most Trusted Brands" survey.[1] Tata Salt has been ranked the most trusted food brand five times since 2004. Advertising[edit] Tata Salt is positioned as the Desh Ka Namak in its various ads. The latest ad for the brand Ghul Mil ad talks about the unity in diversity of India as a nation and how its people blend with each other just the way Tata salt completely dissolves in water, showing that it is a pure salt. price is rs...
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...Oyster Mushrooms the Easy Way Welcome to my super easy guide to growing oyster mushrooms. I want to thank you for letting me be your source of knowledge on mushroom cultivation and hope you enjoy the simplicity of this method. These instructions are designed for a beginner that has interest in mushroom cultivation and has no idea where to start. The purpose of this document is to give people the step by step info they need to grow their own supply of edible mushrooms quickly and easily. With the text and pictures as a reference you should have few failures with this method, if followed to the letter. There are times of the year that failure will hit harder than others. Most failures will happen in the spring, summer, and fall. These times of the year have higher concentrations of airborne contaminants. There are many things you will need to complete this project and item’s needed will be listed for each step of the process. It should take you about 1-2 months from start to finish on this project. The reward of delicious edible mushrooms you grow your self is just around the corner. Step 1 Obtain Supplies This is the list of supplies you will need to complete this part of the project. Most of these things can be found at the local grocery store. This is not a complete list of what you will need for the entire project. I will list at the beginning of each section what you will need for each step. This is fine grade vermiculite but, medium and coarse grades will work as well...
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...BẢNG CHỈ SỐ ĐƯỜNG GLYCEMIC INDEX NHÓM BÁNH MÌ GI NHÓM MÌ PASTA GI Bánh mì Pháp 131 Spaghetti, nấu sôi 15 phút 67 Bánh mì lát (wheat, whole meal) 100 Spaghetti, nấu sôi 5 phút 64 Bánh mì lát (wheat, white bread) 100 Macaroni, nấu sôi 5 phút 64 Bánh hắc mạch (rye, whole meal) 89 Pasta, nấu sôi 5 phút 54 Bánh hắc mạch lứt rye whole grain 42 NHÓM CEREAL ĂN SÁNG Bánh mạch (barley, whole meal) 93 Rice Krispies (Kellogg's) 112 Bánh yến mạch lứt (oat, coarse) 93 Puffed rice 132 NHÓM GẠO Puffed wheat 122 Gạo trắng, nấu sôi 14 phút 120 Corn Flakes (Kellogg's) 121 Gạo trắng instant nấu sôi 1 phút 65 40% Bran Flakes 104 Gạo trắng instant nấu sôi 6 phút 121 Weetabix 109 Gạo lứt 81 Shredded Wheat (Nabisco) 97 Cám gạo 31 Muesli 96 NHÓM CEREAL GRAINS Porridge oats 89 Bắp 80 Oat bran 85 Hạt lúa mạch (barley, pearled) 36 Oats, rolled 85 Hạt kê (millet) 103 Oatmeal, long cooking 49 Kiều mạch (buckwheat) 78 NHÓM ĐẬU (LEGUMES) Hạt lúa mạch đen (rye kernels) 47 Baked beans, canned 70 Hạt lúa mì 63 Black eyed peas 33 NHÓM RAU CỦ Butter beans 46 Beets 64 Chickpeas, dried 47 Carrot 92 Chickpeas, canned 60 Parsnip 97 Garbanzo beans 61 Potato, instant 120 Green peas, dried 50 Potato, peeled, sliced, microwaed 117 Green peas, frozen 65 Potato, mashed 98 Kidney beans, dried 43 Potato, white, boiled 80 Kidney beans, canned 74 Potato,russet, baked 116 Lentils, green, dried 33 Sweet potato 59 Lentils, green, canned 74 Yam 62 Lima beans 36 NHÓM...
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...A Term Paper On Problems of Entrepreneurial Development In Salt Industries of Khulna City Course Title: Field Work of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Course No: BA-3242 Submitted to Md. Mizanur Rahman Associate Professor Submitted by S.M. Arifuzzaman MD. Romel Rana S.M. Amir Khasru Sayeda Rebeka Sultana Nasruma Afrin Jhumu ID # 020303 ID # 020327 ID # 020331 ID # 020334 ID # 020337 Business Administration Discipline Khulna University Khulna. October 20, 2005 Letter of Transmittal October 20, 2005. To Md. Mizanur Rahman Associate professor Business Administration Discipline Khulna University Khulna-9208 Dear Sir, It provides us enormous pleasure to submit the report on “Problems of Entrepreneurial Development in Salt Industries of Khulna City”, which was assigned us on September 13, 2005 as a part of our course requirement. We convey our best tribute and thanks to you for providing us the opportunity to prepare this report and undergo such a valuable practical experience. We tried our level best to satisfy the purpose of the report and finally became successful to place our hard work ahead of you. If you want to know more and ins and outs of the report, we would be gladly available to answer you. Sincerely Yours S.M. Arifuzzaman ID # 020303 Md. Romel Rana ID # 020327 S.M. Amir Khasru ID # 020331 Sayeda Rebeka Sultana ID # 020334 Nasruma Afrin Jhumu ID # 020337 Acknowledgement At the very outset we like to acknowledge...
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...为一种成分或补充各种菜肴而不是作为日常的蔬菜。然而,蘑菇已被作为食物来源的重要性将越来越大,因为他们有一个可喜的味道,质地细腻,足够的蛋白质含量(克里桑和金沙1978年),以及健康的好处(森,1974)。 1965年至1975年期间,(Delcaire1978),蘑菇在一些工业化国家的需求增长了三倍。随着人们越来越富裕,他们的消费增加的蘑菇房。 1977年,在西德的人均总消费的双孢蘑菇的客房,是世界平均水平的12倍左右。希望在不久的将来蘑菇可以广泛种植其他常见的蔬菜。 WHAT ARE MUSHROOMS? Mushrooms belong to the group of organisms known as filamentous fungi. Be-cause all fungi lack chlorophyll, they cannot get their energy, as green plants do, directly from the sun. They must obtain their nutrients from waste products or other living things. The word mush-room may mean different things in various countries. In this article, the com-pound term edible mushrooms refers to both epigeous and hypogeous fruiting bodies of macroscopic fungi that are al-ready commercially cultivated or grown in "half-culture"' processes or grown under controlled conditions. Only about 25 species of more than 2000 edible fungi...
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...African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (14), pp. 3369-3376, 20 July, 2009 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB ISSN 1684–5315 © 2009 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Effect of Bacillus subtilis on the growth and survival rate of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Hadi Zokaei Far1, Che Roos B. Saad1*, Hassan Mohd Daud2, Sharr Azni Harmin1 and Shahram Shakibazadeh1 1 Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, university Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. 2 Accepted 17 March, 2009 The effect of Bacillus subtilis, isolated from digestive tract of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was investigated on growth and survival rate of Litopenaeus vannamei during 60 days of culture. Sixteen aquaria with four replicates were used for treatments and controls. Treatment groups were consisted of ) shrimp fed diet with B. subtilis (T1), and ii) shrimp fed diet mixed with B. subtilis and commercial probiotic (T2). Control groups were consisted of ) shrimp fed diet with commercial probiotic as positive control, and ii) shrimp fed unaltered diet as negative control. Results showed that B. subtilis was proliferated in digestive tract of treated shrimps, and the number of Vibrio spp. was reduced in digestive tract during the cultural period. Survival rate, 75.5± 4.62 %, and yields of shrimps...
Words: 3477 - Pages: 14
...Contents Executive Summary 2 A-1 Trading Company 3 Global production of beans that our company export 4 Importing Countries 5 Exporting Countries 6 Production of Myanmar 6 Export of Myanmar 7 Vision of the A-1 Trading Company 7 Mission of the A-1 Trading Company 7 Cross-cultural business between Myanmar and India 8 Information about India 9 Absolute advantage of the company 10 Addressing international trade to expand our company 11 Attracting FDI to fund and expand our company 12 Taking advantage on International Opportunities 13 Benefits to consumers 13 Strategies 14 Corporate Strategy 14 Business Strategy 14 Distribution Channel 15 Markets and Segments 16 Customer Segmentation 17 Customer Value Proposition 17 Conclusion 19 Executive Summary The purpose of this assignment is to develop a business strategy for our company, A1 Company Limited. Our company export beans and pulses to India and planning to attract FDI on strategic assets of company to produce value added products made of bean. In this report includes business relationship between Myanmar and India, the advantages we currently have and opportunities for entering other international markets. Also, our marketing plan of targeting customer segments, our company value to customers and our plans to help our suppliers with sophisticated technologies which will be a great help in improving the quality of our products. Finally, our future plan for producing value added products...
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