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Education for All


Submitted By kleboeuf
Words 817
Pages 4
Education for All

It is amazing to see how much of Benjamin Franklin’s ideas came to fruition in today’s public education curriculum. For instance Benjamin Franklin wrote that the following should be taught, “Arithmetick, Accounts, and some of the first Principles of Geometry and Astronomy” (Proposals, 1931). The education system has aged and there are certainly some changes needed. For my children I want a classroom which is not oriented toward one style of learner but for all three learning styles: kinesthetic, visual and auditory. I would also implement a more aggressive focus on Math, Sciences and mandatory learning of a second language in my child’s education.
Integration of all three learning styles in a classroom will allow for more students to not be left behind or deemed slow. I can attest to this as I always struggled with paying attention, staying on task, and grasping subject matter. Often frustrated with myself I did not know why it was so difficult for me to learn. I discovered that I was a visual learner and soon realized that I had been going to school in predominately auditory learning oriented schools my whole life. No matter how hard I tried I found it difficult to pay attention to lectures and instruction. Implementing the three learning elements into the classroom will help those students who would normally be forced to learn outside of their learning style. “More often than you may like, you will run into courses where the teaching is at odds with your preferred learning style” (Steltenpohl, Shipton, & Villnes, 2004). I do not want my child to encounter the same learning hurdles I did in regards to learning style confliction.
I would also call on a more aggressive curriculum focusing on Math, Sciences as well as a second language as these areas will be the most transferable in a global market. I feel that our

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