...effective, but they also reward workers with prestige, recognition, appreciation and financial gain. There is no doubt that good educational preparation immensely affects nurses’ competencies in rendering quality patient care. The benefit of acquiring the latest trends and knowledge in healthcare delivery through advancement in education is without any question. The two levels of Nursing education currently are Associate Degree in Nursing (AND) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing which are offered in Community Colleges and Universities, respectively. Nurses who completed either of these programs take the same nursing qualifying examination to practice nursing in each respective state. Moore (2009) stated that the most basic difference between the two nursing programs is that the ADN has 72 credits units while the BSN has 125 credit units which include subjects in research and statistics. What about their difference in the clinical practice as staff nurse? Differences in Competencies between Nurses Based on Degree Level the Nursing education of today has two educational levels: the associate level of nursing education which is considered the technical level of nursing. This is a two year educational program offered in the community colleges and the curriculum focuses on the clinical-technical skills of nursing care. The baccalaureate level of nursing education is considered the professional level...
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...Competency Differences of ADN and BSN Graduates Virginia Tanner Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V January 10, 2016 Controversy over the entry level educational requirements to the nursing profession has been on-going since the inception of the two-year degree program by Mildred Montag in 1952. This educational model was meant to be a temporary solution to a critical nursing shortage post WWII but became a mainstay of nursing education to present day. Therefore, the debate between various state educational programs, nursing organizations, and other interest groups has continued for over half a century without formal resolution (Mahaffey, E. 2002). Additionally the reality that both associate degree (ADN) and baccalaureate degree (BSN) prepared nurses gain the title of RN by passing the same board examination only increases the confusion surrounding these two program levels of nursing education. Examination of these different educational preparation pathways in the level of nurses’ competencies requires discussion for the nursing profession to evolve while continuing to utilize both ADN and BSN prepared nurses. The primary educational focus for an ADN is hands-on bedside care of patients. The BSN educational focus encompasses the ADN model along with public and community health care, and leadership development within the nursing field. The different degree levels is advantageous because ADN programs provide a population source for BSN programs. Associate program graduates...
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...Educational Preparation Differences between Associates Degree versus Baccalaureate Degree Grand Canyon University: Professional Dynamics NRS 430V September 07, 2013 Educational Preparation Differences between Associates Degree versus Baccalaureate Degree Degree Nursing When working in a hospital setting one is unable to identify the difference between a nurse with a two year degree (AD) and one with a 4 year degree (BSN). The clinical and technical expertise of the AD and the BS nurses at the bedside are indistinguishable. There are noticeable differences for the nurses in administrative, managerial and educational positions. The competencies of the AD nurse versus BS nurse will be discussed in the following paragraphs (Moore, 2009). There have been discussions for years over the education required for professional (registered) nursing practice. The National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) is the organization that sets the standards determining what is required to license registered nurses and practical nurses. This test is called the NCSBN Nursing Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). By using computerized based information, it measures the candidate’s knowledge and skills (Friberg, 2011). The educational requirements are different for each program of study. The AD Nursing program is generally considered a two-year degree from a community college. It is based upon the associate degree requirements focused on...
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...Educational Preparation Esther Ugwu Grand Canyon University: NRS 430V November 9, 2014. Educational preparation In a real life setting, one determines the level of education he wants to get in life. Having this in mind helps prepare the individual to choose a profession that will help over the course of life. To choose this profession, one has to determine what his educational goals are as this will help you follow the necessary path required in the completion of this goals of attaining a higher level of education. I remember growing as a child has had in mind to have a career that I will be happy practicing and also enjoy doing every single task involve in the profession. This actually paved way for me because it made see realize the areas am going to be good at and well know the potentials I possess as an individual. This insight helped me to purse nursing career because I have seen myself possess most of the qualities of a nurse as per the definition of nursing. The definition of nursing by ANA is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and population. Differences in Competencies between AND and BSN Nurses The difference in competencies is that BSN prepared nurses possess high level of education in nursing which allows the opportunity to assume a...
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...Educational Preparation Grand Canyon University Professional Dynamics NRS-430V Educational Preparation Looking back at the history of nursing starting in the 1950’s entry-level baccalaureate-degree nursing (BSN) programs was offered in colleges. These programs were a crucial part of the development of the advanced nursing educational program. After the war there was a shortage of nurses and the associate-degree level of nursing (ADN) programs were developed to help with this shortage in a quicker time frame. Both of these nursing programs were important at that time in history and still have their roles in society today (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). There are differences in the educational competencies for ADN nurses compared to those educated at the BSN level. One such difference is the leadership and management positions held in nursing thought by many to be primarily the role of the nurse with a BSN not an ADN degree. There has been quite a lot of debate on this topic over the years and there continues to be a need for clarification of the different roles of the ADN versus the BSN nurse (Schank & Stollenwerk, 1988). Chamings and Teevon (1979) found while asking nurse educators that differences in the competencies of nurses remained undetermined, while there were defined differences in expectations. It is understandable that an ADN or BSN graduate needs to be able to go into the workforce knowing their skills and being able to apply that knowledge to meet...
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...Nursing Competencies by Educational Preparation Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V November 18th 2012 Nursing Competencies by Educational Preparation Who is more competent and can be referred to as the professional nurse? There are three entry-level educational programs available for nurses: The Diploma, Associate, and the Baccalaureate degree programs. All three nursing programs leads to registered nurse licensure and entry positions as nurses. The differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level (ADN) versus nurses prepared at the baccalaureate-degree (BSN) level in nursing can never be over emphasized. There seems to be various rising controversies in the nursing profession regarding which of these degree levels in nursing is a better choice as an entry level into the profession of nursing taking into consideration how nursing care may differ based upon the educational preparation of the nurse. Issues related to technical nursing versus professional nursing titles and roles and differentiated roles have been divisive for the nursing profession. In 1892, The national League for nursing (NLN) approved the document Position Statement on Nursing Roles-Scope and preparation, which stated that “professional nursing practice requires the minimum of a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing”. “Preparation for technical nursing practice requires an associate degree or a diploma in...
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...EDUCATIONAL PREPARATION AHMED CHAM THERESA GAITHER NRS-430V PROFESSIONAL DYNAMICS 06/07/2015 EDUCATIONAL PREPARATION The history of nursing education dates back a century ago. Nursing education has evolved all these years and courses and programs have been adapted to meet the growing demands for nurses. The topic the author is writing on is educational preparation and will further discuss the competencies between nurses prepared at the Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN) and Bachelor of science in Nursing (BSN) levels and identify patient care situation where the approach to decision making or skill differs between the two levels. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish nurses who holds BSN to the ADN. The author’s position here is that there are differences between ADN and BSN graduates in terms of education, training and competencies (Cherry & Jacob, 2010, p. 60-62). The BSN degree is different from the ADN in several ways. The BSN was established before the ADN. In 1909 the University of Minnesota started the first BSN program in nursing in the United States. It was not until the after the second world war that this program gained momentum. Due to a growing shortage of RNs and social, political and educational reforms in society in the 1950s, the ADN emerged as another program in nursing education for community colleges. This program became very popular (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 25-26). The BSN started as 5years program. However, most BSN programs...
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...Competency Differences Between RNs Prepared at ADN Versus BSN Level Grand Canyon: Professional Dynamics NRS-430V January 4, 2013 Competency Differences Between RNs Prepared at ADN Versus BSN Level Nursing education in the United States offers many levels of competency falling under the licensed title of registered nurse (RN). These levels offered in a continuum, begin with nursing as a vocation in the form of licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) followed by an associate degree (ADN), baccalaureate of science degree (BSN), masters of science degree (MSN) and doctorate. All have curriculums that build upon the previous designation in hopes of creating a highly sophisticated nursing profession geared toward handling an evolving healthcare system of diverse populations, technical advances and outcomes. This paper will focus on comparing the competencies between the ADN versus BSN education in order to highlight the need to pursue a BSN level of education. Research conducted by Poster et al. (2005) notes differing curriculum for each type of nursing program produces a difference in entry-level postgraduate competencies within clinical behavior, judgments and knowledge base. These differences according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2005) are largely in the “research, theory, public and community health, management, and humanities (AACN, 2005). The associate degree education was a response to...
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...Educational Preparedness: The Differences Between Associate-Degree and Baccalaureate-Degree Nursing Competencies Starting as a profession that was reserved for the bottommost members of the social order, nursing has risen to the stature of an exceedingly regarded profession. There is an intertwining connection between the increasing regard for the nursing profession and the quality of education required of nurses. In the early nineteenth century there was no formal education required or provided for nurses and the profession was considered one for the “undesirables” (Canyon Connect Timeline, 2013). Since the establishment of nursing schools, graduate nurses, and a registry for educated nurses, the nursing profession has become one of the most respected professions of all. Currently in the United States, to become a registered nurse, one must complete one of three different types of formal education followed by the completion of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) with a score of passing. These three types of formal education are baccalaureate-degree nursing (BSN), associate-degree nursing (ADN), and the diploma in nursing. Curriculum standards for all three types of formal education are set and regulated by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Although curriculums vary between the three, the standards set are equivalent for all, requiring education and training of elementary nursing...
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...Running Head: DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES BETWEEN ADN VS BSN 1 Educational Preparation: Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at Associates-Degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level in Nursing Jenny Curie Grand Canyon University NRS-430V Tara Harris February 10, 2013 DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES BETWEEN ADN VS BSN 2 Competency is defined as the quality of being competent. To be competent one must possess required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity. The profession of nursing requires a skillset and knowledge base that is specific to its kind. There are many options in one’s educational journey to obtain a nursing degree. Nursing is the largest health care profession in our society today with three million registered nurses nationwide (AACN, Nursing Workforce). Along with the growing profession and the ever growing need for quality health care the debate over what qualifies a nurse to be skillful and competent in her profession and what type of education is required is at the for front. What are the differences in competency between a nurse with an associates degree and one holding a baccalaureate degree? Of the three million registered nurses nationwide 50% of those hold a baccalaureate degree while 36.1% have an associates degree, and 13% a diploma (AACN, Nursing Workforce). The quality in which we provide patient care and the need for those in this field to obtain higher levels of education...
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...April 21, 2016 Chris Bartholomew Educational Preparation As early as the 1950’s, the ongoing debate regarding nursing education in the United States has been whether a minimal entry-level requirement is needed. If graduates from an associates and baccalaureate program are similarly compatible in theoretical knowledge and clinical practice, what then are the differences? Multiple studies have been conducted on the topic of nursing education, and organizations such as the National League for Nursing (NLN) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) stand firm on the need for higher educational standards for nurses in all practice settings, and emphasize the baccalaureate degree as the minimal entry level for ‘professional’ nursing practice (Giger & Davidhizar, 1990). The following essay will discuss the differences in knowledge base and competencies between the associate-degree and the baccalaureate-degree nurse clinician. Historically there have been three routes of entry into the field of nursing. For the purposes of this paper, we will focus on the associates program traditionally offered at community colleges, and the baccalaureate program taught at the university level. Graduates from both of these programs sit for the same (NCLEX-RN) National Council Licensure Examination (AACN, 2015). Course study in an associate’s degree program usually includes nursing fundamentals and clinical care across the lifespan, but their main educational focus revolves around clinical skills...
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...Competency Differences Between RNs Prepared at ADN Versus BSN Level Grand Canyon: Professional Dynamics NRS-430V January 4, 2013 Competency Differences Between RNs Prepared at ADN Versus BSN Level Nursing education in the United States offers many levels of competency falling under the licensed title of registered nurse (RN). These levels offered in a continuum, begin with nursing as a vocation in the form of licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) followed by an associate degree (ADN), baccalaureate of science degree (BSN), masters of science degree (MSN) and doctorate. All have curriculums that build upon the previous designation in hopes of creating a highly sophisticated nursing profession geared toward handling an evolving healthcare system of diverse populations, technical advances and outcomes. This paper will focus on comparing the competencies between the ADN versus BSN education in order to highlight the need to pursue a BSN level of education. Research conducted by Poster et al. (2005) notes differing curriculum for each type of nursing program produces a difference in entry-level postgraduate competencies within clinical behavior, judgments and knowledge base. These differences according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2005) are largely in the “research, theory, public and community health, management, and humanities (AACN, 2005). The associate degree education was a response to...
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...Educational Preparation Michelle Holmes Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional Dynamics October 27, 2013 Educational Preparation Although there are differences in competencies between nurses prepared at an Associate-degree versus the Baccalaureate-degree level in nursing, they are slight. As I started my nursing career as an Associate-Degree Nurse (ADN), I felt inferior to my colleagues whom possessed their Baccalaureate-degree. That inferiority faded fast, as I saw that what an ADN and BSN did in my particular specialty was just the same. There were more similarities than differences. The similarities in competencies I found were, that both were required to pass the same NCLEX exam that is needed to possess the required license to practice nursing. There are no differences shown is regards to the legal scope of practice between an associate degree–prepared and baccalaureate-degree prepared nurses; for they are earn the same license upon passing testing from state boards. Although the required testing does not attest for differences between graduates of different programs, it does test for the technical competency that’s required for safe entry into basic nursing practice for both degrees. Secondly, by definition, the act of nursing for both is the same, ‘the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in...
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...A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE PHILIPPINES AND U.S.A. B.S. NURSING CURRICULUM In Partial Fulfilment of The Final requirements for the Subject CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT ________________________________________ Prepared and Submitted by: ROTSEN J. JAMBONGANA, RN CHARMAINE S. DACLES, RN ANA TESSA SOLIGUEN, RN STEPHANIE VARELA, RN TRACY SARMIENTO, RN MICHELLE CAñA, RN PEARL DOLALAS, RN ________________________________________ Respectfully Submitted to: MRS. MERLE SALVANI, MN Professor MASTER IN NURSING University of St. La Salle March 2011 Abstract At the undergraduate level, individual college and university administrations and faculties sometimes mandate core curricula, especially in the liberal arts. But because of increasing specialization and depth in the student's major field of study, a typical core curriculum in higher education mandates a far smaller proportion of a student's course work than a high school or elementary school core curriculum prescribes. In the United States, most control over education rests with the various state governments. Each state has different laws and objectives for education, but the states generally permit schools and colleges to operate with considerable independence and autonomy. As a result, American educational institutions can vary widely in the type and quality of their programs. To maintain consistent standards of education, the U.S. Department of Education officially recognizes private accrediting agencies...
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...Differences in Competencies, ADN v. BSN Jett Jordan-Woodbury Grand Canyon University RN-BSN NRS 430v: Professional Dynamics Linda Permoda May 11, 2012 Difference in Competencies Between an Associate Degree and a Bachelor Degree Nurse While an Associate Degree Nurse, also known as an ADN, and Bachelor of Science in nursing nurse, also known as a BSN, are given the same preliminary education relating to patient treatment, there are notable differences in their professional and educational preparation, as well as their competencies. These two degrees have different levels of patient interaction and contact, as well as job expectations. ADN and BSN programs focus on different aspects and angles of education and job focus that all ultimately lead to taking optimal care of the patient. This paper compares the differences between those two areas and how important it is for these two degrees to work together as a team to provide the best possible outcome for all patients and nurses involved. This paper will touch on the differences between the educational levels and focuses, the clinical competencies, and the job expectations of the ADN and the BSN. Educational Competencies and Job Expectations The educational levels of the ADN and the BSN differ drastically, they can last anywhere from two to four years in length and focus on many different aspects of the nursing profession, but they all are geared toward the same outcome, optimal care of the patient. In the two year...
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