...Slaughterhouse-Five and Flatland Following in the footsteps of many science-fiction authors that came before them, both Kurt Vonnegut and Edwin A. Abbott employ the use of other dimensional creatures in order to teach the reader a lesson about society. In Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five and Abbott’s Flatland, the authors provide the reader with hope that maybe ignorance and immorality can be abolished and that it is possible for a society to exist without these concepts, before ultimately disillusioning the reader and showing them that it is impossible for a society to exist without this, even in other dimensions. In Flatland this is shown through the sphere who, even as the prophet of the third dimension, cannot comprehend the concept of a fourth dimension. In Slaughterhouse-Five this is shown through the Tralfamadorians who, even as supremely intelligent fourth-dimensional creatures, cannot understand the idea of morality, and are more ignorant than any human being has ever been. By showing how creatures can have such a high level of ignorance and such little morality, the authors are trying to teach a lesson to the human race; ignorance and immorality will never stop occurring, as they are the inevitable fate of mankind. In the novel Flatland, Edwin A. Abbot gives the reader a glimpse into the eyes of a two-dimensional creature who must learn a lesson about the third dimension. A three-dimensional sphere ascends from space and attempts to teach the two-dimensional square...
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