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Effect Of Hubble's Influence On Our Modern Cosmology

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One of the greatest discoveries made in the field of discovery is the expanding of universe. The expanding of universe gave a major impact on how our modern cosmology is being viewed and how it works today. It became the cosmology’s main observational basis. Based on Kagh and Smith’s journal, according to writer John Gribbin, “The discovery of the century, in cosmology at least, was without doubt the dramatic discovery made by Hubble, confirmed by Einstein’s equation, that the Universe is not eternal, static, and unchanging”.
There has been a lot of debate of who should be credited for the discovery or prediction of the expanding universe. There is Alexander A. Friedmann, a Russian physicist and mathematician who suggested an …show more content…
He gained access to the largest telescope in the world, wherein he used to study the nebulae. According to Smith (1990) Hubble was deeply influenced in the 1920s by the evolutionary scheme of James Jean, who explained the forms of nebulae in terms of the development of a single basic type, initially formed from a huge cloud of nebulous material that was gradually converted into stars from the outer regions inward. Hubble was able to detect what he thought and what other astronomers thought was a smoky and cloudy substance in space as stars. By measuring the shifting of the stars in brightness could give its absolute brightness, and then comparing it to a star’s apparent brightness would give a measurement of the star’s distance. Hubble was able to solve the Cepheid variable in the Andromeda Nebula (Freedman, 2003). He was able to see that the smoky substance or the gas clouds in space are actually a separate galaxy within the Milky Way. Discovering such objects, Hubble continues to measure the distances of the astronomical objects around the Milky Way and astronomical objects away from it that would probably lead to more discoveries. According to Smith (1990) Hubble was always careful in print to avoid definitely interpreting the redshifts as Doppler shifts. Eddington and others combined the calculation of Lemaitre and other theorist with Hubble’s observations about the redshift-distance …show more content…
Hubble changed how the astronomers and theorists perceived about the universe. They believed Einstein’s theory about the universe which is static infinite wherein the space is neither expanding nor contracting. Through Hubble’s theory it was proved that the universe was actually expanding. He was able to proof that the gas like smokes was actually a collection of gigantic stars, gas and dust- galaxies beyond our own (Smith, 1990). In 1970’s Hubble’s law and theories about the expanding of universe had become a standard fare in the astronomy textbooks and popular works (Kagh et. al. 2003). After discovering the expanding of universe many astronomers had been paying attention and studying the theory as well. They were able to see that during Hubble’s time the universe was actually expanding in a slower rate compared to today and they concluded that it might because of the gravity of matter in space. As time progresses they were able to notice that the universe in not actually expanding at a slower rate due to gravity, but rather it was accelerating in a way that they cannot explain. The unknown force that is accelerating the expansion is now being known as the dark energy, and up until today it is still a great mystery on why it is

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