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School House Costumes

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Hello and greetings from Iceland.

I am here to show you why I will be a excellent addition to your school and costume design course.
For as long as I can remember I have been drawing clothing and costumes for me, my people or characters. I have a strong conviction that when a person is wathching a film, tv show or in theater, they will connect with the character not only threw the actor but the costume as well. The actor can only portray the character to the audience when the costume gives him or her the power to become that person in the story. The costume designer is a big part of the setting of the story, to give the actor and the story line the power to move the audience and keep them there in the moment of wonder, amazement and to give …show more content…
The genre is most often historic, fantasy, fairy tales and science fiction were the costumes are more pronounced there then in our normal life. When it comes to books I start by imagening what they would be wearing so I can connect to the character and their surroundings more. And often I read the books again and the love affair with them gets more elaborated since their clothing get more complex in design in my head.
The history seeker in me loves to go to museums and look at historic relics. How people use to live, dress and act. I simply love going to art museums and look at the paintings and see how elegant the clothing was, how creative the fabric and clothing were and how the fashion evolved. I dont even know how many pictures I have taken of costumes, paintings or relics in museums or the ones I have found online, I have many folders of them. I use them to get ideas and to help me understand how clothing were back in the day.
When it comes to making clothes for me or people around me I use patterns, alter the patterns so the clothing will fit me or the person, take old clothes and cut them down and make patterns from them or simply draw up a design and find a way to make it so the piece will fit and flatter the outlines of the body and the

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