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Jessica Smith Case

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I am writing in regards to a mutual client Jessica Smith. Jessica is a fifteen year old, Caucasian female. Jessica resides with her mother, father, and brother. She is a successful, popular student and an athletic cheerleader. She reports having a concern about her appearance in her cheerleading costume. Jessica also conveys information regarding how much pressure she feels at home due to her brother choosing not to attend college. Jessica has been referred to the Sprucewood Mental Health Center because her mother discovered her in the bathroom throwing up a meal she had previously eaten. Jessica’s behaviors can be best described using the developmental theory.
The developmental theory is based on the stages one goes through throughout the …show more content…
This perspective does not touch upon the environmental factors in an individual’s life. The political, cultural, or economic environment could be having an effect on Jessica but due to this certain theory, the environmental aspect is not a concern. Also, the developmental perspective did not touch upon issues of diversity or power originally. There are a variety of different individuals in this world today who are believed to all have equal power which in reality is not true. Using this theory, I was unable to look into the complexity diversity or power has on Jessica. Also, as we know, all individuals do not grow, mature, and reach developmental milestones at the same time. This theory forces us to put an individual in a certain category based on their age, which in reality could be completely off. In Jessica’s case, she is identifying with the stage her age is putting her in. I could be missing other factors that are currently happening in her life now because those factors are found in different Erikson stages, a stage that does not associate with Jessica’s …show more content…
I planned according to the fact that she is an adolescent, fifteen years of age, and that she is suffering from the eating disorder bulimia. From the theory I chose to use, I am aware that human development is a complex interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors. Based on this information, I plan to pull in a team of people to assist Jessica in her recovery. Jessica’s primary care physician will be apart of her team to assist with the physical portion. She will also be able to educate Jessica, and the rest of her team on the possible medical risks she is putting herself in by engaging in the behaviors she is. These medical risks include acid reflux disorder or other gastro issues, inflamed and sore throats, severe dehydration, swollen salivary glands, and intestinal distress (National Institute of Mental Health, 2016). A psychiatrist will also be apart of her team to better analyze the psychological piece including her self-image. For the social piece I feel her friends and family support will be very beneficial to have on board. I plan to be cautious when inviting her friends and family into the intervention due to the fact that some of the problems Jessica is facing are stemming from certain members of her friends and family. I of course will be overseeing and facilitating all of this and ensuring Jessica is getting the support and services

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