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Adolf Hitler's Role In The Holocaust

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Michael Davis

Carcamo 2A

English 3


The Dog Days

When you hear the word holocaust what comes to mind? The death of almost an entire race? The evil Adolf Hitler and his thousands of soldiers? Adolf Hitler , Auschwitz, and The U.S army are key in the holocaust. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi group from 1934 to 1945. He started World War II and overlooked fascist policies that resulted in millions of deaths “Adolf Hitler”. Born in Austria in 1889, Adolf rose to power in politics as leader of the (NSG) National Socialist German Workers aka the Nazi Hitler was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as dictator from 1934 to 1945. He is the main man to blame for World War II and the Holocaust. Hitler committed suicide …show more content…
Out of cash, he moved into a homeless shelter, where he stayed for multiple years “Adolf Hitler”. Hitler later joined the German army even though he was a Austrian citizen. Hitler wasn't always on the front line. He was injured at the Somme, shortly after being injured he was recognized for being loyal Hitler received the Black wound badge “Adolf Hitler”. In 1923 Hitler and General Ludendorff attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich. Hitler was later sentenced to five years in prison at the Landsberg fortress “Wistrich”. Hitler ended up serving only 9 months behind bars. On January 1925 the ban on the Nazi Party was removed and Hitler was giving permission to speak in public again. Even with the Nazi Party winning only twelve seats in the 1928 elections, the beginning of the Great Depression with its traumatizing effects on the middle class people helped Hitler to win over all those strata in Germany who felt their economic existence was at stake “Wistrich”. In 1929 Hitler and the Nazis were doing way better than most of the political groups. In the 1930 elections the Nazi vote jumped shockenily from 810,000 to 6,409,000 receiving 107 seats in

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