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Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative

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Ronald Reagan was a tactical man; he led the way to the ultimate demise of communism in the Soviet Union. No blood was shed in the cold war and that was because of his genius thinking and unique leadership. Ronald Reagan and his policies led to the major collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan killed their economy while simultaneously building up his own nations defense system. Reagan ideas that the Soviet Union had a dangerous military system and a collapsing economy did not stem from any intense, extensive knowledge on the Soviet Union. His lack of knowledge did not stop him from taking the steps he took to rise above the Union. His thoughts towards the soviets were inscribed in his policies towards the Soviets. The Soviet leadership avoided serious economic changes due to the inflated oil prices in the 1970s. …show more content…
His enormous spending on the defense system and their massive projects simply led to more of a hole for the economy of the United States. One major program that fits into this category is the “Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)” or otherwise known as “Star Wars”, like star wars it was almost completely fantasy. It was a trillion dollar program that was designed to target and destroy attacking missiles. The fantasy of the Strategic Defense System fell through and never came to life. The price tag on the Star Wars system scared many of Americans. The fears of many Americans did not stop Reagan from imposing and funding nuclear weapons and defense systems. The ramifications of ignoring these millions of Americans could have been great, so Reagan attempted to instill a new foreign policy with the Soviet Union. The Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, or START, was created to limit the Soviet Union’s construction of nuclear arms, but allow the United States to continue their nuclear construction. The leaders of the Soviet Union were no idiots. They of course ignored

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