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Five Things You Should Know About Medical Malpractice

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Five Things You Should Know About Medical Malpractice

The term “medical malpractice” is a big one that you may have heard thrown around a lot in TV shows, movies, or even around your hospital. Whether or not you knew the term before, the truth is that you should not take the matter of medical malpractice lightly; after all, it may have happened to you. So how do you know what malpractice is, and how it affects you personally? How can you know if you have been a victim? Keep reading for five things that you really should know about malpractice. Thing #1: What, in Fact, Medical Malpractice Is

Before you rush off to a lawyer and demand financial recompense for every little sniffle that a doctor could not cure, you should learn what medical malpractice really is. Malpractice occurs when the provider for medical services, such as a doctor or surgeon, does not provide care that meets whatever the state has declared as the “standard of care.” This happens when a patient actually suffers further illness or physical harm due to the neglect of the doctor, surgeon, nurse, or even medical institution. …show more content…
You will have to consult with lawyers and other doctors to determine if you do have a malpractice case.

Thing #3: You Will Need the Word of Another

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