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Brigadier General Skinner's Contributions

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Brigadier General Cortland Skinner served as the last Crown-appointed Attorney General for New Jersey. In July 1776 he organized a provincial regiment known as the New Jersey Volunteers, the largest provincial unit the British raised. Over 3,300 officers and men served in six battalions during the war. They were active in several major campaigns throughout New Jersey and at Monmouth, Savannah, Charleston, King's Mountain, Connecticut Farms and Staten Island. His principal contribution to the British war effort was an extraordinarily productive intelligence network that reported troop movements and political and social activities in New Jersey and in nearby states [Procknow]. Historians estimate 3,500 New Jersey men served in the New Jersey …show more content…
One of these was New Jersey surgeon Abraham Van Buskirk who raised a regiment with Brigadier General Skinner in secret until the British would come. It became ten companies of the 4th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers. Initially, they raided patriot strongholds, took prisoners and collected cattle. The defense of Staten Island in August 1777 was their most difficult battles. Casualties were light and 250 patriots were captured. In January 1780 Van Buskirk's forces surprised and then captured 47 Continental and militia troops with no losses. British officials considered reducing New Jersey Loyalist numbers because they had sustained many losses in other battles and there were too many officers. Then small pox swept through the battalion. Like many American Revolution camps, the British cared for soldiers and their family who followed them to battles . Over 750 officers and men would eventually serve in this unit of the New Jersey Volunteers. ["A History of the 4th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers - Part 1 of 2," The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalists Studies, updated 01 Mar 2000,

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