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Joint Replacement Research Paper

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Joint Replacements
In this modern era of medical science, doctors and surgeons all over the world are constantly progressing with technology; developing new ways to treat medical conditions and improve the overall health of patients. Introduced in 1948, joint replacements became one of the most popular forms of arthroplasty and have since come into widespread use, ranging from the replacements of hips to kneecaps (Bernard, 2010). Since the first use of joint replacements, improvements in surgical materials have greatly increased effectiveness and have become some of the most successful procedures in all of medicine (Foran, 2011).

Metal Alloys
It is known that for a joint replacement to be successful, it has to resist wear and …show more content…
Having a density of 7.75-8.05g/cm3 and a tensile strength of 515-827 MPa, stainless steel is considerably stronger than Titanium and is therefore used for joints that are prone to a lot of usage (Gray, 2012). However, where high strength is not necessary titanium alloys are used to create fibre metal replacements that commonly contain amounts of vanadium and aluminium, such as Ti6Al4V, which are more flexible than the other metals and can work extremely well in parts such as the knee (BoneSmart, 2015). With a lower density of 4.51g/cm3 and an elastic modulus of ~100 GPa, these titanium alloy joint replacements act more like a natural joint and can be found more comfortable (Gray, 2012). Also, being completely non-rust and non-allergic titanium is a good choice for patients concerned about poisoning from metal ions being released (eFunda, …show more content…
The high fracture toughness, high stiffness and excellent size and shape compatibility make these two materials popular options for patients (Bal, 2014). They are suite well to any joint and put at ease the problem of poisoning from the release of metal ions. However, the downfall with the use of ceramic joint replacements is the material’s tendency to crack due to its low toughness and brittle nature, making metal replacements better in this case (Adams,

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