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Effective Communication Escalator

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Effective communication is a leader's critical management tool for inspiring the organization to take responsibility for creating a better future(Hamm, 2006).Building the new identity, the company need through effective internal communication, which can aim for five different main goals in different periods as described in the Communication Escalator(Quirke, 2012). The first goal is creating awareness, which is mainly done through one-way communication. The company via newsletters or e-mail informs information with new identity to employees. The second is creating understanding. The managers can take a presentation to get feedback from employees. This phase let employees understand why the company wants to change the identity. The third goal …show more content…
Understanding the difference between words and meaning is a vital capability for effective communications. Hence, the company should take some campaigns to support the value of new identity. However, It is also important to briefly trace the essential ideas before sharing our point of view (LESZCZYŃSKA and Saglietto, 2014). Hence, the company could hold creative internal-identity campaigns for collecting employees’ opinion when building the new identity. One of the entertaining programs involved pictures of behaviors that employees are invited to judge as “yes or “no”—that is, “in” or “out” of compliance with the company values or behaviors of new identity. These similar campaigns can do once a month, frequent repetition was important in order to reinforce the messages. The change of identity is long time process, according to Quirke (2012)’s communication escalator model, the internal communication of changing could be divided five different phases. In every phase, the company could come up with a very clear milestone with specific delivery dates and clear impacts were set early on, defining the pace and forcing tough decisions throughout the effort in order to deliver on …show more content…
The company builds the new corporate identity, the employees change firstly. Employees’ sense of belonging to the organization does not primarily depend on the quality of their informal and social-emotional interactions with peers and proximate colleagues, but it is related more strongly to their appreciation of the management’s communication (Postmes et al., 2001). Hence, the management level is vital during the transformation. The management layer must know that internal communication is a means to an end, not an end in itself – and part of its rationale is to help turn strategy into action by engaging, informing and directing employees(Quirke,

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