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Eco 9 Research Paper

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Challenge. One word that can bring Eco 9 into view as it stands. In every powerpoint and sheet we are given on the new program, the first thing that always seems to pop up is how much of a challenge it will be. So with this knowledge in hand, it's simple to see why many students would turn away. I, however, do not intend to be one of those students. Instead, I want to come into Eco 9 and give it everything I have to offer, and in turn, Im sure it will give me the same. So with a full understanding that I am not perfect and have things that I need to work on, growth points to help push me forward; here is me trying my hardest to make it into Eco 9.

Now before being asked if I am able to work both independently and/or with a group of peers, the answer to …show more content…
Since it will affect the rest of my life, I need to be able to do well. I don't take it lightly when I either do bad on a test or am late handing something in. Although the latter seems to happen a lot, it will definitely be something that is worked on during my year in Eco 9. Things will not be a repeat of how they were this year, for reasons both educational and personal. It is not something I enjoy doing, as being late on handing in assignments is not a good habit by far. So, instead I will strive to do better, whether that means working on it for an extra two hours at home so that I’m caught up, or not.

Although the above actions stated are not examples of responsible decisions, they are areas where I am aware I need to work on. However, when it comes to making the decisions itself, I can be accountable. For example, just the other day I was invited to a carnival themed event going on by the comp. It was right after school till about 6:00 pm. Instead of going like I would have loved to, I told them I couldn't as I had to many things to do. I gave up what could have been great memories because I knew I had things that needed to get done before I

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