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What Role Do Women Play In Rwanda Genocide

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Nigerian poet Wole Soyinka said, “Given the scale of trauma caused by the genocide, Rwanda has indicated that however thin the hopes of a community can be, a hero that always emerges...Rwanda has risen from the ashes as a model of truth and reconciliation.” The tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 was a mass killing that killed an estimate of 1 million men and women within a time span of 100 days. The two majority groups of Rwanda, Tutsis and Hutu, have always had conflict through the years(Anderson). MORE
Since so many men died from the the genocide, women had to step up and take lead. In the past twenty-three years women have really taken a part in the rebuilding from the genocide. They have also been given more rights to do more things, such as younger girls now get to go to secondary school and do the same things young boys in school would do. Some of the men that were in the Supreme Court were killed, this gave a chance for women to take some of their spots. Today 7 out of the 14 members of the Supreme Court are women(Hunt).
People wanted to feel more protected and secure, so they elected leaders who would protect …show more content…
They started with cleaning up all of the dead bodies that were laying around and stacking them in piles along the streets to be picked up and burned. Along with the bodies laying around, there was no running water, no power, and limited food. Next their next problem was deciding what to do with the killers, who felt bad after this whole tragedy, who had not ran off after the genocide. The final conclusion was that there was nothing they could do since there is so many and the prisons were already overpacked( Lastly they stopped connections with all other countries who didn’t help with stopping the genocide nor help clean them clean up their act. The USA and the Britians refused to send over troops because it was dangerous for them to be in the middle of the

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