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Comparing Pi And Religion

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The view that a person can follow one religion seems obvious and incontrovertible to the pandit, the imam and the priest. Their separate religious beliefs are bound by particular sets of rules and rituals, and they limit themselves to the teachings of their own holy book and traditions.

As their conversation with Pi and his parents makes clear (when they unexpectedly meet on the esplanade one afternoon), each of the religious men finds it normal to exclude faiths other than their own.

They keep to the conversations of their religions, and do not open their minds to the wide vision that Pi has.The “three wise men”( as Pi humourously refers to them) all reveal ignorance about one another’s religions, prejudice and even petty rivalry.

Pi’s parents’ views on religion are also led by convention, but in a different direction: in their minds, religion is old-fashioned and irrelevant, embarrassing even, but they would find it easier to accept Pi’s religious choice if he settled in one, for the superficial reason that it is more “normal”. …show more content…
His reasons for being drawn to religion are partly instinctive: religion makes him happy, and he feels at home in it (particularly Hinduism, the religion he was first exposed to as a baby, and which he loves for its rich mythology, its colourful symbolism, and its festive character0.

Pi feels a spiritual dimension to everything around him, a sense if universal divine as. Christianity’s God, Islam’s Allah, and the many Hindu gods all embody this for him.

It is the values in religion that he seeks, and not any particular dogma. He seeks and finds love, kindness, insight, wisdom, inspiration, humour and strength in all the religions he

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